Wan fur the aulder crew :)

I worked on this about a month ago with some other folks. We came up with only 36 of the 39. It helps to blow up the picture, because some of the clues are pretty small. I still can't figure out what the queen on the slide might be, and if need be I can explain where all of these are.

She Came In Through the Bathroom Window
The Long and Winding Road
Fool on the Hill
Here Comes the Sun
Glass Onion
Eight Days a Week
Dr. Robert
Strawberry Fields Forever
Fixing a Hole
She’s Leaving Home
I am the Walrus
Hello Goodbye
Penny Lane
Here There and Everywhere
Ticket to Ride
Yellow Submarine
Octopus’ Garden
Lovely Rita
Twist and Shout
Maxwell’s Silver Hammer
Norwegian Wood
Come Together
Carry That Weight
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
I’m only sleeping
Baby You’re a Rich Man
Drive My Car
You Won’t See Me (?)
From Me to You
Let It Be

A couple of them could be "two-fers", like the boy handing the girl a present -- "From Me to You" -- and "Birthday" (since there's a birthday cake).
Consensus was, at first, "Her Majesty," but then why was she on a slide, and whether (or not) the Lighthouse meant anything. Overthinking it, perhaps, but those of us who pored over this dismissed it. We could be wrong, though.
that's the baw burst then am away up the road ,,,,nice one shadow ,,,,,,,ruined it for all the auld fkrs who cant get there hole :LOL:

Right thats it say as many as you like ;) Lasted longer than a thought before somebody had tae say mair than wan 😁


Aw c'mon I named 5 oot a 39 (tae teach ye a wee lesson on not being ageist) and I'm getting grief! Larry names 38 of them and whit does he get......he gets fucking HELP with the one he cannae get! :LOL:
Right thats it say as many as you like ;) Lasted longer than a thought before somebody had tae say mair than wan 😁

I'll be honest here Lennono, in my youthful exuberance I kinda skimmed the text and missed the bit where it said name only one. Us youngsters eh!

Sorry if I ruined yer quiz mate (I didnae really, Larry did, named 38 jist sayin)......I'll buy yeez aw some Wurther's Originals and start a 'I remember when this wis aw fields' thread tae make it up to yous. 😂(y)
Sorry if I ruined yer quiz mate (I didnae really, Larry did, named 38 jist sayin)......I'll buy yeez aw some Wurther's Originals and start a 'I remember when this wis aw fields' thread tae make it up to yous. 😂(y)
OK, so I've "unruined" the quiz by deleting my post. From here on in, I will let you know if you got the same answers I did. Happy?
She's Leaving Home
Correct -- woman at the bottom walking away with a pack on a stick.
1. Shout
2. Help
3. Here Comes The Sun
4. Blackbird
5. Ticket To Ride.
1. Twist and Shout, but OK -- man twisted up and shouting into a megaphone
2-5. Correct.

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