Would you vote to go in a No Deal Brexit?

I want away from Westminster and the European Union, but an independent Scotland will want to join the EU club asap, so an independent Scotland in the EU is less of an evil than Westminster, but not by much, less enough for me to swallow though.
Ya. SNP just need 2 bribe or kill of som of d selfish miserable penisoners, d minority sort who only vote 4 who ever offers dem d most money.
I didn't vote for Brexit the 1st time,. I can go to France & by a bottle of Glenfiddich 12yr old malt whisky for £20, yet £27 here. Why because Westminster taxes it, would you rather, that £7 be spent in Scotland or get £2 back from Westminster. EU & INDEPENDENCE FOR SCOTLAND. YASSSSS!

I didn't vote for Brexit the 1st time,. I can go to France & by a bottle of Glenfiddich 12yr old malt whisky for £20, yet £27 here. Why because Westminster taxes it, would you rather, that £7 be spent in Scotland or get £2 back from Westminster. EU & INDEPENDENCE FOR SCOTLAND. YASSSSS!


With a moniker like yours there's no way you're voting Tory is there? ?
Only one Union I'm desperate to get out of and it ain't the EU.

The EU is far from perfect and is in desperate need of deep reform but it's far more preferable being an independent country with a veto in the EU than remaining part of Brexit Britain ran by swivel-eyed right wingers with delusions of Empire 2.0

Fuck that!
I didn't vote for Brexit the 1st time,. I can go to France & by a bottle of Glenfiddich 12yr old malt whisky for £20, yet £27 here. Why because Westminster taxes it, would you rather, that £7 be spent in Scotland or get £2 back from Westminster. EU & INDEPENDENCE FOR SCOTLAND. YASSSSS!

I'll tread cafeful here but the snp have raised the price of booze already haha for those that require a cheap and delicious but not overly complex drams I'd suggest the lidl malts. The speyside for yourself.
Try it once then get back to me
My old man told me a story once about a bag of chips
A bag at his local chip shop was 5p. There was a issue with potatoes, the supply, a shortage. Can't mind the details.
Anyway the chip shop charged 20p a bag and everyone said yeah fair enough.
Potato production and farming recovered.
The price stayed the same.
On a more relevant note that's why your local high street or even the big old shopping streets are ghost towns now. They won't reduce rates to let businesses survive.
Same way even if you are skint you would drink less than buying a super cargo of something that was so cheap it made you violently ill back in the day...
The steps a head are steep whatever side you side with. People will loose jobs. People will have to move house to areas they didn't want to live in.
The romantic side yeah it sounds great.
I'm not sure everyone understands the hardship ahead.
Brexit =mini crash mibi. Indi won't be available till after B. The application back to the EU will take 2yrs. Added to the 1 Yr brexit. That's 3yrs of shite. 1 year recovery.
Hold on to your pants peeps I threw a coin down the wishing well. The coin was thrown back and the spirits said keep it you'll need it.
Heed my warning. Cut your cloth. Put up with that old TV. Get a Sim only deal if your old phone still works come upgrade time.
Its all fine shouting a political stance. I'm saying it's going to get messy.
Plan for it because it won't be easy. If you dodge it your mate or your family might not be that lucky
I'll tread cafeful here but the snp have raised the price of booze already haha for those that require a cheap and delicious but not overly complex drams I'd suggest the lidl malts. The speyside for yourself.
Try it once then get back to me
My old man told me a story once about a bag of chips
A bag at his local chip shop was 5p. There was a issue with potatoes, the supply, a shortage. Can't mind the details.
Anyway the chip shop charged 20p a bag and everyone said yeah fair enough.
Potato production and farming recovered.
The price stayed the same.
On a more relevant note that's why your local high street or even the big old shopping streets are ghost towns now. They won't reduce rates to let businesses survive.
Same way even if you are skint you would drink less than buying a super cargo of something that was so cheap it made you violently ill back in the day...
The steps a head are steep whatever side you side with. People will loose jobs. People will have to move house to areas they didn't want to live in.
The romantic side yeah it sounds great.
I'm not sure everyone understands the hardship ahead.
Brexit =mini crash mibi. Indi won't be available till after B. The application back to the EU will take 2yrs. Added to the 1 Yr brexit. That's 3yrs of shite. 1 year recovery.
Hold on to your pants peeps I threw a coin down the wishing well. The coin was thrown back and the spirits said keep it you'll need it.
Heed my warning. Cut your cloth. Put up with that old TV. Get a Sim only deal if your old phone still works come upgrade time.
Its all fine shouting a political stance. I'm saying it's going to get messy.
Plan for it because it won't be easy. If you dodge it your mate or your family might not be that lucky

