Brexit and how it will affect Football.


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I read somewhere yesterday that if Brexit goes ahead Celtic will be fine as we have more than 50% of home grown players. Some English clubs will struggle due to the amout of EU and other Nationalities they have playing for them. So what! I hear you cry. Well one knock on effect this may have will be a surge of interest in UK players, that will mean OUR best ones. Its all speculation at the moment because no one knows what the hell anyone is doing down there at Westminster, but we should try and hang on to our best home grown players, their value might be about to shoot up!

P.S I should add the article said the rules state you can not have more than 50% foreign players and if Brexit goes ahead EU players will be classed as foreign.
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The EPL rules require no more than 17 of the 25 man squad to be 'foreigners '.

'Foreigners' are defined as those players who are not English or Welsh - therefore Scottish players are already classed as 'foreigners' .
They can and may change their rules again to support the 'big six' ( sic) who tend to spend exorbitantly on very expensive foreign players .

PS If a player is signed for an EPL club and spends at least 36 months with them before they turn 21 yoa then they are classed as 'homegrown '.
This explains it in more depth,
Cannot see how Scottish players can be classed as 'foreigners'. Not unless the Independence Ref went the other way.

As for 'foreigners' - only going by their own rules for registering 'squads' of 25 for each playing season . They specifically name 'English and Welsh ' as homegrown ( sic ) but do not mention Scottish or N. Ireland players , so have to assume that they will be classed as foreigners for that purpose - but am no expert so open to clarification .

Should I seek an expert opinion - what about BDJ on Clyde - lol !
I read somewhere yesterday that if Brexit goes ahead Celtic will be fine as we have more than 50% of home grown players. Some English clubs will struggle due to the amout of EU and other Nationalities they have playing for them. So what! I hear you cry. Well one knock on effect this may have will be a surge of interest in UK players, that will mean OUR best ones. Its all speculation at the moment because no one knows what the hell anyone is doing down there at Westminster, but we should try and hang on to our best home grown players, their value might be about to shoot up!

P.S I should add the article said the rules state you can not have more than 50% foreign players and if Brexit goes ahead EU players will be classed as foreign.

How will it affect the foreign players though? The clubs might be able to have some foreigners but will they lose some of the European privileges? Will they be forced to be part of the brexit, like if you stay in UK after brexit will they then be classed as UK players and be forced to stay here without some odd special rules that apply to only Football?

For example a Polish family might be allowed to stay in Britain after Brexit, but I would imagine they might give up some of their European access just like any other UK national.

Does staying in UK after brexit limit their ability to move back to europe? Would they need special visa like certain non euro players currently need?

Would they need to be classed as international players with so many caps to qualify to move back out of UK easily if they stay beyond brexit?

Its already quite complicated.

Would it be fair on other occupations, if Footballers got a separate set of rules to move around Europe?

The whole thing is a terrible fiasco and the nooks and crevices of the Brexit cant really geta proper airing until some sort of decison is made.

We dont even know how the Irish border problem will work out?
What about Gibralter?

So many potential loops and oddness, and i imagine the trade barriers might hike up the prices involved with all trade including footballers.

Might be a good thing but it could also be a real economic killer.

But deep down i suspect the only people who will benefit as always will be the top 10 percent wealth holders, and every body else will pay for their scams.

And dare I say it the right wing nationalist movements might just re-emerge on the scene to point the finger away from the super wealthy to the marginalised poor.
How will it affect the foreign players though? The clubs might be able to have some foreigners but will they lose some of the European privileges? Will they be forced to be part of the brexit, like if you stay in UK after brexit will they then be classed as UK players and be forced to stay here without some odd special rules that apply to only Football?

For example a Polish family might be allowed to stay in Britain after Brexit, but I would imagine they might give up some of their European access just like any other UK national.

Does staying in UK after brexit limit their ability to move back to europe? Would they need special visa like certain non euro players currently need?

Would they need to be classed as international players with so many caps to qualify to move back out of UK easily if they stay beyond brexit?

Its already quite complicated.

Would it be fair on other occupations, if Footballers got a separate set of rules to move around Europe?

The whole thing is a terrible fiasco and the nooks and crevices of the Brexit cant really geta proper airing until some sort of decison is made.

We dont even know how the Irish border problem will work out?
What about Gibralter?

So many potential loops and oddness, and i imagine the trade barriers might hike up the prices involved with all trade including footballers.

Might be a good thing but it could also be a real economic killer.

But deep down i suspect the only people who will benefit as always will be the top 10 percent wealth holders, and every body else will pay for their scams.

And dare I say it the right wing nationalist movements might just re-emerge on the scene to point the finger away from the super wealthy to the marginalised poor.

It is a mess of monumental proportions imho. I would think that EU nationals already living here would be allowed to stay and only new applications will have to apply for a visa. Otherwise all British Nationals living abroad, Spain for instance, would boot them out too. As you say the rich will probably bend the rules to suit them, and they dont come much richer than the EPL elite.
Personally, i'm hoping for another Referendum.
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So in essence Scotland gets royally shafted once again by the shambles that is Brexshit!

