Cheers fur that , see wastlife are back oan your think they might huv defrosted they bams πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Careful what you wish for
The Westies were the Irish mob in Hell's Kitchen New York. When they killed somebody and 'disappeared' them they would keep the hands, freeze them and then thaw them out at some point to leave fingerprints on weapons, at crime scenes etc. The boys to call if you needed a pair of hands but now consigned to the pages of history or the witness protection program.
Or the 5 way agreement.πŸ€”πŸ˜Š
The Westies were the Irish mob in Hell's Kitchen New York. When they killed somebody and 'disappeared' them they would keep the hands, freeze them and then thaw them out at some point to leave fingerprints on weapons, at crime scenes etc. The boys to call if you needed a pair of hands but now consigned to the pages of history or the witness protection program.
The old gies a haun wi that