
The hits just keep on coming
What in the name of fuck was that 'Running doon the wing, wingy, wingy, wing' song aboot ?
Hopefully they do not reproduce
Absolute mutants
Last edited:
Is The Health Consequences of The Current 5G Roll Out Being Camouflaged By COVID – 19?
Despite all the health warnings, 5G is currently being rolled out worldwide. Our eyes are (conveniently?) off the ball. No one is paying any attention to the roll out. Anyone might think the 5G roll out is not that important. Yet hundreds of prominent scientists and health experts have been warning us that when 5G is switched on, people will start dropping on the streets dying.

The 5G system is a WiGig wireless network that operates in the 60GHz spectrum with a download speeds of up to 10 Gbps compared to the 4G download speed of 10 Mbps. The frequency of 60 GHz is the frequency at which oxygen molecules oscillate. At 60 GHz, 98% of the transmitted 5G energy will be absorbed by atmospheric oxygen which then alters the orbital properties of the electrons of the oxygen molecules. '"60GHz is the frequency of oxygen molecule absorption. Oxygen molecules have electrons that they share with each other, oxygen is a diatomic molecule. What we breathe are two oxygen molecules bonded together with the electrons that they share.” When the oxygen molecule is hit with 60GHz 5G waves, these waves affect the orbital resonance properties of those shared electrons. It is those shared electrons that bind to the hemoglobin in our blood. When the oxygen is disrupted, it will no longer bind to the hemoglobin and myoglobin (oxygen carrying molecules) and therefore will not be able to carry oxygen to the cell's powerhouse 'mitochondria'. Without oxygen, the liver becomes congested and the body, and brain, begins to break down due to slow suffocation.

Because the brain is the body organ most sensitive to the lack of oxygen, not getting enough oxygen to the brain will result in brain hypoxia. Brain hypoxia symptoms range from mild to severe.

Mild symptoms include:
cognitive disturbances; temporary memory loss; reduced ability to move your body; difficulty paying attention; difficulty making sound decisions
Severe symptoms include:
Fainting; seizure; coma; brain death

List of “coincidences”
In 2015, the first biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory is built in mainland China. The location of this lab is Wuhan.

5G is rolled out on 31stOctober 2019 (Halloween. Some may consider there was no coincidence that Halloween is the chosen date!

The Hubai province which encompasses Wuhan is chosen as the pilot area for the 5G roll out. So it begs the question, is it a coincidence that the very place a new virus breaks out just happens to be in the same place that G5 is rolled out? And is it just a coincidence that the virus is discovered only a couple of weeks after the 5G roll out?

Weeks after 5G goes live in Wuhan, people start to get ill, people start to fall over. The hospitals can’t cope. What is going on? Reports from Chinese online bloggers state the authorities are very reluctant to acknowledge anything wrong.

5G towers were installed all over Wuhan hospitals to ensure maximum strength to facilitate remote surgical operations. Hospital staff become very ill. Many die. Was this caused by a virus or 5G?
In January 2020 the authorities announce the discovery of a new novel virus which is making thousands of Wuhan residents sick.

Authorities state that this new virus is not linked to the Wuhan BSL-4 lab although they acknowledge the lab is experimenting with the same Coronavirus that has been discovered in a food warehouse about 10 miles from the lab. How do they know this new virus is not linked to the Wuhan BSL-4 lab? Chinese scientist’s state they are sure the virus has somehow escaped from the lab. All online bloggers contradicting the authority’s official statements disappear.

Social media discovers a book titled “The Edge of Darkness” which was written in 1981 and is a thriller which has within its story line that in 2020, a severe pneumonia-like illness would spread across the world. The original book described the virus originating from Gorki Russia, with the virus named Gorki- 400. In 1989, the book is updated so that now the location of the virus’s origin is changed from Gorki to Wuhan with the virus now named Wuhan-400. Is this just a coincidence?

Soon after the outbreak, scientists from India write a paper declaring that the virus is definitely man-made. They come to this conclusion because they find that within the virus structure, 4 inserts of the HIV virus has been added to the template of the previous SARS virus.

The Indian scientist’s paper is immediately withdrawn from the internet and censored. At the same time an announcement by the World Health Organization (WHO) states the virus is a new virus, it is NOT a bio weapon that has escaped from the Wuhan BSL-4 lab and the virus has mutated from a wild animal, probably a bat. How can they be so certain?

