when will our board grow a pair! grrrrr!

michael duffy

Well-known member
Ah'm still celebratin an unprecedented treble treble! hic, geeza nurra Stella, but the negative pish in the media is off the scale,not gettin intae the Lenny debate, that's between us fan's,an argument for another day,but there is an insidious attack on our club, orchestrated, i believe,by jabba at the bile drome,no sooner had won the treble treble,the press were full of abuse allegations,msp's lookin fur headlines, hun sycophants,lookin tae score points,
we release a statement,a defensive statement,why are we not on the front phuqin foot,those scum have been coverin abuse for decades,it's phuqin rife through all levels of society, but it's us who are being held to account,the scum at the biledome,with their holier than thou shite,that place is abuse central , covered up for decades,by their institutional "pals" the bbc,aye ,jimmy saville,political parties, aye ted heath,jeremy thorpe,and that fat fat evil evil bastart fae rochdale,cyril phuqin smith, ah'm feckin ragin, so come on board, get on the front phuqin foot and say somethin!
Ah'm still celebratin an unprecedented treble treble! hic, geeza nurra Stella, but the negative pish in the media is off the scale,not gettin intae the Lenny debate, that's between us fan's,an argument for another day,but there is an insidious attack on our club, orchestrated, i believe,by jabba at the bile drome,no sooner had won the treble treble,the press were full of abuse allegations,msp's lookin fur headlines, hun sycophants,lookin tae score points,
we release a statement,a defensive statement,why are we not on the front phuqin foot,those scum have been coverin abuse for decades,it's phuqin rife through all levels of society, but it's us who are being held to account,the scum at the biledome,with their holier than thou shite,that place is abuse central , covered up for decades,by their institutional "pals" the bbc,aye ,jimmy saville,political parties, aye ted heath,jeremy thorpe,and that fat fat evil evil bastart fae rochdale,cyril phuqin smith, ah'm feckin ragin, so come on board, get on the front phuqin foot and say somethin!
This is what hacks me off most about our board Mr Duffy, deafening silence when it comes to matters like this, our club is now under attack from the press, the dead club and also fans of other clubs who will be reading or watching this and jump on the bandwagon, the thing I really liked about the bunnet was that he would have nipped this in the bud, so come on Celtic, release the Feckin lawyers!
This is what hacks me off most about our board Mr Duffy, deafening silence when it comes to matters like this, our club is now under attack from the press, the dead club and also fans of other clubs who will be reading or watching this and jump on the bandwagon, the thing I really liked about the bunnet was that he would have nipped this in the bud, so come on Celtic, release the Feckin lawyers!
feckin hail hail Benignus! us fans fight oor corner,but the board does phuq all! come on!!!!!
There used to be a man/thing/creature that would often condemn the board with a repeated byline of "operating expenses".

He often cited the holes in the club accounts and would question where the money was being funnelled.

I believe that a significant portion of this money is used to retain lawyers and a full investigative team who are gathering and stockpiling evidence to construct a massive legal-bomb which will blow out the foundations of the SFA, shut down several publications, obliterate a few political careers and highlight hypocrisy within the institutes of law and law enforcement.

I can't speak for the endgame strategy, but evidence has to support the evidence that has to support the evidence that has to support the evidence.

Each layer has to be nuanced, watertight and irrefutable.

Each "journslistic" report, each ill-conceived statement, each withering comment, each online/offline remark, each political jab, each ambulance-chasing legal document will be scrutinised, itemised and vaporized.

The victims of horrific crimes are being victimised again and used as bait to hook a big fish in a very small puddle.

When the time to drop the payload comes, a whole slew of media, legal and hun puppets better run for the fallout shelters and hope that they don't choke on their own toxicity.

Beyond that mob's favourite subject, the legal argument will extend to other matters which have affected Our Club.

What we know or think is NOT a legal argument, what we can evidence and prove IS a legal argument.

Smoking guns, spent bullets, bodies on a slab, and cowering persons (peepo) of interest are compelling pieces of evidence.

