The Weaponising of VAR and the Flagrant Disregard of Recognised Protocols


Well-known member
What is indisputable is that Celtic are VAR’d to the nth degree. There is ample physical and statistical evidence available to support this assertion. It’s not the technology that is the major problem. It is the way VAR is inconsistently implemented by certain officials, especially when it comes to Celtic.

A case in point was our last visit to Tynecastle. What we all witnessed first hand, was what many believe to be how VAR can be manipulated to suit an agenda. Some call it cheating and corruption in plain sight.

Specifically, what was a yellow card for a raised boot on multiple other occasions in numerous games, became a red card when it came to Celtic. Also, what was an innocuous deflected ball to arm, nothing to see here contact, became a penalty. All determined by Brother Beaton on VAR. This is the same official who regularly socialises along with followers of the liquidated Rangers in loyalist drinking establishments. A conflict of interest I hear many say?

This is the same MIB who will be in control of VAR whilst working in tandem with his fellow brethren, Brother Walsh at the Scottish Cup Final on Saturday. The same MIB Walsh who currently works directly with the Huns youth system. Another direct conflict of interest without doubt if there ever was one, and one that would never happen anywhere else in world football.

As unbelievable as it is, these are the 2 conflicted officials specifically chosen by the inept, (and many would strongly argue), the outgoing and compromised SFA Head of Refereeing, Crawford Allan.

Based on what is clearly evident, I think it’s fair to say, no other football association in world football would condone or allow 2 clearly conflicted officials such as these, to be chosen to officiate at such a prestigious and high profile event.

No wonder Clement is on record at his last press conference waxing lyrical about VAR “will get it right” at the Cup Final. Anyone like to hazard a guess at what he meant by that comment knowing the background of those officiating?

This not a rant. This is an objective and accurate observation of what is happening. It is a realistic portrayal of what constitutes a conflict of interest. And why it should not be allowed to happen in any transparent and fair minded organisation.

We all need to collectively call this out imo. The SFA and their officials need to know in this coming week, we are united in condemning the obvious potential for bias at play here, and the flagrant abuse by those in the SFA of not adhering to fair minded protocols.

I trust you all agree with these sentiments, and I hope every Celtic site gets behind this call for fairness and transparency…
Of all the stuff that's gone on with VAR this season, the biggest incident for me came in the 3-3 game.
Now, with hand balls and apparent fouls in the box, the excuse of how the ref interprets the game can be used.
No one really knows the hand ball rule these days, so it's hard to argue. People grapple in the box all the time, so again, hard to argue....and believe me, the media do argue when these incidents happen to Celtic, always in favour of the MiBs.
The incident I'm talking about though, there was media silence. Not a peep.
AJ made a challenge for the ball against Silva. He knocks the ball away as he falls back. Silva then moves his leg towards AJ and dives, like he's done all match. Beaton must have seen AJ win the ball and rightly booked Silva for diving.
He is then called to the monitor. At the monitor he is repeatedly shown the video of the contact of AJ on Silvas leg. To all intense and purpose, soft as it is, AJ has made contact with Silva so the ref has his reason to award the penalty.
The VAR official never shows AJ make contact with the ball. Not once. Here is a clear and obvious manipulation of VAR in order to award a penalty to Sevco. That isn't an "honest mistake" in any sense of the phrase. That is an official acting in a corrupt manner for the benefit of 1 team.

This act of cheating was proven more so when a few weeks later, in the English prem, the same thing happened, only in reverse. A player runs into box and is brought down. Penalty awarded. VAR then shows the ref the full build up to the penalty award, where he sees the Newcastle player make slight contact with the ball before making contact with his opponent. No penalty.

If Walsh (I believe) would have have played the whole clip, Beaton would have seen AJ win the ball, like he saw in live time and no penalty would have been given. This was collusion between VAR and the MiB, to cheat.
I don't think that the fans can effect change no matter how many Celtic sites join in when the custodians of our great club don't appear to agree or care. If they did then the subject of the mibbery would have been brought up long before now. They are happy to leave us at the back of the bus.
I don't think that the fans can effect change no matter how many Celtic sites join in when the custodians of our great club don't appear to agree or care. If they did then the subject of the mibbery would have been brought up long before now. They are happy to leave us at the back of the bus.

Unfortunately, the clubs position of strength is our weakness in this case. How can we possibly argue that the system is against us when we are so dominant? That's our boards and the media's excuse. Even though they know it themselves.
For whatever reason, our admistrators do not care about what is going on. And yet, our newest rivals follow follow in the same way the previous inhabitants of the Bigotdome and launch huge media campaigns kicking up shit for weeks when small correct decisions rightly go against them.

I don't know how much more oir fans can do as our arrogant board simply ignore this and mock the fans who are outraged at the cheating in plain sight. These are the very same arseholes who deliberately helped cover up the decade plus of cheating by Deadco FC which stole trophies with our club suffering worse than most.

