Truth or Dare ??

Just popped into this post...... it’s a wee bit deep fer me...... I’ll away te naval gaze a wee while..... take a long hard look in the mirror of self analysis.... twist ma wee self inside oot then chuck masel oot the windi
Hahahahahaha I'm as deep as a puddle, GG, but never mind naval gazing (is that no what Otis Redding did when he was sitting on the dock of the bay?) Just wait till we get on the subject of bending spoons and moving inanimate objects using only psychic energy and telekinesis!
Doc, I really don't mean to sound dismissive of psychological study and the many theories contained within (I must emphasise the theory part).

I believe that given the appropriate subject of study, then it can help certain individuals to adopt alternative behaviours which might help them to enhance their standing and become more productive; particularly in the area of sport, where confidence plays such a big part in an athlete's ability to perform at their peak.

However, in everyday terms, there is no application of psychology which can benefit anyone until an event or an incident has occurred or taken place. The predictive rationale found in traditional sciences and conventional medicine are based on thousands of years of study and application and have been honed to reliably predict an outcome.

Psychology is still a relatively new branch of science and while it has carved a nice niche for itself, it is still subject to major scrutiny and questioning due to the vast array of variations in opinion and methodology.

Psychologists appear to be constantly at odds with themselves as they try to redefine behaviour and past theory - there slso seems to be extreme differences in the practical application of psychotherapeutic techniques.

You used an example of an 8-year-old not being invited to a party, but many psychological theorists would suggest that the vast majority of that age group are still very egocentric and not fully in tune with their environment.

I'm not qualified to determine the relevance of that theory, but an adult considering the wealth/happiness balance would have far more understanding of causal effect based on their experiences than an 8-year-old would.

If stress and anxiety are contributing factors to an individual's physical wellbeing, then access to cash riches would enable them to eat a more balanced and organic diet and live in a comfort more attuned to their health needs.

Money and wealth is not a sustainable solution to poor mental health, but a more balanced distribution of resources can be.

Interesting point SP, ah mean ??? mind edwina and her eggs

Yeah i know she wasn’t a shrink but ffs say something one day and there is zero change the next lol.
I would contend that not many people can put themselves into the mind of their 8 year-old self to even think about answering that poser, doc.

I can but i was 10 lol ?

Can’t expect an invite when i leathered the fkr a fortnight before.

Wasn’t bothered. ??

There are things you just accept in life ??

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