Weah has arrived

Weah is a breath of fresh air in this old cynical game . His enthusiasm is contagious and despite having opportunities to shoot himself , elects to be unselfish and pass to a team mate .
Fully deserved his goal !
If we have him for only a few months we have to enjoy him as he is what football should be about - playing with a smile on your face !
Young Weah made the difference today. Brilliant first touch and cross to set up Forrest then linked up well and delivered a cool finish to bag the second.

The bhoy certainly looks a player and with both Griff and now Eddy looking at long term spells on the sidelines he and fellow new bhoy Bayo may have take on the responsibility of leading the line for the remainder of the season. Lets hope it's not too much too soon for these bhoys.
It looks like we've won a watch with this lad, lets make the most of him while he's here, he looks like he's really enjoying himself which is great to see, I'm really hoping PSG sign 3 forwards in the summer for selfish reasons, if we could have this lad next season it would help pave the way to 9iar.

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