Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts, theories etc.

and i have rights to stay here like everyone ( as well ) and you dont force me to get out from here, cuz im also not protesting when your mother, sister, wife and daughter is having sex with your entire fellows at once.

so ( rascal whore ) keep your mouth shut and dont protest like an whore. and i will stay here just as everyone can do it. ( so also i will do it ) that is it. and whore on your knees you have no rights to check me.
Aw, red carded, and here was me thinking we were building a relationship, he was my weirdo, and I was his rascal whore, I’m sure his god, if he uses the interweb would love his profanity, no turning the other cheek with this delightful chap, hope he’s somewhere washing his keyboard out with soap, and saying SEVERAL chrisna chrisna’s and a few Harry ramsdens thrown in for good measure as a penance, peace and love be upon your raging slapheid 🙏