February 2020, the cruise ship Diamond Princess has a “Coronavirus” outbreak which appears to be spreading among the passengers. The cruise ship has recently been upgraded with 5G technology. The ships are quarantined. The longer passengers stay on the ship, more get infected. Is this because the virus is spreading or is it the 5G making them sick? Or could it be both?

Meanwhile in America, the rollout of a CDC-designed test kit in preparation for COVID-19 becomes a fiasco because the kits contain a faulty reagent. Labs around the country eager to test more suspected cases, and test them faster, are unable to do so. No commercial or state labs have the approval from the CDC to use their own tests. Only those showing obvious signs of the COVID-19 virus are tested. Is this a deliberate coincidence or just complete incompetence?

Passengers from the previously quarantined cruise ship are allowed to travel back to America in a normal scheduled passenger flight. The CDC releases an infected person back into the community after making a mistake with their tests. Researchers show the CDC held back test kits for 4 weeks, and estimate the real amount or infected people in America to be in the thousands. Are the CDC deliberately trying to get as many people infected as possible?

In order to create illusions, magician’s present one diversion to their audience while concealing their “trick”. Nobody notices the important movements happening right before their eyes because their attention has been diverted. This is commonly known as sleight of hand. Is the Covid-19 panic being used as a diversion to hide the fact 5G is the real problem we should be more concerned about?

Before the roll out of 5G, thousands of prominent scientists signed a petition with the following warning
We, the undersigned scientists, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF)… and has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”

The scientists warning us of the grave dangers of 5G have been totally ignored. Despite the warnings, it is on record that not one dollar has been spent by the industry. No one has looked into any health and safety aspects of 5G before roll out. Could it be that certain powerful bodies of world authorities already know what the consequences of 5G are, and is the Coronavirus being used as a smokescreen to take our eyes away from the real monster that threatens humanity? Or worse! Is humanity being attacked not only with a deadly bio-weapon, but also with the radiation of 5G which can now be rolled out worldwide while no one can see all the horrific health consequences the 5G is causing, because any health consequences of 5G is being blamed on the Coronavirus?

Recommend listen to this important interview:
Barrie Trower 5G Will Devastate Humanity But Those Behind It Are Above The Law!
Is The Health Consequences of The Current 5G Roll Out Being Camouflaged By COVID – 19?
Despite all the health warnings, 5G is currently being rolled out worldwide. Our eyes are (conveniently?) off the ball. No one is paying any attention to the roll out. Anyone might think the 5G roll out is not that important. Yet hundreds of prominent scientists and health experts have been warning us that when 5G is switched on, people will start dropping on the streets dying.

The 5G system is a WiGig wireless network that operates in the 60GHz spectrum with a download speeds of up to 10 Gbps compared to the 4G download speed of 10 Mbps. The frequency of 60 GHz is the frequency at which oxygen molecules oscillate. At 60 GHz, 98% of the transmitted 5G energy will be absorbed by atmospheric oxygen which then alters the orbital properties of the electrons of the oxygen molecules. '"60GHz is the frequency of oxygen molecule absorption. Oxygen molecules have electrons that they share with each other, oxygen is a diatomic molecule. What we breathe are two oxygen molecules bonded together with the electrons that they share.” When the oxygen molecule is hit with 60GHz 5G waves, these waves affect the orbital resonance properties of those shared electrons. It is those shared electrons that bind to the hemoglobin in our blood. When the oxygen is disrupted, it will no longer bind to the hemoglobin and myoglobin (oxygen carrying molecules) and therefore will not be able to carry oxygen to the cell's powerhouse 'mitochondria'. Without oxygen, the liver becomes congested and the body, and brain, begins to break down due to slow suffocation.

Because the brain is the body organ most sensitive to the lack of oxygen, not getting enough oxygen to the brain will result in brain hypoxia. Brain hypoxia symptoms range from mild to severe.

Mild symptoms include:
cognitive disturbances; temporary memory loss; reduced ability to move your body; difficulty paying attention; difficulty making sound decisions
Severe symptoms include:
Fainting; seizure; coma; brain death

List of “coincidences”
In 2015, the first biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory is built in mainland China. The location of this lab is Wuhan.

5G is rolled out on 31stOctober 2019 (Halloween. Some may consider there was no coincidence that Halloween is the chosen date!

