
Ajer has broken ranks and said he wants to move on in the summer.
This came straight from his agent who said it was Kris who decided it was time to move on.
My opinion also is that Kris does just exactly that,because for someone like him who has publicly declared he wants to walk away from helping us to 10 iar is an absolute Judas..
I have no doubt the rattling noise I keep hearing is from the tail of the Leicester serpent,but even so this Celtic Signing should have had the balls to say thanks but no thanks,,but unfortunately he has not..

Ajer has broken ranks and said he wants to move on in the summer.
This came straight from his agent who said it was Kris who decided it was time to move on.
My opinion also is that Kris does just exactly that,because for someone like him who has publicly declared he wants to walk away from helping us to 10 iar is an absolute Judas..
I have no doubt the rattling noise I keep hearing is from the tail of the Leicester serpent,but even so this Celtic Signing should have had the balls to say thanks but no thanks,,but unfortunately he has not..

Unless i see a quote from Kris concerning this I'll believe it's bullshit from an agent trying to make a few quid. So, as it stands I'm sticking with the big man.