January Transfer Window Thread

How about this for reality, commando? While you're being sucked in by agent PR, there are hundreds, possibly thousands of fullbacks just as good, or better, than McKenzie not only on this continent, but in a world that plays the beautiful game. Most of whom, for the most part, can be had for less.

Speaks more to the failings of our scouting rather than the ability of players and their agents.

But McKenzie is OK and will probably fit in. I don't think he's the savior of the backfield you think he is. And as far as Yanks go, I'd prefer to see a homegrown player like Cameron Harper excel and play for years with the Hoops as opposed to someone who will be a footnote or a trivia question years from now.
Cheers Delta Force.
Does he need to be capped for the USA before he can join us? The boy looks good.
In a manner of speaking, though it's time to fish or cut bait with Gutman since he may be getting a deal with FC Cincinnati.
Check that. Just drafted by Atlanta United in the MLS re-entry draft, but my guess is that he's now a bargaining chip in a deal and he will probably end up at another club that, of course, won't be Celtic.

I believe Gutman and Perez were signed on the premise they would become full internationals- an indication as to their progress.
England had a system based on criteria, whereby for some reason Scotland was able to allow the initial applications to be rejected but go before a panel that could indicate if they were a special talent and therefore given dispensation- a panel consisting of football professionals in part.

We’ve done that for a few as have other clubs. Morleos is an example.

The strange thing with Gutman and Perez seems to be we were able to sign but they were never able to play, so at what point did they have ‘leave to remain’ accompanied by the sought after ‘right to employment’ perhaps they were given the possibility if certain critera was met so celtic gambled.

There is another section to eligibility criteria that Mrs Elhamed would have been caught. Hatem would have got a work permit. ‘Full recourse or limited leave’. In the case of family you can join on a ‘spousal visa’ but you are not necessarily allowed to work as the advice given to the home office is the dependents will be reliant on the permit holder to provide. An undertaking from the prospective employer is required.

You can then apply when you get here for a right of residence in your own right, but usually you either can’t have it for a specific period of time or you can’t even apply for a time limited period. That’s not as daft as it sounds. Given if you are not a wealthy individual and do not have rights to remain it’s a system open to abuse.
For instance Israeli degree. Glasgow Uni. Brings wife and kids, split up. Wife applies but skills are easily covered by current population. As in Microbioligist, come on in we need them. Or Personal trainer as in Mrs Elhamed. We have thousands and we’ve already rejected many on initial application. Keeps the back door closed. Also the idea is not to allow benefits to be claimed or kids to be in school and create a falsfied back door immigration approach.

One proviso and a worrying one at that. If you are a wife and kids and you have a wealthy partner and you are on only a spousal visa and you suffer say domestic abuse, where do you go? Flawed system as Larry pointed out earlier, but you can see why they do it.
Yesterday showed we need players in who can play, especially in CB position and keeper. The fear is we dither as we need them in as soon as the window opens to be there for Mordor. I like the look of the American boy, but it's not just a matter of who, but when. Proceeding with our back line as is, means the 10 is beyond us. Anybody could score against us. Lawell needs for once to move fast. If he does we are still in it, if not....