And don't expect any support from the other clubs because they hate the "Old Firm" bias of the refs, SFA & SPFL that clearly favour us and sevco!
Really good points made thier, we can't forget what's happened through out the season and how disgracefully the var officials have used what was supposed to be a device used against errors that aren't picked up by the officials in play ,lubo gave a very good example when silva dived and got a yellow card but the var official showed his leg touch silva leg but not that he got the ball before it,now that Crawford Alan has left the seen I hope things will be different, it's not a coincidence that he left the stage after the hearts controversy, and I must say I think the great work produced by Alan morrison has been has been a big factor in the removal of the head of referring in Scotland, a level playing field hurts no team ours or thiers or any club that's how it should be .
I don't think that the fans can effect change no matter how many Celtic sites join in when the custodians of our great club don't appear to agree or care. If they did then the subject of the mibbery would have been brought up long before now. They are happy to leave us at the back of the bus.

They might be but we’re not.

If enough of us raise our voices, and especially if every Celtic site demands our custodians call out the conflicts at play here they will not be able to ignore matters.

We need to collectively do this, this coming week, to put pressure on the SFA and their corrupt officials ahead of the game, as these 2 Hun acolytes have been specifically chosen to do a number on us. Let’s make no mistake about that…
Of all the stuff that's gone on with VAR this season, the biggest incident for me came in the 3-3 game.
Now, with hand balls and apparent fouls in the box, the excuse of how the ref interprets the game can be used.
No one really knows the hand ball rule these days, so it's hard to argue. People grapple in the box all the time, so again, hard to argue....and believe me, the media do argue when these incidents happen to Celtic, always in favour of the MiBs.
The incident I'm talking about though, there was media silence. Not a peep.
AJ made a challenge for the ball against Silva. He knocks the ball away as he falls back. Silva then moves his leg towards AJ and dives, like he's done all match. Beaton must have seen AJ win the ball and rightly booked Silva for diving.
He is then called to the monitor. At the monitor he is repeatedly shown the video of the contact of AJ on Silvas leg. To all intense and purpose, soft as it is, AJ has made contact with Silva so the ref has his reason to award the penalty.
The VAR official never shows AJ make contact with the ball. Not once. Here is a clear and obvious manipulation of VAR in order to award a penalty to Sevco. That isn't an "honest mistake" in any sense of the phrase. That is an official acting in a corrupt manner for the benefit of 1 team.

This act of cheating was proven more so when a few weeks later, in the English prem, the same thing happened, only in reverse. A player runs into box and is brought down. Penalty awarded. VAR then shows the ref the full build up to the penalty award, where he sees the Newcastle player make slight contact with the ball before making contact with his opponent. No penalty.

If Walsh (I believe) would have have played the whole clip, Beaton would have seen AJ win the ball, like he saw in live time and no penalty would have been given. This was collusion between VAR and the MiB, to cheat.


The weaponising of VAR to suit the Hun agenda in plain sight…
Unfortunately, the clubs position of strength is our weakness in this case. How can we possibly argue that the system is against us when we are so dominant? That's our boards and the media's excuse. Even though they know it themselves.

Now is the time for a few good reasons.

1) The time to do it is when you are in the ascendency as it can’t be seen as sour grapes.
2) These officials have a clear conflict of interest and shouldn’t have been appointed by the SFA due to this being the case. So why ere they?
3) We’re telling the world that recognised established football wide protocols are being disregarded as to how match officials are chosen by the SFA for unexplainable reasons.
4) Highlighting matters will preempt the potential for bias and apply legitimate pressure on the SFA and their selected officials prior to the game as the world will be watching…
Yesterday as Joe was about to take a bye kick 3 or 4 midden players surrounded the ref claiming for a hand ball that obviously wasn't... The ref stopped the quick kick out for VAR to have a look dismissed it and waved play on.. Point being by that time the midden players were all back in position and Celtics chance of a break was thwarted... Its just another way clubs are slowing down the play and cheating the paying public...

And whilst I'm on did the police instruct the 4th offical to tell the ref not to add much injury time yesterday??? 🤔 ... A cop defo spoke to him and a min later the final whistle went..
Of all the stuff that's gone on with VAR this season, the biggest incident for me came in the 3-3 game.
Now, with hand balls and apparent fouls in the box, the excuse of how the ref interprets the game can be used.
No one really knows the hand ball rule these days, so it's hard to argue. People grapple in the box all the time, so again, hard to argue....and believe me, the media do argue when these incidents happen to Celtic, always in favour of the MiBs.
The incident I'm talking about though, there was media silence. Not a peep.
AJ made a challenge for the ball against Silva. He knocks the ball away as he falls back. Silva then moves his leg towards AJ and dives, like he's done all match. Beaton must have seen AJ win the ball and rightly booked Silva for diving.
He is then called to the monitor. At the monitor he is repeatedly shown the video of the contact of AJ on Silvas leg. To all intense and purpose, soft as it is, AJ has made contact with Silva so the ref has his reason to award the penalty.
The VAR official never shows AJ make contact with the ball. Not once. Here is a clear and obvious manipulation of VAR in order to award a penalty to Sevco. That isn't an "honest mistake" in any sense of the phrase. That is an official acting in a corrupt manner for the benefit of 1 team.

This act of cheating was proven more so when a few weeks later, in the English prem, the same thing happened, only in reverse. A player runs into box and is brought down. Penalty awarded. VAR then shows the ref the full build up to the penalty award, where he sees the Newcastle player make slight contact with the ball before making contact with his opponent. No penalty.

If Walsh (I believe) would have have played the whole clip, Beaton would have seen AJ win the ball, like he saw in live time and no penalty would have been given. This was collusion between VAR and the MiB, to cheat.
Same double act for Saturday…