We will inevitably lose our best players to English clubs who will be able to cherry-pick the top talent by offering exorbitant wages that we will never be able to get close to, therefore we have to make do with second rate homegrown talent to meet our own quotas and on top of that we also lose the attraction of being a 'stepping stone' for foreign players looking for a move to the EPL because there will be less demand for non-UK players in the EPL. Not to mention the chances of ever picking up a 'Paddy Roberts' type player ever again will be zilch because the English clubs will need them due to the reduction in non-UK players in the EPL.

Never mind though football will be the last of our worries when the swivel-eyed hard-right BritNat loons complete their coup d'état as we'll all probably be taking part in a real life version of the Hunger Games by then :ROFLMAO:
It is a mess of monumental proportions imho. I would think that EU nationals already living here would be allowed to stay and only new applications will have to apply for a visa. Otherwise all British Nationals living abroad, Spain for instance, would boot them out too. As you say the rich will probably bend the rules to suit them, and they dont come much richer than the EPL elite.
Personally, i'm hoping for another Referendum.

I dont think they will be booted out. But i suspect they will have to make their choice. They will either stay in europe or Uk and then be forced to become subject to the rules of the region they chose.

I did read that ex patriots are fighting to have brexit annulled since they didnt properly get chance to vote but could potentially be outcast from thier original homeland.

Might be they would get dual citizenship. But again that would be highly unfair. Freedom of movement for some people without visa but majority without dual citizenship blocked at the borders.

Uk is now so integrated within the european framework, not just legally, that no matter what kind of brexit we get, I suspect its going to be bad news for ordinary people.

Now I agree we lots of the brexit arguments.

And perhaps long term it will be a good thing.
But I have abad feeling that it will create havoc and when havoc appears it creates bad blood and anger and then someone gets the blame for the rancid fallouts.

Who knows maybe Im just extreme paranoid nutter after all.

Hopefully Im wrong and it doesn't have too much problematic day to day repercussions for the ordinary people.

Didnt we join the EU to prevent wars?

Will UK be at War with EU soon?

Can we really eat our slice of the european cake then say we cant be bothered putting in our portion of ingredients but hey we are UK and we want our slice of the cake in Europe to keep on coming each year?
So in essence Scotland gets royally shafted once again by the shambles that is Brexshit!

We will inevitably lose our best players to English clubs who will be able to cherry-pick the top talent by offering exorbitant wages that we will never be able to get close to, therefore we have to make do with second rate homegrown talent to meet our own quotas and on top of that we also lose the attraction of being a 'stepping stone' for foreign players looking for a move to the EPL because there will be less demand for non-UK players in the EPL. Not to mention the chances of ever picking up a 'Paddy Roberts' type player ever again will be zilch because the English clubs will need them due to the reduction in non-UK players in the EPL.

Never mind though football will be the last of our worries when the swivel-eyed hard-right BritNat loons complete their coup d'état as we'll all probably be taking part in a real life version of the Hunger Games by then :ROFLMAO:
Yup, that pretty much sums it up in the long term. This and lots of other things i.e the Irish Border, the understaffing of the NHS and the farming industry are just a few things people never thought about. It was all about racism and we were lied to, especially about how much money the NHS would benefit by if we left. When you look at how close it was, if 600.000 people had voted the other way, or even voted at all, it would never have been passed. Far too close for such an important decision.
How will it affect the foreign players though? The clubs might be able to have some foreigners but will they lose some of the European privileges? Will they be forced to be part of the brexit, like if you stay in UK after brexit will they then be classed as UK players and be forced to stay here without some odd special rules that apply to only Football?

For example a Polish family might be allowed to stay in Britain after Brexit, but I would imagine they might give up some of their European access just like any other UK national.

Does staying in UK after brexit limit their ability to move back to europe? Would they need special visa like certain non euro players currently need?

Would they need to be classed as international players with so many caps to qualify to move back out of UK easily if they stay beyond brexit?

As they are EU nationals who will still hold the passports of their respective nations then they will have no problems moving back to Europe, the big question is when their current contracts end will they be able to renew that contract or move to another UK based club without having to apply for a visa/work permit as there is no chance in hell ALL EU nationals will be given the right to remain.
As they are EU nationals who will still hold the passports of their respective nations then they will have no problems moving back to Europe, the big question is when their current contracts end will they be able to renew that contract or move to another UK based club without having to apply for a visa/work permit as there is no chance in hell ALL EU nationals will be given the right to remain.
Brexit as it stands will not have any real impact on foreigners entering football here or staying here . Remember who we are dealing with - a Tory Government .
If you have money ( or are offered a highly lucrative salary as a footballer ) then you will be welcomed with open arms - they already allow the scum of the Earth to live here ( with or without visa/ permits/ whatever as long as they are filthy rich !
London is the money laundering capital of the world so they will not dare to legislate for any new rules which endangers The Money .
So as long as Man City and the rest of the 'foreign-owned' clubs offer ridiculous wages to average players , then they will be welcomed .
But don't expect nurses or other low-paid type foreigners to be given access to post-Brexit UK - these people only want to drain the resources of GREAT Britain .

