Interesting read

Can make all the documentarys they want they should all remember the abuses didn't start or end at CBC it's spiders web is in every area of scottish football

There funded documentary will be expected to follow on the tradition of there bile ridden forums and the chants from there terraces ,,,look forward to libel actions against them

There's a huge gulf in what you think you know and what you can say

there scum but there day will come ,,,,again
Make no mistake, this is NOT about closure, the perpetrators are all in jail, that’s closure, this is all about trying to milk the cash cow 😡
Without a doubt Bellshill bhoy,this has been the agenda all along,I hope the people who suffered under these animals are compensated for their trauma,I also hope these righteous zombies realise that their boys brigade outfits had their fair share of child abusers just like their church ministers, scouts,boys football clubs etc,,this is not a catholic disease,this has been going on since man first walked upright,since all boys schools were introduced,these peepul will go to any extreme to muck throw at Catholocism,this scurvy mob dont hate Celtic they hate Catholocism because there are so many of us probably half the worlds population and they are but a dot on the landscape.
I wonder just how many of the scum realise that the money for 1690 came from Rome..
I also often wonder if they realise that when they go on holiday to Spain Italy Portugal Brazil etc that every penny they spend half of it ends up in the Vatican,just like the Ibrox Bar boys last Sunday donated half of their 30000 euro fine to the Vatican..I hope all our hun guests who read this will get the same satisfaction I get from printing it,it really is fantastic to know we are here to stay..they only need tolook at their team selections every week,,at least 5 Catholics in their team,what a fantastic feeling it must give them knowing slippy is helping to end secterianism..

You'd think that manky mob of inbreeds would have something better to spend their time and money on. Nothing beats a good abuse story to them although they absolutely refuse to acknowledge the horrors that were perpetrated in the bigotdome and even less realisation that this isn't a Celtic or Catholic issue but is a societal problem.
They really are a shower of lowlife scum..They orange basterds couldnt give a shit about any abuse victims..Look what happened when an abuse victim contacted their club..>>>>

A former youth footballer who says he was sexually abused by a Rangers coach has been told by the club he should pursue his complaint with liquidators.

The man claims he was abused within the Ibrox stadium by Gordon Neely who was head of youth development in the 1980s.

But the alleged victim has been told by lawyers for Rangers that the duty of care is not with the current owners.

They said that when the abuse took place Rangers were owned by a different company which was now in liquidation.

Pat Mair from Scottish charity Talk Now which counsels victims of sexual abuse has worked with adults who suffered in childhood.

She said: "The survivors are looking for acknowledgement, they're looking for communication with the football clubs where they were abused.

"The abuse happened at Rangers Football Club but they are not taking any responsibility and it's as if they're not accountable for it."

David said he wanted "someone from Rangers" to contact him so he could tell them his story.
They really are a shower of lowlife scum..They orange basterds couldnt give a shit about any abuse victims..Look what happened when an abuse victim contacted their club..>>>>

A former youth footballer who says he was sexually abused by a Rangers coach has been told by the club he should pursue his complaint with liquidators.

The man claims he was abused within the Ibrox stadium by Gordon Neely who was head of youth development in the 1980s.

But the alleged victim has been told by lawyers for Rangers that the duty of care is not with the current owners.

They said that when the abuse took place Rangers were owned by a different company which was now in liquidation.

Pat Mair from Scottish charity Talk Now which counsels victims of sexual abuse has worked with adults who suffered in childhood.

She said: "The survivors are looking for acknowledgement, they're looking for communication with the football clubs where they were abused.

"The abuse happened at Rangers Football Club but they are not taking any responsibility and it's as if they're not accountable for it."

David said he wanted "someone from Rangers" to contact him so he could tell them his story.
Same club them it suits them, new club when there’s money due, couldnae give them a rid neck wi a blowtorch, and they’re got the cheek to talk about us....😡

And to Huns it’s weaponising child abuse...
The way the hun media in Scotland operate is they are informed of a potential story be it massive or small, no matter they are informed offhand through the unnamed.jpg they then fact check to see if their own institutions are affected and if so they muddy waters and distort the narrative to suit.

GIRFUthem they know who the bodies were, Souness never reported anyone, he gave the guy his best wishes when he left. The police would have been down old huns throats if they had covered up anything and why then have the huns not took the police to court for failing to investigate a crime that proceeded to been committed at other places.
We have fact checkers as well you know and we know what went on and who was who. 10inarow will consume them and kill the double act.


By Mark Daly (the men who sold the jerseys ebt scandal) & Craig Williams BBC Disclosure

  • 17 October 2019
New evidence has emerged suggesting Rangers FC covered up the reasons why a former youth coach accused of child sex offences left the club.

Rangers have consistently said they sacked Gordon Neely in 1991 after a complaint from worried parents and then reported him to the police.

But the new evidence shows that is not what the club said publicly at the time - and Neely's alleged victim insists a police report was never made.

Rangers denied a cover-up."
The way the hun media in Scotland operate is they are informed of a potential story be it massive or small, no matter they are informed offhand through the View attachment 10310 they then fact check to see if their own institutions are affected and if so they muddy waters and distort the narrative to suit.

GIRFUthem they know who the bodies were, Souness never reported anyone, he gave the guy his best wishes when he left. The police would have been down old huns throats if they had covered up anything and why then have the huns not took the police to court for failing to investigate a crime that proceeded to been committed at other places.
We have fact checkers as well you know and we know what went on and who was who. 10inarow will consume them and kill the double act.


By Mark Daly (the men who sold the jerseys ebt scandal) & Craig Williams BBC Disclosure

  • 17 October 2019
New evidence has emerged suggesting Rangers FC covered up the reasons why a former youth coach accused of child sex offences left the club.

Rangers have consistently said they sacked Gordon Neely in 1991 after a complaint from worried parents and then reported him to the police.

But the new evidence shows that is not what the club said publicly at the time - and Neely's alleged victim insists a police report was never made.

Rangers denied a cover-up."
Nothing to see here, carpet gets lifted, brush, brush.....
This looks very much boab like it is the sevco generals waterloo year..with the Wellington ready to kick his arse all the way down to Merseyside..


Everyone on the media using the 10 in a row as if the pressure is immense and it been the biggest season of our campaign, it’s not, granted we are going for a 10 in a row and granted it is a milestone to achieve as considering the lions did a 9 and that stood in our history books until we matched it creating a historic double 9.

But there is no pressure to achieve it, (but we will go all out to get it as its in our DNA) for we have the historic milestone set in stone that will not be matched in our lifetime in this country, we have and are the first club i belie to have to have two 9s, the pressure is coming from another side, a side that commercially a ten in a row could bury them, so we are in a position to continue at leisure creating milestones, but all we are doing is adding to already established firsts, so we play the game the Celtic way and watch from the side-lines the antics elsewhere.

A club like no other. Double treble, treble treble and an invincible treble
They don't care about any victims.
They're hoping that they can force Celtic to pay compensation and it'll bankrupt us.
One clown on follow follow even suggested Rangers pay their victims £1 million pounds each so we have to do the same and "Celtic have hundreds so it will finish them"
Of course that idea was shouted down as it was oldco that the abuse happened under and they only want the titles from them none of the other baggage.

They can't compete on the pitch with our financial clout and if course everything else was never their fault and we bankrupted them by ordering HMRC to chase them for tax as it was the only way we could stop them.
Some if them are so deluded that they should be sanctioned.