I'm sure that when the time comes, then those operating expenses might look like a wise investment.
As some of you will know I'm a taxi driver, in the last 6/7 yrs or so huns have stopped asking "whit team dae ye support driver ", its usually Celtic fans that ask these days.

Its almost as if they dont want to talk about football ?..

However in the last 2 weeks I have had 2 different hires ask me the above question turns out they both follow the deed team, now when they got my answer both decided to inform me my club was going bust and oot the game forever, seems as though they believe Celtic will go out the game after paying compensation to the unfortunate victims of the boys club child abuse.

Now without getting into the rights and wrongs of the story ( its on another thread if you fancy it).Seems as though a section of their support actually believe this and its on one of their forums.

Dont get me wrong I gave back my honest opinion about what happened, but its another example of them being deluded and hanging their magic hats on a wing and a prayer.

And both of them got mighty upset when I called them out about their own clubs involvement with abuse.

Make no mistake here they want us gone its their only hope of the mythical 55.
As some of you will know I'm a taxi driver, in the last 6/7 yrs or so huns have stopped asking "whit team dae ye support driver ", its usually Celtic fans that ask these days.

Its almost as if they dont want to talk about football ?..

However in the last 2 weeks I have had 2 different hires ask me the above question turns out they both follow the deed team, now when they got my answer both decided to inform me my club was going bust and oot the game forever, seems as though they believe Celtic will go out the game after paying compensation to the unfortunate victims of the boys club child abuse.

Now without getting into the rights and wrongs of the story ( its on another thread if you fancy it).Seems as though a section of their support actually believe this and its on one of their forums.

Dont get me wrong I gave back my honest opinion about what happened, but its another example of them being deluded and hanging their magic hats on a wing and a prayer.

And both of them got mighty upset when I called them out about their own clubs involvement with abuse.

Make no mistake here they want us gone its their only hope of the mythical 55.
To be fair, Winter, they have constructed their own legal argument which seems to have some clout in Scotland.

Being an avid reader of legal precedents, I'll break their argument down:

1. Believe everything they (can barely) read.
2. Mock victims of abuse
3. Ignore their own predilections
4. Sing offensive songs repeatedly
5. Say it often enough
6. Pray to whatever satanic cult they align to
7. Hope

I'm sure you will agree that by the tenets of Scottish Law and given this overwhelming evidence, that Celtic must surely be condemned to death and made to pay restitution for any and all murders committed in Scotland, any and all instances of tax evasion, all war crimes committed over the period of our existence, all atrocities committed by the British empire and commonwealth, and to all the face-painters and newsagents who haven't had their tabs based.
Mr Lawwell time to get the wigs to start the legal shit. Get on top of this NOW. The one thing about a witch hunt it starts slow. Then turns into an avalanche and it’s always the mass medja that gets them rolling along.
The Miners Strike turned quickly into the need for a vote to go on strike. Then that was all they printed. So get our legal team Mobilised
Start the Injunctions. Watch them run.

HH ?
Mr Lawwell time to get the wigs to start the legal shit. Get on top of this NOW. The one thing about a witch hunt it starts slow. Then turns into an avalanche and it’s always the mass medja that gets them rolling along.
The Miners Strike turned quickly into the need for a vote to go on strike. Then that was all they printed. So get our legal team Mobilised
Start the Injunctions. Watch them run.

HH ?
That's all they need at the moment, Jam, injunctions and the notice to file papers!

They don't need to show their hand, just snarl a bit and bare some teeth.
As some of you will know I'm a taxi driver, in the last 6/7 yrs or so huns have stopped asking "whit team dae ye support driver ", its usually Celtic fans that ask these days.

Its almost as if they dont want to talk about football ?..

However in the last 2 weeks I have had 2 different hires ask me the above question turns out they both follow the deed team, now when they got my answer both decided to inform me my club was going bust and oot the game forever, seems as though they believe Celtic will go out the game after paying compensation to the unfortunate victims of the boys club child abuse.

Now without getting into the rights and wrongs of the story ( its on another thread if you fancy it).Seems as though a section of their support actually believe this and its on one of their forums.

