Livi v Celtic wed 20 jan 8.15 p.m

seriously have to win this tonight, nearly end of Jan and we haven’t won a game!

Need to win to really clear the air and get back to just football.

And I personally think Laxalt is miles better than Taylor, you have to remember that he’s come into a Celtic team that changes every week and is scraping the barrel for confidence.

3-2 win please!!
Laxalt has done fuck all since he arrived bar give away pointless fouls and give possession away
Closest example i can think of is the diana ross 'goal' USA world cup opening ceremony, that literally broke the goal in half , and all that despite missing the target by 10 feet. You know , the type of goal that the rangers are awarded often,

Commentator : keunt, takes the shot , deflected out for a corner , NO!! Wait it's a goooaal !! referee beaton and linesmen collum and madden agree with the 4th official Dallas that the ball did indeed cross the line:
Big bad john hartson (respected pundit) : yes it did but not the goal line, the bye line:
Commentator: come on john it's either that or a penalty:
BBJ: A penalty ? How can it poss....
Commentator: sorry to cut you off non establishment person , obviously all the officials have great eyesight and they even wear specsavers on their shirt to remind us:
BBJ: Yes but how does that make it a goal if not a penalty?
Commentator : ha ha hoe(my wife): John you know as well as anyone else if Glasgow rangers f.c with a history longer than anyone anywhere anytime always score a goal or get a penalty whenever they enter the 18 yard box :
BBJ: That's cheating though is it not?
Commentator: probably but who gives a fuk weve been cheating for years and it's never bothered anyone:
BBJ: well it bothers me because..........
Commentator: sorry about that listeners we thought we had john Hartson respected pundit in the nest with us but it was actually someone else pretending to be him, so weve had him removed and please welcome our guest and neutral spectator Jim traynor !!:
Jim Traynor: heh heh hey it's me chick young not jim traynor:
Commentator: piss off chick everyone hates you and....goaalll!! Again for ranges did you see that chick?
Chick young: I did fantastic defending from rangers McGregor picked the ball up thumps it up the park and it actually hits the corner flag before crossing the line outstanding from McGregor, oh and Its a red card also , youd think the opposition would know better than retrieving the ball that's clearly ball boy duties and a stonewall red card:
Commentator: over to our guests monstermunch Boyd and neutral guest with spoon in hand andy walker.
Walker: I just cant believe how Celtic have let it get so bad
Monstermunch: That's st johnstone andy:
Walker : Aye but I get paid more if I say anything anti Celtic

Going to stop now , I need to get out more I know I know😟
Strangr than fiction or is it, Getting close to the truth there Winter
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