Upcoming November we will remember


From the land of beyond

I watch and shake my head

At those fighting to pay respect to my sacrifice

In the way that they think respect should be paid to the dead.

I’m an unknown soldier killed in a trench somewhere

Bled to death as I watched rats drink from my ebbing earth life.

I died in the hope that all fighting would stop


But war takes many forms

It is not all bullets and shells

It’s not always fought in trenches either

Its most common battlefield is in the heart and minds of men.

In the last few days I have witnessed a battlefield,

I have watched the team I support dragged through the mud

By the mistaken, who have turned what was intended as a show of respect

Into yet another battlefield.

You do not respect me when you wear a poppy

You do not respect me when you have a minute’s silence

You do not respect me when you have a minute’s applause

You do not respect me when you walk out

You especially do not respect me when you try to divide a community
Then a country

With spurious arguments of what constitutes respect

And then broadcast those views to the nation

In radio and newspapers

In a manner and tone that encourages division

Division that becomes a cause of


If you think that all these are respect

You are among the mistaken.

The Poppy, the minute’s silence, the minute’s applause

These are all SYMBOLS

They have become empty symbols

Ditch them in the trench in which I died.

If you want to truly respect me

Remember why I died


It was so that there would be


And let NO MORE WAR break out

In the only battlefield that counts

In each heart and in each mind

If a symbol is needed at all

Find a symbol that unites

Use a symbol for eternity

(For eternity is where I am)

Or even the white poppy for peace

And do not war over which one!

But the best way to remember my sacrifice

Is not through symbols

It’s to cultivate peace in your heart

Your mind and your soul

So that no matter the symbol

No matter how much anyone may turn it to their particular cause

You always and truly respect the sacrifice I made.

So that there will be


credit to a piece on CQN
My question is, why are we discussing this in February🤔
It’s cauld outside but think it’s aboot a Hypocritical Media Poppy versus Taking the Knee.
I too wear the Poppy For my (Grunda) Alex he hated being called the G word.
he took the Troops ashore in his Duck in Normandy. Got through the war without incident almost got shot by an American pilot. Went to A hospital in Scotia Turnberry
And went back to finish the War in Germany we Saw his Duck on a World at war episode it had the Wee Smasher on it it was the Name he called my Mother.
So agree if you choose to wear it and also understand those that don’t.
After all that’s what they were fighting for the Right to have a Choice imo

HH 🙏

From the land of beyond

I watch and shake my head

At those fighting to pay respect to my sacrifice

In the way that they think respect should be paid to the dead.

I’m an unknown soldier killed in a trench somewhere

Bled to death as I watched rats drink from my ebbing earth life.

I died in the hope that all fighting would stop


But war takes many forms

It is not all bullets and shells

It’s not always fought in trenches either

Its most common battlefield is in the heart and minds of men.

In the last few days I have witnessed a battlefield,

I have watched the team I support dragged through the mud

By the mistaken, who have turned what was intended as a show of respect

Into yet another battlefield.

You do not respect me when you wear a poppy

You do not respect me when you have a minute’s silence

You do not respect me when you have a minute’s applause

You do not respect me when you walk out

You especially do not respect me when you try to divide a community
Then a country

With spurious arguments of what constitutes respect

And then broadcast those views to the nation

In radio and newspapers

In a manner and tone that encourages division

Division that becomes a cause of


If you think that all these are respect

You are among the mistaken.

The Poppy, the minute’s silence, the minute’s applause

These are all SYMBOLS

They have become empty symbols

Ditch them in the trench in which I died.

If you want to truly respect me

Remember why I died


It was so that there would be


And let NO MORE WAR break out

In the only battlefield that counts

In each heart and in each mind

If a symbol is needed at all

Find a symbol that unites

Use a symbol for eternity

(For eternity is where I am)

Or even the white poppy for peace

And do not war over which one!

But the best way to remember my sacrifice

Is not through symbols

It’s to cultivate peace in your heart

Your mind and your soul

So that no matter the symbol

No matter how much anyone may turn it to their particular cause

You always and truly respect the sacrifice I made.

So that there will be


credit to a piece on CQN
Great Post Winter

HH 👏🙏 Peace