The Hubai province which encompasses Wuhan is chosen as the pilot area for the 5G roll out. So it begs the question, is it a coincidence that the very place a new virus breaks out just happens to be in the same place that G5 is rolled out? And is it just a coincidence that the virus is discovered only a couple of weeks after the 5G roll out?

Weeks after 5G goes live in Wuhan, people start to get ill, people start to fall over. The hospitals can’t cope. What is going on? Reports from Chinese online bloggers state the authorities are very reluctant to acknowledge anything wrong.

5G towers were installed all over Wuhan hospitals to ensure maximum strength to facilitate remote surgical operations. Hospital staff become very ill. Many die. Was this caused by a virus or 5G?
In January 2020 the authorities announce the discovery of a new novel virus which is making thousands of Wuhan residents sick.

Authorities state that this new virus is not linked to the Wuhan BSL-4 lab although they acknowledge the lab is experimenting with the same Coronavirus that has been discovered in a food warehouse about 10 miles from the lab. How do they know this new virus is not linked to the Wuhan BSL-4 lab? Chinese scientist’s state they are sure the virus has somehow escaped from the lab. All online bloggers contradicting the authority’s official statements disappear.

Social media discovers a book titled “The Edge of Darkness” which was written in 1981 and is a thriller which has within its story line that in 2020, a severe pneumonia-like illness would spread across the world. The original book described the virus originating from Gorki Russia, with the virus named Gorki- 400. In 1989, the book is updated so that now the location of the virus’s origin is changed from Gorki to Wuhan with the virus now named Wuhan-400. Is this just a coincidence?

Soon after the outbreak, scientists from India write a paper declaring that the virus is definitely man-made. They come to this conclusion because they find that within the virus structure, 4 inserts of the HIV virus has been added to the template of the previous SARS virus.

The Indian scientist’s paper is immediately withdrawn from the internet and censored. At the same time an announcement by the World Health Organization (WHO) states the virus is a new virus, it is NOT a bio weapon that has escaped from the Wuhan BSL-4 lab and the virus has mutated from a wild animal, probably a bat. How can they be so certain?

February 2020, the cruise ship Diamond Princess has a “Coronavirus” outbreak which appears to be spreading among the passengers. The cruise ship has recently been upgraded with 5G technology. The ships are quarantined. The longer passengers stay on the ship, more get infected. Is this because the virus is spreading or is it the 5G making them sick? Or could it be both?

Meanwhile in America, the rollout of a CDC-designed test kit in preparation for COVID-19 becomes a fiasco because the kits contain a faulty reagent. Labs around the country eager to test more suspected cases, and test them faster, are unable to do so. No commercial or state labs have the approval from the CDC to use their own tests. Only those showing obvious signs of the COVID-19 virus are tested. Is this a deliberate coincidence or just complete incompetence?

Passengers from the previously quarantined cruise ship are allowed to travel back to America in a normal scheduled passenger flight. The CDC releases an infected person back into the community after making a mistake with their tests. Researchers show the CDC held back test kits for 4 weeks, and estimate the real amount or infected people in America to be in the thousands. Are the CDC deliberately trying to get as many people infected as possible?

In order to create illusions, magician’s present one diversion to their audience while concealing their “trick”. Nobody notices the important movements happening right before their eyes because their attention has been diverted. This is commonly known as sleight of hand. Is the Covid-19 panic being used as a diversion to hide the fact 5G is the real problem we should be more concerned about?

Before the roll out of 5G, thousands of prominent scientists signed a petition with the following warning
We, the undersigned scientists, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF)… and has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”

The scientists warning us of the grave dangers of 5G have been totally ignored. Despite the warnings, it is on record that not one dollar has been spent by the industry. No one has looked into any health and safety aspects of 5G before roll out. Could it be that certain powerful bodies of world authorities already know what the consequences of 5G are, and is the Coronavirus being used as a smokescreen to take our eyes away from the real monster that threatens humanity? Or worse! Is humanity being attacked not only with a deadly bio-weapon, but also with the radiation of 5G which can now be rolled out worldwide while no one can see all the horrific health consequences the 5G is causing, because any health consequences of 5G is being blamed on the Coronavirus?

Recommend listen to this important interview:
Barrie Trower 5G Will Devastate Humanity But Those Behind It Are Above The Law!
You are ignoring content by this member. 🍺
Sorry Kelly should've clarified there, what I meant was it's usually a good indicator that if the value of Gold starts to rise significantly then the economy is about to take a serious hit. And when the economy takes a serious hit the arse falls out of currencies and the wealthy start buying up material assets like precious metals, land, property, high-end art etc as a way of protecting their wealth.

