Maybe so TET but isn't Scotland the best place to start, when the level of corruption is so high
Having read Scottish history books recently and also general English then uk history as well as wider history of europe

Its my opinion its always been this way.

The more you dig the more you find corruption and twisted narratives and usually twisted to have a fall guy at expense of the the winner who usually is the biggest scammer 0f them all

Now thats a cynical perpective

But I dont think right can ever win in this world

Cause when wrong wins it claims its the good guy and in the right.

Its all a big giant mess

the more you dig the more you find a mess

and if your only gonna dig to a certain point you be as well no digging at all.

I suspect nearly every football club in scotland gets dodgy payments just to keep lights on

off the books, wee tax fiddles with a blind eye turned here ad there and perhaps some outright odd financial boosts to keep show on the road.

None of these wee teams really win much so nobody makes a big deal, in my theory

But the rangers scam cannot be prosecuted in my theory without also jailing all these small time scammers

Just look at the teams in premier league and the weird company inside company owned by same dudes who own the bigger company with some really odd Russian doll set up

Weird very very weird sevco weird

So you might just find focusing in on the big fish does what they promised

kill us and we kill you

cause they own the papers and the banking system and the law of the land

you want to attempt to expose them

they have the power to turn it round and blame you.

none of the wee clubs can possibly be financially viable

but without them there is no game

And celtic may well have many skeletons that they want kept hidden so rocking boat might not reveal only one bad set of money scams

And do you jail everybody at every club who had some skullduggery or do you try and grade the levels in a world where they own the reports and the auditors of game
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think game would be shut down and lots of jail sentences for fraud

but I dont think it will ever get that go ahead, simply because its a fix, literally, a drug for the masses to keep people bickering over nonsense.

I suspect its rigged across the Fifa world

forcing it to be fixed cannot happen without cleaning it all and its never gonna happen, it would just be binned or denial like happened at the crypt

Doing nothing gets us absolutely nowhere as recent and historical events testify to.

We’ve just had Ajeti cited for simulation when there is clear video evidence he was clipped by the goalkeeper. Whether it was a soft decision or not is irrelevant. He was clipped. This would never have happened to a Hun player and we all know it.

Wee Fergus knew how to sort out the corruption at the SFA ala Farry.

The time has come for another Fergus McCann to stand up for our Club and call out the cheating, the fraud and the corruption that is endemic in Scottish Football.

Doing nothing is no longer a choice in my view...
I know only to well that you can't do what, ifs and maybes in football, but surely you can challenge the affects of these disgusting decisions that are constantly being given in favour of serco scum and the outcome of matches.
Just look at 5 over the past 6 weeks and how they have changed the outcome of a match potentially.

Last night
A straight forward red card
Score 0-0 time of incident
Outcome 1-0 win for scum

Hibs last week
Easiest red ever to be given
Score 0-0 time of incident
Outcome 1-0 win for scum

Another dubious penalty and to add insult to injury the sheep got the man sent off again a disgrace
score 0-0 time of incident
Outcome 2-1 win for scum

Us at the pig sty
Again a straight red for EL fatty bastard for his ankle bracker on frimps
Score 0-0 time of incident
Outcome 1-0 win for scum

Dundee United
Again a straight red for the elbow by El fatty Bastard
Score 0-0 time of incident
Outcome 2-1 win for scum

Of course we also best not forget the double standards set by the Scottish government, as well as teams being forced to play weakened teams against the scum while we had to be forced to field weaker teams and all the while they go unscathed with this pandemic. And how can we ignore the pens for the scum and yet countless not given against the bastards.

We now now that they are at least 15 points better off thanks to cheating mib's.
So for argument sake it is a good possibility that 10 would have been dropped if draws were the outcome instead of ref assisted wins. Take we also won our 2 games in hand and this cheating 23 point lead would only stand at 7 with us to play the hun fuckers twice.
We did show for 60 min how shit they really are and this all the while when we have been shite to the standards we have set over many a long year.
This whole season has been the biggest and most farcical season of all time and can't be taken seriously imo.
So a wee message to all the hun bastards

"so come out you hun bastards
And fight us like a man
Stop your hiding behind your referees"

You mean like this...

