Kerrydale St platform is run from the USA, which explains a lot.
As a socialist I detest how the richest country in the world has over 30 million people with no heath cover at all.
I simply told them to stop believing their own BS, they are not even in the top standards of living in the world, which proudly belongs to the 3 Scandinavian socialist countries where everybody pay their fair share of tax.
The UN recently published a survey on wealth and taxation.
The 6 richest men in the world doubled their wealth in the last 3yrs by not paying tax & getting governments to bring in laws that restrict unions ability to maintain members standard of living.
When I was a union organizer they brought in laws, not only did the union get heavy fines but so could the individual organizer including jail.
So their anti unions laws have worked again & again.
With the super rich owning the right wing media I don't see it changing soon