When these things start getting snapped up en masse it's a good sign that something bad is coming.
Also when the arse falls out of currency it falls out of everything and the wealthy get to buy up everything for a fraction of their value
Is The Health Consequences of The Current 5G Roll Out Being Camouflaged By COVID – 19?
Despite all the health warnings, 5G is currently being rolled out worldwide. Our eyes are (conveniently?) off the ball. No one is paying any attention to the roll out. Anyone might think the 5G roll out is not that important. Yet hundreds of prominent scientists and health experts have been warning us that when 5G is switched on, people will start dropping on the streets dying.

The 5G system is a WiGig wireless network that operates in the 60GHz spectrum with a download speeds of up to 10 Gbps compared to the 4G download speed of 10 Mbps. The frequency of 60 GHz is the frequency at which oxygen molecules oscillate. At 60 GHz, 98% of the transmitted 5G energy will be absorbed by atmospheric oxygen which then alters the orbital properties of the electrons of the oxygen molecules. '"60GHz is the frequency of oxygen molecule absorption. Oxygen molecules have electrons that they share with each other, oxygen is a diatomic molecule. What we breathe are two oxygen molecules bonded together with the electrons that they share.” When the oxygen molecule is hit with 60GHz 5G waves, these waves affect the orbital resonance properties of those shared electrons. It is those shared electrons that bind to the hemoglobin in our blood. When the oxygen is disrupted, it will no longer bind to the hemoglobin and myoglobin (oxygen carrying molecules) and therefore will not be able to carry oxygen to the cell's powerhouse 'mitochondria'. Without oxygen, the liver becomes congested and the body, and brain, begins to break down due to slow suffocation.

Because the brain is the body organ most sensitive to the lack of oxygen, not getting enough oxygen to the brain will result in brain hypoxia. Brain hypoxia symptoms range from mild to severe.

Mild symptoms include:
cognitive disturbances; temporary memory loss; reduced ability to move your body; difficulty paying attention; difficulty making sound decisions
Severe symptoms include:
Fainting; seizure; coma; brain death

List of “coincidences”
In 2015, the first biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory is built in mainland China. The location of this lab is Wuhan.

5G is rolled out on 31stOctober 2019 (Halloween. Some may consider there was no coincidence that Halloween is the chosen date!

The Hubai province which encompasses Wuhan is chosen as the pilot area for the 5G roll out. So it begs the question, is it a coincidence that the very place a new virus breaks out just happens to be in the same place that G5 is rolled out? And is it just a coincidence that the virus is discovered only a couple of weeks after the 5G roll out?

Weeks after 5G goes live in Wuhan, people start to get ill, people start to fall over. The hospitals can’t cope. What is going on? Reports from Chinese online bloggers state the authorities are very reluctant to acknowledge anything wrong.

5G towers were installed all over Wuhan hospitals to ensure maximum strength to facilitate remote surgical operations. Hospital staff become very ill. Many die. Was this caused by a virus or 5G?
In January 2020 the authorities announce the discovery of a new novel virus which is making thousands of Wuhan residents sick.

Authorities state that this new virus is not linked to the Wuhan BSL-4 lab although they acknowledge the lab is experimenting with the same Coronavirus that has been discovered in a food warehouse about 10 miles from the lab. How do they know this new virus is not linked to the Wuhan BSL-4 lab? Chinese scientist’s state they are sure the virus has somehow escaped from the lab. All online bloggers contradicting the authority’s official statements disappear.

Social media discovers a book titled “The Edge of Darkness” which was written in 1981 and is a thriller which has within its story line that in 2020, a severe pneumonia-like illness would spread across the world. The original book described the virus originating from Gorki Russia, with the virus named Gorki- 400. In 1989, the book is updated so that now the location of the virus’s origin is changed from Gorki to Wuhan with the virus now named Wuhan-400. Is this just a coincidence?

Soon after the outbreak, scientists from India write a paper declaring that the virus is definitely man-made. They come to this conclusion because they find that within the virus structure, 4 inserts of the HIV virus has been added to the template of the previous SARS virus.

The Indian scientist’s paper is immediately withdrawn from the internet and censored. At the same time an announcement by the World Health Organization (WHO) states the virus is a new virus, it is NOT a bio weapon that has escaped from the Wuhan BSL-4 lab and the virus has mutated from a wild animal, probably a bat. How can they be so certain?

