This is the kind of thing we're dealing with and why we can't find clubs to support us.

James Forrest

The Emperor of Ice Cream
Staff member

Aberdeen's bloodless statement on their player losing his red-card appeal tonight is a shining example of what we have to deal with in terms of trying to change the SFA from within; this was screaming out for their questioning the double-standard and pressing home the idea that the "independent panel" is a corrupt joke. Instead, they posted that above; a statement saying absolutely nothing except "We will not comment further."

Absolutely pointless commenting at all if they were just going to squeeze past the elephant in the room.
Pathetic. Hopefully it might spur on a Don or two to join up with those fans at Pittodrie who are already clued up and after reform.
You almost get the impression that from McInnes up at Pittodrie, they don't really want to be the country's main challenger to Celtic. Not enough to actually try and beat Sevco on the park and certainly not at boardroom level with Milne's previous comments.
Aberdeen had the perfect chance to challenge the SFA but didn't. Can we criticise them though ? The Celtic board have had numerous opportunities to pressurise the governing bodies over the years and have not had the cojones to do so.
We have it within our power to thoroughly cleanse this nest of vipers contaminating our sport. Without us they have nothing. We lack the will to do so for various reasons.
The main one being is that our conservative board prefer the status quo and a steady income stream over truth , justice and common decency.
I was told by a Celtic Director that when Celtic made a proposal at SFA or SPFL then it usually failed to get any support except from ICT and sometimes Kilmarnock on commercial issues. This has been going on for a long time. Despite we are the biggest and most successful club, the wee masonic blazers resent us and does result in them failing to give good ideas support. Now is this due to being closet Huns or are the frightened of the Huns.?

There is a suggestion that they also don't support whatever Rangers or Sevco suggest either

There is a patent bias in the governing bodies and in the media both
I have no idea what the solution is, manager's moan and complain but never seem to take it up with their directors to force change/transparency/accountability.

Not since Turnbull Hutton has there been a director that fans could identify with, should a dissenting voice appear they deserve all of our support.

Aberdeen's bloodless statement on their player losing his red-card appeal tonight is a shining example of what we have to deal with in terms of trying to change the SFA from within; this was screaming out for their questioning the double-standard and pressing home the idea that the "independent panel" is a corrupt joke. Instead, they posted that above; a statement saying absolutely nothing except "We will not comment further."

Absolutely pointless commenting at all if they were just going to squeeze past the elephant in the room.

Aberdeen's bloodless statement on their player losing his red-card appeal tonight is a shining example of what we have to deal with in terms of trying to change the SFA from within; this was screaming out for their questioning the double-standard and pressing home the idea that the "independent panel" is a corrupt joke. Instead, they posted that above; a statement saying absolutely nothing except "We will not comment further."

Absolutely pointless commenting at all if they were just going to squeeze past the elephant in the room.
The major problem as i see it is the cosy cushy jobs for the boys in the sfa. How can anyone from any team go up against the sfa and it's corrupt nature when they themselves want to be on that gravy train, eg petrie at hibs. It's a clear conflict of interest and nothing will change unless a clear distinction is made between sfa board members and club chairmen.
Has this new compliance officer/process actually made any decisions that haven’t caused a stir so far!!! If u don’t laugh, you’d cry...
Celtic tried to get control of the SFA board off the blazers There was a split on the Board and votes went 4-4 and Macrae had the casting vote. With Regan and his Deputy off, Celtic pushed Maxwell for the job and when he got it he has a majority supporting him and a moderniser agenda. He has support from Doncaster, Mulraney, Fraser, Noble and Waddell with McRae and Robertson and Petrie as Chair. Now votes in theory should be 5-3.

However, the theory does not seem to work and instead of a Modernising agenda we are getting more of the same

Peter Lawwell told all in his interview with Tom English that these were "good" people and although the so called modernisers are now in control of the Board its been more of the same. Petries hatred of Celtic is if anything worse than ever.

I know it may be early days but Maxwell handling of the child abuse issue was anything but impressive and maybe Celtic have picked the wrong horse here

Aberdeen's bloodless statement on their player losing his red-card appeal tonight is a shining example of what we have to deal with in terms of trying to change the SFA from within; this was screaming out for their questioning the double-standard and pressing home the idea that the "independent panel" is a corrupt joke. Instead, they posted that above; a statement saying absolutely nothing except "We will not comment further."

Absolutely pointless commenting at all if they were just going to squeeze past the elephant in the room.
Turnbull was The Man.

They say it only takes a few good men to change things ... I'd settle for just one more like him. He told it straight that day on the Hampden steps. He was a leader the whole game could have gotten behind.

As video celts just said, amazing that there isn't a voice for the fans, someone all clubs can stand behind,