We can all use a laugh

Neither do we 😂😂 ,shows that actually make me laugh are few and far between these days
Had the same conversation with the faither in law over xmas.
He was bemoaning the lack of anything funny on telly.
Reciting all the past ' funnies' , some not my cuppa but the 2 Ronnie's, Morecambe and Wise, the programme with the Rev. I.M Jolly, and many more the booze at the time isnt allowing me to access those memories of last week but aye tellys crap.
Had the same conversation with the faither in law over xmas.
He was bemoaning the lack of anything funny on telly.
Reciting all the past ' funnies' , some not my cuppa but the 2 Ronnie's, Morecambe and Wise, the programme with the Rev. I.M Jolly, and many more the booze at the time isnt allowing me to access those memories of last week but aye tellys crap.
The PC bollocks has ruined everything they are so afraid of offending some sensitive wee tadger that it’s all bland,magnolia and vanilla are the order of the day
Pele goes to heaven and is met at the gates by Saint Peter. He is giving him a tour around heaven when Pele notices a game of football going on with Jinky, Cruyff,Maradona, Eusebio and Puskas. He says to SP “ I know all these men ,but who is the player with the dreadlocks?. SP says “ That’s just God, he likes to pretend he’s Henrik Larson 😂
My wife brought Kale into the house one day...she said, it's full of healthy goodness, popped it into the frying pan with butter etc...
I thought, frying pan...ok, might be ok...
FFS, it was like eating seasoned jaggynettles, with the taste removed...fucking horrible stuff...but I recently found this
Stay tuned for more, helpful, handy kitchen hints

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