Dont get me wrong I gave back my honest opinion about what happened, but its another example of them being deluded and hanging their magic hats on a wing and a prayer.

And both of them got mighty upset when I called them out about their own clubs involvement with abuse.

Make no mistake here they want us gone its their only hope of the mythical 55.

You're right, 50. It's been all over the pages of their forums and they believe that this issue is going to drive us into the grave alongside them.

If they died and came back to life, why the Hell can't we?
If they walked away from their debts, why can't we?
If they managed to retain their titles, why can't we?

And quite clearly the klan have never heard of the word insurance.
There used to be a man/thing/creature that would often condemn the board with a repeated byline of "operating expenses".

He often cited the holes in the club accounts and would question where the money was being funnelled.

I believe that a significant portion of this money is used to retain lawyers and a full investigative team who are gathering and stockpiling evidence to construct a massive legal-bomb which will blow out the foundations of the SFA, shut down several publications, obliterate a few political careers and highlight hypocrisy within the institutes of law and law enforcement.

I can't speak for the endgame strategy, but evidence has to support the evidence that has to support the evidence that has to support the evidence.

Each layer has to be nuanced, watertight and irrefutable.

Each "journslistic" report, each ill-conceived statement, each withering comment, each online/offline remark, each political jab, each ambulance-chasing legal document will be scrutinised, itemised and vaporized.

The victims of horrific crimes are being victimised again and used as bait to hook a big fish in a very small puddle.

When the time to drop the payload comes, a whole slew of media, legal and hun puppets better run for the fallout shelters and hope that they don't choke on their own toxicity.

Beyond that mob's favourite subject, the legal argument will extend to other matters which have affected Our Club.

What we know or think is NOT a legal argument, what we can evidence and prove IS a legal argument.

Smoking guns, spent bullets, bodies on a slab, and cowering persons (peepo) of interest are compelling pieces of evidence.

I'm sure that when the time comes, then those operating expenses might look like a wise investment.
And here's where he have to discuss the hypothetical scenarios and blend them with the facts as we know them and as we experienced them.

Shammy's line about insurance and what it represents will be extremely significant as we proceed.

The hypothetical scenario begins with the number of folk who are members of The Celtic Noise (2377 at the time of writing) and measure that figure against those who actively participate and regularly contribute.

Many of you will visit other sites and digital media outlets and will no doubt recognise that some of the talking points discussed on this platform are regurgitated and rehashed on other mediums.

Winning Captains has been an advocate of our thoughts on Celtic Star and provides an unedited version of our significant comments on that platform.

James will participate periodically and will also compose articles on The Celtic Blog which are based on talking points.

Other bloggers will take inspiration from some of the items being discussed, and even the mainstream media will cross-reference our posts to flavour their appraisal of Celtic (from the fans perspective).

But let's face facts, the vast majority of our anonymous footfall comes from the dark side. They are obsessed to the point of mania by what occurs at the home of the Champions, who also happen to be Scotland's most successful living football club.

It is their obsession with Celtic which shapes the current dialogue writ large in the Scottish media.

What they cannot undermine through sporting endeavour, they will attempt to destroy with: fallacy, speculation, rumour, obfuscation, denial and unfounded allegations.

This is the major talking point in Scottish football at the moment.

There is no comprehensive coverage of the "whitewash" distribution of shares at a peculiar new club with an inferiority complex.

There is no investigative reportage of a financial catastrophe which will tear through that same peculiar wee club like a tsunami.

There is no measure of accountability for a career criminal who, if he had his feet held to the fire, would be more flame retardant (and dangerous) than asbestos.

But to properly provide perspective on that peculiar wee club with the inferiority complex's dilemma, we have to travel back in time to those dark, dark days when our own club faced financial oblivion and extinction.

When Fergus McCann put his money where his particularly straight-talking and blunt mouth was, he not only furnished the significant debt accrued by Celtic, he also accepted the liabilities that years of mismanagement had laid upon the shoulders of this great club.

Shammy, take a bow.

As a wise and frugal benefactor and businessman, Fergus fully understood the importance and necessity to have an insurance package which would bear the bulk of these high-premium liabilities.