February 2020, the cruise ship Diamond Princess has a “Coronavirus” outbreak which appears to be spreading among the passengers. The cruise ship has recently been upgraded with 5G technology. The ships are quarantined. The longer passengers stay on the ship, more get infected. Is this because the virus is spreading or is it the 5G making them sick? Or could it be both?

Meanwhile in America, the rollout of a CDC-designed test kit in preparation for COVID-19 becomes a fiasco because the kits contain a faulty reagent. Labs around the country eager to test more suspected cases, and test them faster, are unable to do so. No commercial or state labs have the approval from the CDC to use their own tests. Only those showing obvious signs of the COVID-19 virus are tested. Is this a deliberate coincidence or just complete incompetence?

Passengers from the previously quarantined cruise ship are allowed to travel back to America in a normal scheduled passenger flight. The CDC releases an infected person back into the community after making a mistake with their tests. Researchers show the CDC held back test kits for 4 weeks, and estimate the real amount or infected people in America to be in the thousands. Are the CDC deliberately trying to get as many people infected as possible?

In order to create illusions, magician’s present one diversion to their audience while concealing their “trick”. Nobody notices the important movements happening right before their eyes because their attention has been diverted. This is commonly known as sleight of hand. Is the Covid-19 panic being used as a diversion to hide the fact 5G is the real problem we should be more concerned about?

Before the roll out of 5G, thousands of prominent scientists signed a petition with the following warning
We, the undersigned scientists, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF)… and has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”

The scientists warning us of the grave dangers of 5G have been totally ignored. Despite the warnings, it is on record that not one dollar has been spent by the industry. No one has looked into any health and safety aspects of 5G before roll out. Could it be that certain powerful bodies of world authorities already know what the consequences of 5G are, and is the Coronavirus being used as a smokescreen to take our eyes away from the real monster that threatens humanity? Or worse! Is humanity being attacked not only with a deadly bio-weapon, but also with the radiation of 5G which can now be rolled out worldwide while no one can see all the horrific health consequences the 5G is causing, because any health consequences of 5G is being blamed on the Coronavirus?

Recommend listen to this important interview:
Barrie Trower 5G Will Devastate Humanity But Those Behind It Are Above The Law!
Pile of 💩
Is The Health Consequences of The Current 5G Roll Out Being Camouflaged By COVID – 19?
Despite all the health warnings, 5G is currently being rolled out worldwide. Our eyes are (conveniently?) off the ball. No one is paying any attention to the roll out. Anyone might think the 5G roll out is not that important. Yet hundreds of prominent scientists and health experts have been warning us that when 5G is switched on, people will start dropping on the streets dying.

The 5G system is a WiGig wireless network that operates in the 60GHz spectrum with a download speeds of up to 10 Gbps compared to the 4G download speed of 10 Mbps. The frequency of 60 GHz is the frequency at which oxygen molecules oscillate. At 60 GHz, 98% of the transmitted 5G energy will be absorbed by atmospheric oxygen which then alters the orbital properties of the electrons of the oxygen molecules. '"60GHz is the frequency of oxygen molecule absorption. Oxygen molecules have electrons that they share with each other, oxygen is a diatomic molecule. What we breathe are two oxygen molecules bonded together with the electrons that they share.” When the oxygen molecule is hit with 60GHz 5G waves, these waves affect the orbital resonance properties of those shared electrons. It is those shared electrons that bind to the hemoglobin in our blood. When the oxygen is disrupted, it will no longer bind to the hemoglobin and myoglobin (oxygen carrying molecules) and therefore will not be able to carry oxygen to the cell's powerhouse 'mitochondria'. Without oxygen, the liver becomes congested and the body, and brain, begins to break down due to slow suffocation.

Because the brain is the body organ most sensitive to the lack of oxygen, not getting enough oxygen to the brain will result in brain hypoxia. Brain hypoxia symptoms range from mild to severe.

Mild symptoms include:
cognitive disturbances; temporary memory loss; reduced ability to move your body; difficulty paying attention; difficulty making sound decisions
Severe symptoms include:
Fainting; seizure; coma; brain death

List of “coincidences”
In 2015, the first biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory is built in mainland China. The location of this lab is Wuhan.

