Trying to create interest when there is none....

Seems like it's shaping up to be the same ol game being played via the media like last winter break.

Last year it was a mystery Chinese club (honest) who was flashing the cash to get Morelos, now there will be Stevie G ready to start a fight to hold on to his "talisman".

Perhaps Traynor thinks by using Gerrards name that will get other teams to listen and give incentive for them to make large bids for a player who by in large has a temperament problem and goes missing in big games.

I won't be surprised if some lower half English championship club take a punt and buys him. But for a lot less than what it will be reported.

They need to sell him this time, they're up to their knees/necks in it.
Seems like it's shaping up to be the same ol game being played via the media like last winter break.

Last year it was a mystery Chinese club (honest) who was flashing the cash to get Morelos, now there will be Stevie G ready to start a fight to hold on to his "talisman".

Perhaps Traynor thinks by using Gerrards name that will get other teams to listen and give incentive for them to make large bids for a player who by in large has a temperament problem and goes missing in big games.

I won't be surprised if some lower half English championship club take a punt and buys him. But for a lot less than what it will be reported.

They need to sell him this time, they're up to their knees/necks in it.
If he does go the Media will inflate the transfer price.
Whether there's interest or not, sevco have to sell Moreles and probably Tav too to remain financially afloat. With big Mike on the legal warpath and loans to be repaid it's a no-brainer. Moreles' head has already been turned with the Chinese millions debacle anyway and he probably thinks he's too good for a wee diddy club like sevco. Slippy will just find more leftover Liverpool loanees to fill the void, if he's lucky. Mind you, when other teams realise how desperate the Blue Room is for funds then they will tender their offers with confidence that they won't have to pay top dollar before King bites the hand off them.
Seems like it's shaping up to be the same ol game being played via the media like last winter break.

Last year it was a mystery Chinese club (honest) who was flashing the cash to get Morelos, now there will be Stevie G ready to start a fight to hold on to his "talisman".

Perhaps Traynor thinks by using Gerrards name that will get other teams to listen and give incentive for them to make large bids for a player who by in large has a temperament problem and goes missing in big games.

I won't be surprised if some lower half English championship club take a punt and buys him. But for a lot less than what it will be reported.

They need to sell him this time, they're up to their knees/necks in it.

They always seem to pull another few ten bob bits from down the sofa, so, although their accounts are screaming they need to sell, I just can’t see them doing it this window. They are so far behind our depth of quality, even with Moanelos and if they do get the £30m he is obviously worth to balance their books, that’s nearer their debt, with them taking more loans that a Provy man at Christmas. They will be even worse. Toothless, putting second place at risk, never mind their deluded fantasy of 1st.

I think they will struggle on, selling fitba cards and having raffles. I just can’t see them doing it. Rumours of their imminent demise are a daily occurance, but I will be surprised if it happens during Santa’s visiting time. One thing that might be a factor is Solenko or whatever the bellends called. He might be brought in if he goes, they aren’t having both, no matter what pish the Scouser comes out with. Probably.
"Rangers reject 26 million pound offer for Morelos from Athletico Madrid" will be the 1st headline....this will show the hordes that sevco don't need to sell...they don't need the will be the hope that it will get other clubs to have a look, I mean he must be good it Athletico are looking. Athletico tweet....."who the fuck is Morelos" (in spanish)

Next it will be "Mystery middle Eastern club bid of 19 million for Morelos rejected".....notice the price drop. 1st bid was to high. They will drop the fake bid to try draw clubs in. No mention of bidding clubs name.

And finally....on tranfer deadline day. Jim White will sit there in his yellow tie glumly announcing "The mighty, not skint, Glasgow rangers have sold Morelos to Sheffield Wednesday for an undisclosed fee" .....the fee will probably be about 1 and a half million (I'm being generous) but the Zombies mustn't know
It just shows how much they rely on el donkeyo when he can score 16 goals yet they are still behind us in the league. It will be a battle of wills between Slippy and King about whether or not moaning face will be sold and interesting for us to watch how the dynamics work at the midden.
They'll be lucky to top £5 million from him, and 4 of that is for the cocaine package shoved up his colon.

Catch 22 for Jabba is inflating any fee to 'pewer mullyins' that the Huns couldn't knock-back, then tempering the expectations of the drooling sash-monkeys in the marketplace when they sign nobody to replace him.

Enter some apprentice-boy wunderkind from their 'youth-system' that Slippy G thinks is 'the new Robbie Fowler.'