This policy would have cost Fergus a significant lump of change, but that is what fitness to practice requires.

Extensive auditing was undertaken at a cost. Extensive accountancy imagined a business model. Sheer will and determination restored a football club.

All at a premium expenditure paid for with cold hard cash.

Fergus couldn't manage this undertaking alone and called upon ALL Celtic fans to follow his lead and put their money where their straight-talking and blunt mouths were.

What happened in the following 25-years again?

So why would this peculiar wee club with an inferiority complex and a business model which was drafted on the back of a fag packet want to force a narrative which focuses on a historical point of reference which has no direct attachment to Celtic and it's line of business?

Could it be that the sympathisers of, and the apologists to, that peculiar wee club might be trying to divert attention away from their own high crimes and misdemeanours?

As we speak, a whole regiment of ninja squirrels are throwing out random crackpot sums of money, as well as a who's who of superstar has-beens and never-will-be's.

Our Board and our Legal team are watching closely.

The endgame is nigh.........
And here's where he have to discuss the hypothetical scenarios and blend them with the facts as we know them and as we experienced them.

Shammy's line about insurance and what it represents will be extremely significant as we proceed.

The hypothetical scenario begins with the number of folk who are members of The Celtic Noise (2377 at the time of writing) and measure that figure against those who actively participate and regularly contribute.

Many of you will visit other sites and digital media outlets and will no doubt recognise that some of the talking points discussed on this platform are regurgitated and rehashed on other mediums.

Winning Captains has been an advocate of our thoughts on Celtic Star and provides an unedited version of our significant comments on that platform.

James will participate periodically and will also compose articles on The Celtic Blog which are based on talking points.

Other bloggers will take inspiration from some of the items being discussed, and even the mainstream media will cross-reference our posts to flavour their appraisal of Celtic (from the fans perspective).

But let's face facts, the vast majority of our anonymous footfall comes from the dark side. They are obsessed to the point of mania by what occurs at the home of the Champions, who also happen to be Scotland's most successful living football club.

It is their obsession with Celtic which shapes the current dialogue writ large in the Scottish media.

What they cannot undermine through sporting endeavour, they will attempt to destroy with: fallacy, speculation, rumour, obfuscation, denial and unfounded allegations.

This is the major talking point in Scottish football at the moment.

There is no comprehensive coverage of the "whitewash" distribution of shares at a peculiar new club with an inferiority complex.

There is no investigative reportage of a financial catastrophe which will tear through that same peculiar wee club like a tsunami.

There is no measure of accountability for a career criminal who, if he had his feet held to the fire, would be more flame retardant (and dangerous) than asbestos.

But to properly provide perspective on that peculiar wee club with the inferiority complex's dilemma, we have to travel back in time to those dark, dark days when our own club faced financial oblivion and extinction.

When Fergus McCann put his money where his particularly straight-talking and blunt mouth was, he not only furnished the significant debt accrued by Celtic, he also accepted the liabilities that years of mismanagement had laid upon the shoulders of this great club.

Shammy, take a bow.

As a wise and frugal benefactor and businessman, Fergus fully understood the importance and necessity to have an insurance package which would bear the bulk of these high-premium liabilities.

This policy would have cost Fergus a significant lump of change, but that is what fitness to practice requires.

Extensive auditing was undertaken at a cost. Extensive accountancy imagined a business model. Sheer will and determination restored a football club.

All at a premium expenditure paid for with cold hard cash.

Fergus couldn't manage this undertaking alone and called upon ALL Celtic fans to follow his lead and put their money where their straight-talking and blunt mouths were.

What happened in the following 25-years again?

So why would this peculiar wee club with an inferiority complex and a business model which was drafted on the back of a fag packet want to force a narrative which focuses on a historical point of reference which has no direct attachment to Celtic and it's line of business?

Could it be that the sympathisers of, and the apologists to, that peculiar wee club might be trying to divert attention away from their own high crimes and misdemeanours?

As we speak, a whole regiment of ninja squirrels are throwing out random crackpot sums of money, as well as a who's who of superstar has-beens and never-will-be's.