5G is rolled out on 31stOctober 2019 (Halloween. Some may consider there was no coincidence that Halloween is the chosen date!

The Hubai province which encompasses Wuhan is chosen as the pilot area for the 5G roll out. So it begs the question, is it a coincidence that the very place a new virus breaks out just happens to be in the same place that G5 is rolled out? And is it just a coincidence that the virus is discovered only a couple of weeks after the 5G roll out?

Weeks after 5G goes live in Wuhan, people start to get ill, people start to fall over. The hospitals can’t cope. What is going on? Reports from Chinese online bloggers state the authorities are very reluctant to acknowledge anything wrong.

5G towers were installed all over Wuhan hospitals to ensure maximum strength to facilitate remote surgical operations. Hospital staff become very ill. Many die. Was this caused by a virus or 5G?
In January 2020 the authorities announce the discovery of a new novel virus which is making thousands of Wuhan residents sick.

Authorities state that this new virus is not linked to the Wuhan BSL-4 lab although they acknowledge the lab is experimenting with the same Coronavirus that has been discovered in a food warehouse about 10 miles from the lab. How do they know this new virus is not linked to the Wuhan BSL-4 lab? Chinese scientist’s state they are sure the virus has somehow escaped from the lab. All online bloggers contradicting the authority’s official statements disappear.

Social media discovers a book titled “The Edge of Darkness” which was written in 1981 and is a thriller which has within its story line that in 2020, a severe pneumonia-like illness would spread across the world. The original book described the virus originating from Gorki Russia, with the virus named Gorki- 400. In 1989, the book is updated so that now the location of the virus’s origin is changed from Gorki to Wuhan with the virus now named Wuhan-400. Is this just a coincidence?

Soon after the outbreak, scientists from India write a paper declaring that the virus is definitely man-made. They come to this conclusion because they find that within the virus structure, 4 inserts of the HIV virus has been added to the template of the previous SARS virus.

The Indian scientist’s paper is immediately withdrawn from the internet and censored. At the same time an announcement by the World Health Organization (WHO) states the virus is a new virus, it is NOT a bio weapon that has escaped from the Wuhan BSL-4 lab and the virus has mutated from a wild animal, probably a bat. How can they be so certain?

February 2020, the cruise ship Diamond Princess has a “Coronavirus” outbreak which appears to be spreading among the passengers. The cruise ship has recently been upgraded with 5G technology. The ships are quarantined. The longer passengers stay on the ship, more get infected. Is this because the virus is spreading or is it the 5G making them sick? Or could it be both?

Meanwhile in America, the rollout of a CDC-designed test kit in preparation for COVID-19 becomes a fiasco because the kits contain a faulty reagent. Labs around the country eager to test more suspected cases, and test them faster, are unable to do so. No commercial or state labs have the approval from the CDC to use their own tests. Only those showing obvious signs of the COVID-19 virus are tested. Is this a deliberate coincidence or just complete incompetence?

Passengers from the previously quarantined cruise ship are allowed to travel back to America in a normal scheduled passenger flight. The CDC releases an infected person back into the community after making a mistake with their tests. Researchers show the CDC held back test kits for 4 weeks, and estimate the real amount or infected people in America to be in the thousands. Are the CDC deliberately trying to get as many people infected as possible?

In order to create illusions, magician’s present one diversion to their audience while concealing their “trick”. Nobody notices the important movements happening right before their eyes because their attention has been diverted. This is commonly known as sleight of hand. Is the Covid-19 panic being used as a diversion to hide the fact 5G is the real problem we should be more concerned about?

Before the roll out of 5G, thousands of prominent scientists signed a petition with the following warning
We, the undersigned scientists, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF)… and has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”

The scientists warning us of the grave dangers of 5G have been totally ignored. Despite the warnings, it is on record that not one dollar has been spent by the industry. No one has looked into any health and safety aspects of 5G before roll out. Could it be that certain powerful bodies of world authorities already know what the consequences of 5G are, and is the Coronavirus being used as a smokescreen to take our eyes away from the real monster that threatens humanity? Or worse! Is humanity being attacked not only with a deadly bio-weapon, but also with the radiation of 5G which can now be rolled out worldwide while no one can see all the horrific health consequences the 5G is causing, because any health consequences of 5G is being blamed on the Coronavirus?

Recommend listen to this important interview:
Barrie Trower 5G Will Devastate Humanity But Those Behind It Are Above The Law!
Eh, by gum!