
Its an addiction and once accepted we are the cure, Every puff no-one made us do it, go for it theres enough material in that link and it covers every base and every thought you want answered, You can do it just keep trying, Mark Twain stopped about 30 times then finally nailed it.
I differ to agree, Boab. My big brother made me smoke due to some madcap gonky theory that if he got caught then it would'nae be so bad if I was on the tabs as well???

When my ald fella caught me dipping his deck, he went up to the shop and bought 20 capstan and made me smoke one after another. I got through three before I spewed my ring up, but it appeared to work..........for a week.

On my 13th birthday he took me to the Craigoul Bar and bought me a pint, a nip and 20 Regal (he tried to fix me up wie sweaty Betty too, but I managed to wrangle oot o' that). Now that's what you call good parenthood..........jail sentences, failed marriages, numerous sackings and psychological issues aside, it didn't do me any harm!!!!

Cheers Da'........God rest you!!!

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