Our Board and our Legal team are watching closely.

The endgame is nigh.........
Sorry.......there's more, I just had numb thumb and I was gasping for a fag.

I want everyone to recall the case of the lad who was affiliated to Ran-it-into-the-ground-gers and who served legal notice to file an action against an employee who subjected this young man to systematic sexual abuse.

Does everyone recall the response to that notice?

It went something along the lines of: "not our problem, go and see the owners of that old defunct enterprise".

The continuation theory would burden this peculiar wee club with an inferiority complex with exactly the same high-premium liabilities which Fergus had to shoulder when he ousted the previous regime at Celtic.

That is not a subject open to debate. That is a point of Law.

Face-painters, police, newsagents, other clubs, players, other debtors and creditors would all have a claim to their personal liabilities from the peculiar wee club playing out of Govan if that continuation myth were true.

Not to the tune of the CVA, but to the full sterling amount they were/are entitled to.

I'm not certain that the lying King would have the foresight to insulate himself with a high-stakes insurance policy. I'm absolutely certain he wouldn't have the cashflow readily available to fund such a policy. I'm equally certain that no respected insurer would touch a career criminal with a shitty stick.
Sorry.......there's more, I just had numb thumb and I was gasping for a fag.

I want everyone to recall the case of the lad who was affiliated to Ran-it-into-the-ground-gers and who served legal notice to file an action against an employee who subjected this young man to systematic sexual abuse.

Does everyone recall the response to that notice?

It went something along the lines of: "not our problem, go and see the owners of that old defunct enterprise".

The continuation theory would burden this peculiar wee club with an inferiority complex with exactly the same high-premium liabilities which Fergus had to shoulder when he ousted the previous regime at Celtic.

That is not a subject open to debate. That is a point of Law.

Face-painters, police, newsagents, other clubs, players, other debtors and creditors would all have a claim to their personal liabilities from the peculiar wee club playing out of Govan if that continuation myth were true.

Not to the tune of the CVA, but to the full sterling amount they were/are entitled to.

I'm not certain that the lying King would have the foresight to insulate himself with a high-stakes insurance policy. I'm absolutely certain he wouldn't have the cashflow readily available to fund such a policy. I'm equally certain that no respected insurer would touch a career criminal with a shitty stick.
Oh, Did I mention HMRC?

I hope Hector still has that invoice.
Sorry.......there's more, I just had numb thumb and I was gasping for a fag.

I want everyone to recall the case of the lad who was affiliated to Ran-it-into-the-ground-gers and who served legal notice to file an action against an employee who subjected this young man to systematic sexual abuse.

Does everyone recall the response to that notice?

It went something along the lines of: "not our problem, go and see the owners of that old defunct enterprise".

The continuation theory would burden this peculiar wee club with an inferiority complex with exactly the same high-premium liabilities which Fergus had to shoulder when he ousted the previous regime at Celtic.

That is not a subject open to debate. That is a point of Law.

Face-painters, police, newsagents, other clubs, players, other debtors and creditors would all have a claim to their personal liabilities from the peculiar wee club playing out of Govan if that continuation myth were true.

Not to the tune of the CVA, but to the full sterling amount they were/are entitled to.

I'm not certain that the lying King would have the foresight to insulate himself with a high-stakes insurance policy. I'm absolutely certain he wouldn't have the cashflow readily available to fund such a policy. I'm equally certain that no respected insurer would touch a career criminal with a shitty stick.


Dave King wants to take Oldco Rangers out of liquidation
Dont know what more embarrasing as obviouly King knows this is bullshit, the media for printing or the fans who swallowed it. Thats your media for you and the answer to the witchunt against Celtic, anyone thinking Celtic have not been conducting their business effeciently and obtaining the max out domestic football in Scotland needs their heads examined, we are under constant attack and we do not need more exertion from our own, by all means have issues and points but have them discussed in a civil manner, we do not need to take the huff because we do notall share the same opinion, we simply choose to agree or not agree and leave it at that.