I still believe that there has not been enough done through social media to expose these cheating mib hun bastards
Very true johnno but as Beaton found out social media is evolving rapidly with everybody and their dog (or cat) having instant access to online media. Even if it takes another donkeys years to prove , again the cheating bassas the time will come. I posted a table of refs the other day and some had reffed 1 game whilst others were well into double figures. That's not right either and imo shows the cronyism that's rife in our game.
The Huns won’t want VAR.
They wouldn’t have got the same amount of penalties and several of their players would have been sent off instead of ‘getting off with it’.
But then again it will be 3 ex-MIB referees that will be making the decisions. So probably won’t be any difference to now.
Is the the SFA and SPFL not embarrassed by the reputation that their organisations are being part of a con? 😡😡 I know I would be.
The Huns won’t want VAR.
They wouldn’t have got the same amount of penalties and several of their players would have been sent off instead of ‘getting off with it’.
But then again it will be 3 ex-MIB referees that will be making the decisions. So probably won’t be any difference to now.
Is the the SFA and SPFL not embarrassed by the reputation that their organisations are being part of a con? 😡😡 I know I would be.
VAR would mean the SFA/SPFL having to dig the chequebook out. They will dig their heels in for the longest time over it. I'm not personally for it , think it is overused and ruins the speed of the game, this toenail offside nonsense does my head in , not to mention a few bookies lines oot the windae thanks to VAR. I'm all for goal line tech but not for everything. I am aware though that it gives the huns an advantage of 10 penalties to 1 over the rest of us but if we're good enough the mibs wont matter HH
Having read Scottish history books recently and also general English then uk history as well as wider history of europe

Its my opinion its always been this way.

The more you dig the more you find corruption and twisted narratives and usually twisted to have a fall guy at expense of the the winner who usually is the biggest scammer 0f them all

Now thats a cynical perpective

But I dont think right can ever win in this world

Cause when wrong wins it claims its the good guy and in the right.

Its all a big giant mess

the more you dig the more you find a mess

and if your only gonna dig to a certain point you be as well no digging at all.

I suspect nearly every football club in scotland gets dodgy payments just to keep lights on

off the books, wee tax fiddles with a blind eye turned here ad there and perhaps some outright odd financial boosts to keep show on the road.

None of these wee teams really win much so nobody makes a big deal, in my theory

But the rangers scam cannot be prosecuted in my theory without also jailing all these small time scammers

Just look at the teams in premier league and the weird company inside company owned by same dudes who own the bigger company with some really odd Russian doll set up

Weird very very weird sevco weird

So you might just find focusing in on the big fish does what they promised

kill us and we kill you

cause they own the papers and the banking system and the law of the land

you want to attempt to expose them

they have the power to turn it round and blame you.

none of the wee clubs can possibly be financially viable

but without them there is no game

And celtic may well have many skeletons that they want kept hidden so rocking boat might not reveal only one bad set of money scams

And do you jail everybody at every club who had some skullduggery or do you try and grade the levels in a world where they own the reports and the auditors of game
Hi TET, I find your post particularly interesting as reading history is one of my favourite pastimes. Anyone who studies Scottish social history in particular, can't come to any other conclusion than the Catholic population in Scotland has been treated as if they were some kind of alien species. Indeed, The Church of Scotland even used that very word from the pulpit to describe Irish Catholics. In the interest of being absolutely fair, I have to put on record that They have TWICE apologised publicly for the use of such language.

