Fuckin hell????

That is an absolute fucking scandal. Sky Sports are more than happy to highlight the behaviour of Liverpool fans when the opposition roll up at Anfield, so why the fuck was this ATTACK not front and centre on their live feed on Saturday?

Why the fuck has this NOT been highlighted on the national broadcaster's main news bulletins?

It's not entirely a free pass for an abject performance, but it does provide some mitigation.

The swamp is brimming with scum
Sky sing the Auld firm lie wi Jim of Orange shite. They would never tarnish the blue pound,read somewhere recently that Sky take £400 million from Scotia every year. But deign to give us a £30 million a year package like we should be happy. As for the SMSM the truth would shatter them. It’s only Social media that’s getting this out there. So some of the press go on about Strict Liability.
The need for the media to get its finger out is way past due 2011/2012, should have been there finest hour. But like the Loch Ness monster the Survival myth keeps the tourists and the Zombies alive FFS JK Rowling could not make this up.
Mon the Hoops till I die.

HH? Happy new year to all in the Noise Family.
If our players shat it so much with a smoke bomb that it rendered them as bad as we witnessed, then it’s even worse than I thought.
Thought about it since and the need to put playing surrounded by that deranged filth in their asylum into some context and be fair to anyone, especially our players.

Before the match, was thinking if we had of turned up and gave them another hiding, the chances of some of their slob zombies invading and attacking our players was very likely going to happen.

Players are human beings and I expect some if not all were thinking about that, they would have felt intimidated by the filthy atmosphere and more so by the filth that were clearly out to protect the zombies give them every decision and allow them free reign to shove and kick and stamp.

The sort of filth that can look 50 meters across and along a line of players very close together
and able to judge our farthest from sight player offside, no hesitation!!
but same filth right in front of their own much clearer view ! somehow and several times misses to see several yellow if not red card incidents committed by sevco from first 5 minutes kick out on Broony to stamp on Ralston at the end.

Would you be able to perform 100% if you knew you were being set up!

Only Calmac handled it, the team and managers need to ask how he handled it and learn.
including BR as he just rolled over and put it down to a supposed better team on the day.

when reality was BR made poor tactical decisions and actively encouraged our 'no midfield' to be overwhelmed.
better team no! Only one player of sevco a loanee was worthy of any mention, they are not a good team by any decent standards, for all the BS press, the reality is Celtic have underperformed all season away and Kilmarnock with cents are a point behind the zombies!!

the over hyped over rated never won f all for engerland but always had some whiney excuse ready, that thicko zombie manager would have been criticizing all if it was the other way around!
calling out players names and officials and of course not been cautioned what so ever
by the so called authorities when ever he feels like doing so.

no need to copy that low class dumbo but BR needs to put some manners on these cheating officials, these incidents will only get worse unless BR speaks out against these supposed officials.
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Jock Stein Upper/Lower Main stand Lisbon Lions Upper/Lower North Stand Upper/Lower could hardly be construed as personal information

As for me presuming that you haven't experienced hardships and disappointment while following Celtic I wouldn't be so naiive
however I'd have thought that those negative experiences might have made you realise and accept just how lucky we are to be in the position that we are in and that you personally are in with your ST

Thousands would love to be in the situation that you find yourself in and aaInsaid if you are swithering whether to renew because you feel you are being short changed or becoming disillusioned then do what you feel is best for you

Celtic won't miss your contribution as they could sell your ST many times over so as I say do what's right for you

It seems to me that you were naive to believe I hadn’t experienced hardships.As for being lucky,well the lucky ones are the ones that get to pull on the jerseys on come Saturday.Plus they’re also lucky to have people like myself who purchase more than one season ticket and who’s purchased shares in the past which help pay they’re wages and also goes toward the setting up of training facilities that contribute to players progression.If that’s your attitude with Celtic not missing my contribution well that’s a bold statement to make against someone you don’t know,hence why I wouldn’t give out personal details like were I sit which includes family members to someone I don’t know.I don’t know why you were replying to that question,it was from Maria and it was asking were I sit not which area.Also I’m not sure Celtic could sell my seat many times over,if that was the case then both spaces either side of the main stand would be filled in.HH
Somebody’s going to end up dead before anything gets done about this trash.They’re getting away with stuff on and off the park and nobody seems to care.Would be good if our board stepped up to address this issue plus the incidents with Morelos.Its with things like this that Mr.Lawell should be earning his bonus because incidents like this put players off coming here.HH
Think Brendan’s plan for the hun game was the auld rope’a’dope job pass the c—ts to death then unleash kt and French Ed.get McGregor in middle for last 20mins??unfortunatley Boyata decided not to wear boots but kept his Xmas slippers on therefore couldn’t pass water..which went threw the hole side like diarrhoea panic took over,by that time game was gone??to lose one game in six fucking years against any team let alone they bigots is amazing !! so get all the anger and frustration oot ,,get pished the night and then reset button start over,,,,some grand times ahead for us Tim’s,,,,,peace:geek::geek::geek:
Think Brendan’s plan for the hun game was the auld rope’a’dope job pass the c—ts to death then unleash kt and French Ed.get McGregor in middle for last 20mins??unfortunatley Boyata decided not to wear boots but kept his Xmas slippers on therefore couldn’t pass water..which went threw the hole side like diarrhoea panic took over,by that time game was gone??to lose one game in six fucking years against any team let alone they bigots is amazing !! so get all the anger and frustration oot ,,get pished the night and then reset button start over,,,,some grand times ahead for us Tim’s,,,,,peace:geek::geek::geek:

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