Dave King wants to take Oldco Rangers out of liquidation
Dont know what more embarrasing as obviouly King knows this is bullshit, the media for printing or the fans who swallowed it. Thats your media for you and the answer to the witchunt against Celtic, anyone thinking Celtic have not been conducting their business effeciently and obtaining the max out domestic football in Scotland needs their heads examined, we are under constant attack and we do not need more exertion from our own, by all means have issues and points but have them discussed in a civil manner, we do not need to take the huff because we do notall share the same opinion, we simply choose to agree or not agree and leave it at that.
Hear Hear........I second that motion!

Dave King wants to take Oldco Rangers out of liquidation
Dont know what more embarrasing as obviouly King knows this is bullshit, the media for printing or the fans who swallowed it. Thats your media for you and the answer to the witchunt against Celtic, anyone thinking Celtic have not been conducting their business effeciently and obtaining the max out domestic football in Scotland needs their heads examined, we are under constant attack and we do not need more exertion from our own, by all means have issues and points but have them discussed in a civil manner, we do not need to take the huff because we do notall share the same opinion, we simply choose to agree or not agree and leave it at that.
We are NOT our enemy!

There's a fucking monster over that there hill, so pick up the nearest thing that comes to hand and twat the fuckery out of it!
And here's where he have to discuss the hypothetical scenarios and blend them with the facts as we know them and as we experienced them.

Shammy's line about insurance and what it represents will be extremely significant as we proceed.

The hypothetical scenario begins with the number of folk who are members of The Celtic Noise (2377 at the time of writing) and measure that figure against those who actively participate and regularly contribute.

Many of you will visit other sites and digital media outlets and will no doubt recognise that some of the talking points discussed on this platform are regurgitated and rehashed on other mediums.

Winning Captains has been an advocate of our thoughts on Celtic Star and provides an unedited version of our significant comments on that platform.

James will participate periodically and will also compose articles on The Celtic Blog which are based on talking points.

Other bloggers will take inspiration from some of the items being discussed, and even the mainstream media will cross-reference our posts to flavour their appraisal of Celtic (from the fans perspective).

But let's face facts, the vast majority of our anonymous footfall comes from the dark side. They are obsessed to the point of mania by what occurs at the home of the Champions, who also happen to be Scotland's most successful living football club.

It is their obsession with Celtic which shapes the current dialogue writ large in the Scottish media.

What they cannot undermine through sporting endeavour, they will attempt to destroy with: fallacy, speculation, rumour, obfuscation, denial and unfounded allegations.

This is the major talking point in Scottish football at the moment.

There is no comprehensive coverage of the "whitewash" distribution of shares at a peculiar new club with an inferiority complex.

There is no investigative reportage of a financial catastrophe which will tear through that same peculiar wee club like a tsunami.

There is no measure of accountability for a career criminal who, if he had his feet held to the fire, would be more flame retardant (and dangerous) than asbestos.

But to properly provide perspective on that peculiar wee club with the inferiority complex's dilemma, we have to travel back in time to those dark, dark days when our own club faced financial oblivion and extinction.

When Fergus McCann put his money where his particularly straight-talking and blunt mouth was, he not only furnished the significant debt accrued by Celtic, he also accepted the liabilities that years of mismanagement had laid upon the shoulders of this great club.

Shammy, take a bow.

As a wise and frugal benefactor and businessman, Fergus fully understood the importance and necessity to have an insurance package which would bear the bulk of these high-premium liabilities.

This policy would have cost Fergus a significant lump of change, but that is what fitness to practice requires.

Extensive auditing was undertaken at a cost. Extensive accountancy imagined a business model. Sheer will and determination restored a football club.

All at a premium expenditure paid for with cold hard cash.

Fergus couldn't manage this undertaking alone and called upon ALL Celtic fans to follow his lead and put their money where their straight-talking and blunt mouths were.

What happened in the following 25-years again?

So why would this peculiar wee club with an inferiority complex and a business model which was drafted on the back of a fag packet want to force a narrative which focuses on a historical point of reference which has no direct attachment to Celtic and it's line of business?