Super comment, Bobo.
I'll tread cafeful here but the snp have raised the price of booze already haha for those that require a cheap and delicious but not overly complex drams I'd suggest the lidl malts. The speyside for yourself.
Try it once then get back to me
My old man told me a story once about a bag of chips
A bag at his local chip shop was 5p. There was a issue with potatoes, the supply, a shortage. Can't mind the details.
Anyway the chip shop charged 20p a bag and everyone said yeah fair enough.
Potato production and farming recovered.
The price stayed the same.
On a more relevant note that's why your local high street or even the big old shopping streets are ghost towns now. They won't reduce rates to let businesses survive.
Same way even if you are skint you would drink less than buying a super cargo of something that was so cheap it made you violently ill back in the day...
The steps a head are steep whatever side you side with. People will loose jobs. People will have to move house to areas they didn't want to live in.
The romantic side yeah it sounds great.
I'm not sure everyone understands the hardship ahead.
Brexit =mini crash mibi. Indi won't be available till after B. The application back to the EU will take 2yrs. Added to the 1 Yr brexit. That's 3yrs of shite. 1 year recovery.
Hold on to your pants peeps I threw a coin down the wishing well. The coin was thrown back and the spirits said keep it you'll need it.
Heed my warning. Cut your cloth. Put up with that old TV. Get a Sim only deal if your old phone still works come upgrade time.
Its all fine shouting a political stance. I'm saying it's going to get messy.
Plan for it because it won't be easy. If you dodge it your mate or your family might not be that lucky

There is no safety net on a No Deal Brexit, WTO tariffs on all UK goods indefinitely (trade deals take years) UK estimated debt £3 trillion, all it takes is one bank to get twitchy over a late installment & there will be a economic collapse, that it would take the UK decades to recover

Indy isn't a overnight fix all, but at least our countrys destiny is in our hands & not Westminsters.

I let you know about the Whisky ?
I'll tread cafeful here but the snp have raised the price of booze already haha for those that require a cheap and delicious but not overly complex drams I'd suggest the lidl malts. The speyside for yourself.
Try it once then get back to me
My old man told me a story once about a bag of chips
A bag at his local chip shop was 5p. There was a issue with potatoes, the supply, a shortage. Can't mind the details.
Anyway the chip shop charged 20p a bag and everyone said yeah fair enough.
Potato production and farming recovered.
The price stayed the same.
On a more relevant note that's why your local high street or even the big old shopping streets are ghost towns now. They won't reduce rates to let businesses survive.
Same way even if you are skint you would drink less than buying a super cargo of something that was so cheap it made you violently ill back in the day...
The steps a head are steep whatever side you side with. People will loose jobs. People will have to move house to areas they didn't want to live in.
The romantic side yeah it sounds great.
I'm not sure everyone understands the hardship ahead.
Brexit =mini crash mibi. Indi won't be available till after B. The application back to the EU will take 2yrs. Added to the 1 Yr brexit. That's 3yrs of shite. 1 year recovery.
Hold on to your pants peeps I threw a coin down the wishing well. The coin was thrown back and the spirits said keep it you'll need it.
Heed my warning. Cut your cloth. Put up with that old TV. Get a Sim only deal if your old phone still works come upgrade time.
Its all fine shouting a political stance. I'm saying it's going to get messy.
Plan for it because it won't be easy. If you dodge it your mate or your family might not be that lucky
well said Bobo,careful what you wish for,the devil you know......
I'm glad the first responses were decent and tame. I have a habit of looking at numbers and undoubtedly I miss things.
I'll nail my colours
I'd love to be independent the alure.
We kickstarted brexit up here because of it.
(I think)
OK so for England they have the business district in London which is the major cash flow in the UK economy.
Very basic but the toffs wanted a bigger cut.
So push gathered pace.
The problem was, and indeed our own problem (football?) or politics was "yeah what's the plan b?? Not brexit or indie but a genuine plan b.
For us I worried. We had the oil but at the same time under the dark cloak of britania and our wig wearing gnome mate across the pond or his previous bam (a). Had no intention of properly sorting us out.
They didn't. I told people they wouldn't and they didn't.
Aberdeen crashed.
Biggest blow to the snp propaganda that you could ever imagine.
Our oil became fuck all
Little mention to our networks of poor dependant people that would be cut off because of a indie spike.
I'm talking money not my heart
There is a big difference.

The biggest thing that has fucked me over and to be honest the reason I can't get behind any of this fountain of pish is that both sides have prepared for fuck all

We did it out of "we are Scottish!!"
They did it "everyone else are peasants"

No one in power had a think. Regardless of Scotland or England's populations. Together or apart. The level of academics qualified in engineering (especially for anyone in the know) or for any other key skill, high value skill sets. Both nations for their own reasons should of broke the fucking Bank. Invested in these people. They didn't.
Its all well and good saying we do this we provide that.
We have lost a yard big time on this march. The only way I can see a recovery is tanking money into our tech industries. Private start ups or public owned (ecosse)
It will require the best educated new comers to take a hit short term if they are willing to build a country. Its hardly asking to take a bullet?
Mabey I've missed a bit? But to my mind there has been no path layed out for young people in this old quest of fuck the whoever?
To them why bother?

I'll add a silly but not so silly point. China have a system where even the smallest thinest business, a one guy show can export his goods for nothing. Free Post. We all buy it. Credit
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