Rant over ! I feel better now .
Remember the Bosman ruling that meant players could run down their contracts and leave for nothing. This came about because of EU employment laws. Once, or if, Brexit happens and EU employment laws no longer apply does this mean the end of Bosman ruling in Britain?
( Check oot what the main Tory brexiteers want for us once EU employment laws are gone, esp Dominic Raab)
Hail Hail Rich
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I think if brexit goes ahead we shall have bigger problems to fry.

I reckon, its only my opinion, that the country will go through the floor in another recession that could last a minimum of 10 years.

It took the getman economy 10 years to recover when they entered the euro.

I believe we’re in for bleak times ahead and that will have a knock on effect for everyone, well apart from the rich as usual they won’t suffer too much.
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I think if brexit goes ahead we shall have bigger problems to fry.

I reckon, its only my opinion, that the country will go through the floor in another recession that could last a minimum of 10 years.

It took the getman economy 10 years to recover when they entered the euro.

I believe we’re in for bleak times ahead and that will have a knock on effect for everyone, well apart from the rich as usual they won’t suffer too much.

Germans still had los of industry to climb out of recession. No so sure a service indusry can climb out of recession without heavy industry stabilisers.

The banking sector will probably fly from UK under Brexit or even worse declare the city square mile officially principality with even more different laws to rest of UK in order to help them monopolise the finance industry even further.

I alos wouldnt be surpised if they made greater London an international zone where foregin workers can stay to look after and service their wealthy masters.

Rest of the UK can fight over the crumbs left.
Brexit hype = Bullshit.

Never been so much utter scaremongering pish banded about since the Millennium Bug when we were due to have planes falling out the sky and civilisation collapsing overnight.

Europe is 14% of the world market, opposed to 70% in the seventies.

The economy will adjust, the fatcats sucking form the Euro teat will have to actually put in some effort, ministers will have to earn their corn sorting out new trade deals, people used to drawing an easy civil service wage will have to WORK at it; one thing for sure it will sort out the truly enterprising at government level from the lame wage-thieves.

The idea that there will be an abandoned wasteland of an island where Britain once stood is the hypothetical terror gripping the terribly-pleased-with-themselves avaricious, socially-mobile upper middle classes who have been affronted that the peasants voted to quit.

The guy who should hang for it is posh twat Cameron, smug Etonain prick who thought the masses were too dumb to go against the ruling classes.

So democracy won, like it or not.

Personally, I'd like us to become the fifty-first state of the USA (if we're not already), adopt the US dollar as currency, persuade Trump to plough in billions and allow me to swagger about the place with a six-gun sidearm and ten-gallon hat, tipping it to burds as I quip, 'Ma'am', pretending I'm a railroad man, about to embark on a historical link-up between Prestwick and Orlando by railroad bridge across the Atlantic.

But, hey, I'm just one voter with a dream...
Brexit hype = Bullshit.

Never been so much utter scaremongering pish banded about since the Millennium Bug when we were due to have planes falling out the sky and civilisation collapsing overnight.

Europe is 14% of the world market, opposed to 70% in the seventies.

The economy will adjust, the fatcats sucking form the Euro teat will have to actually put in some effort, ministers will have to earn their corn sorting out new trade deals, people used to drawing an easy civil service wage will have to WORK at it; one thing for sure it will sort out the truly enterprising at government level from the lame wage-thieves.

The idea that there will be an abandoned wasteland of an island where Britain once stood is the hypothetical terror gripping the terribly-pleased-with-themselves avaricious, socially-mobile upper middle classes who have been affronted that the peasants voted to quit.

The guy who should hang for it is posh twat Cameron, smug Etonain prick who thought the masses were too dumb to go against the ruling classes.

So democracy won, like it or not.

Personally, I'd like us to become the fifty-first state of the USA (if we're not already), adopt the US dollar as currency, persuade Trump to plough in billions and allow me to swagger about the place with a six-gun sidearm and ten-gallon hat, tipping it to burds as I quip, 'Ma'am', pretending I'm a railroad man, about to embark on a historical link-up between Prestwick and Orlando by railroad bridge across the Atlantic.

But, hey, I'm just one voter with a dream...

Thats one way of looking at it.

Maybe your right. Who knows for sure.

Im not so sure it was democracy that won to be honest. You need information that is reliable for democracy to win. Mob rule force fed propagnda of one sort or another without any real clarity isn demcoracy winning, in my opnion.

Trust is gone and its hard to trust anything when propaganda is the only show in town.