Could it be that the sympathisers of, and the apologists to, that peculiar wee club might be trying to divert attention away from their own high crimes and misdemeanours?

As we speak, a whole regiment of ninja squirrels are throwing out random crackpot sums of money, as well as a who's who of superstar has-beens and never-will-be's.

Our Board and our Legal team are watching closely.

The endgame is nigh.........
Sorry.......there's more, I just had numb thumb and I was gasping for a fag.

I want everyone to recall the case of the lad who was affiliated to Ran-it-into-the-ground-gers and who served legal notice to file an action against an employee who subjected this young man to systematic sexual abuse.

Does everyone recall the response to that notice?

It went something along the lines of: "not our problem, go and see the owners of that old defunct enterprise".

The continuation theory would burden this peculiar wee club with an inferiority complex with exactly the same high-premium liabilities which Fergus had to shoulder when he ousted the previous regime at Celtic.

That is not a subject open to debate. That is a point of Law.

Face-painters, police, newsagents, other clubs, players, other debtors and creditors would all have a claim to their personal liabilities from the peculiar wee club playing out of Govan if that continuation myth were true.

Not to the tune of the CVA, but to the full sterling amount they were/are entitled to.

I'm not certain that the lying King would have the foresight to insulate himself with a high-stakes insurance policy. I'm absolutely certain he wouldn't have the cashflow readily available to fund such a policy. I'm equally certain that no respected insurer would touch a career criminal with a shitty stick.

Once again SP. you excelled in this laconic piece regarding the continuous charade and sham of a one time football club.

As you suggest, these peepul, at least those that still reside within the underdome of the Deadshed are skulking around on our sites with malice aforethought and wicked intentions, now commonplace with behaviour expected of them and their fetid followers.

So, why don't we highlight this and the names of THEIR abusers on a new thread, where we suggest that a full on public enquiry involving all others, including Celtic and the dead club Rangers are dragged over the coals for any misdemeanors and from both (all) sides are brought to the surface.....it can't do much more harm than WE have already been subjected to......

I'm a bit tired reading about their shit flinging and all coming this way.......let's call them out......Neely, Dunn, Chalmers, Cavan, Watson...and the others

But ........... would they like another public and shameful expose on their stinking, cheating club and their filthied history, where they are unlikely to be able to withstand another hit and probably one that ends them for good.....King and co, their sponsors, Close, McCoist et al.......ALL walking away.
...with NO likely insurance....especially if a few grand they've stolen from their 'heroes' is so important to them.

Call THEIR bluff and call THEM out. And.... SP. you're the very man to start this thread.........lets give them something to read.
Once again SP. you excelled in this laconic piece regarding the continuous charade and sham of a one time football club.

As you suggest, these peepul, at least those that still reside within the underdome of the Deadshed are skulking around on our sites with malice aforethought and wicked intentions, now commonplace with behaviour expected of them and their fetid followers.

So, why don't we highlight this and the names of THEIR abusers on a new thread, where we suggest that a full on public enquiry involving all others, including Celtic and the dead club Rangers are dragged over the coals for any misdemeanors and from both (all) sides are brought to the surface.....it can't do much more harm than WE have already been subjected to......

I'm a bit tired reading about their shit flinging and all coming this way.......let's call them out......Neely, Dunn, Chalmers, Cavan, Watson...and the others

But ........... would they like another public and shameful expose on their stinking, cheating club and their filthied history, where they are unlikely to be able to withstand another hit and probably one that ends them for good.....King and co, their sponsors, Close, McCoist et al.......ALL walking away.
...with NO likely insurance....especially if a few grand they've stolen from their 'heroes' is so important to them.

Call THEIR bluff and call THEM out. And.... SP. you're the very man to start this thread.........lets give them something to read.
Thank you JC........I'll accept that with gratitude, but this is a standard that should be carried by the heavy-hitters and their wider audience.

This IS the news, not the hot steaming mess our supposed "broadcasters" and "journalists" serve up.

There are still some fans buying that brand of bstshit and our bloggers of influence should counteract the affluence by reporting this to the wider fanbase.

Respect as always, JC HH

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