Some of you may wonder what the hell this has to do with football, and, in a fair and equal world, you would be right to wonder. However, those attitudes spilled over into every aspect of Scottish society and psyche, whether it was the workplace, or your choice of watering hole. ( What school did you go to ? ) Some places even had notices saying No Dogs, No Blacks, No irish ( meaning Catholics ). So, really, for me, it's anything but difficult to believe that kind of pernicious mindset sadly still exists to some extent. In the eyes of many, Celtic FC is seen as a continuation of every they hate.

Sorry if this is off-topic folks.
Hi TET, I find your post particularly interesting as reading history is one of my favourite pastimes. Anyone who studies Scottish social history in particular, can't come to any other conclusion than the Catholic population in Scotland has been treated as if they were some kind of alien species. Indeed, The Church of Scotland even used that very word from the pulpit to describe Irish Catholics. In the interest of being absolutely fair, I have to put on record that They have TWICE apologised publicly for the use of such language.

Some of you may wonder what the hell this has to do with football, and, in a fair and equal world, you would be right to wonder. However, those attitudes spilled over into every aspect of Scottish society and psyche, whether it was the workplace, or your choice of watering hole. ( What school did you go to ? ) Some places even had notices saying No Dogs, No Blacks, No irish ( meaning Catholics ). So, really, for me, it's anything but difficult to believe that kind of pernicious mindset sadly still exists to some extent. In the eyes of many, Celtic FC is seen as a continuation of every they hate.

Sorry if this is off-topic folks.
I agree

imo it stems from misinformation passed as factual and misuse of authority.

They genuinely think they are the good guys and Catholic Church is evil and because its evil in their mindset then they are justified in exterminating anyone holding to the evil cult that doesnt accept they are the master race.

they think they are the Israelites of the Old Testament and have the blessing to cull anyone who doesnt become their slaves

Even when they turned on each other with covenanters v the new model army they marched out to defeat the new model army with weak army convinced that God would subdue the Puritan ironsides having sacked anyone in their army they felt had bad Morales.

once allies with Cromwell they fought Cromwell cause he would not submit to their superiority covenant

Cromwells army thanked God for letting them march out to meet him and they got crushed

But once the republic defeated the constitutional monarchy scheme it went out and exterminated the evil catholics

But they hold Cromwell as a hero despite getting battered by him.

I agree

imo it stems from misinformation passed as factual and misuse of authority.

They genuinely think they are the good guys and Catholic Church is evil and because its evil in their mindset then they are justified in exterminating anyone holding to the evil cult that doesnt accept they are the master race.

they think they are the Israelites of the Old Testament and have the blessing to cull anyone who doesnt become their slaves

Even when they turned on each other with covenanters v the new model army they marched out to defeat the new model army with weak army convinced that God would subdue the Puritan ironsides having sacked anyone in their army they felt had bad Morales.

once allies with Cromwell they fought Cromwell cause he would not submit to their superiority covenant

Cromwells army thanked God for letting them march out to meet him and they got crushed

But once the republic defeated the constitutional monarchy scheme it went out and exterminated the evil catholics

But they hold Cromwell as a hero despite getting battered by him.

Ah, oor Oliver, he even has a street named after him in Glasgow. One of the chosen few who claimed God actually spoke to him. Heard that before? He also carved up much of the north of Ireland and graciously presented it to some of his generals as a wee bonus for helping to murder men woman and children simply because they had the audacity to worship the same God as him, but in a different way. His speech when dismissing The Rump Parliament in 1653 is worth a read, even if only to confirm the dangers of crackpot religious zealotry. Anyway, enough of this. Best to keep it about The Hoops. Am away tae dream about Broadway and hotdogs......and..???
Ah, oor Oliver, he even has a street named after him in Glasgow. One of the chosen few who claimed God actually spoke to him. Heard that before? He also carved up much of the north of Ireland and graciously presented it to some of his generals as a wee bonus for helping to murder men woman and children simply because they had the audacity to worship the same God as him, but in a different way. His speech when dismissing The Rump Parliament in 1653 is worth a read, even if only to confirm the dangers of crackpot religious zealotry. Anyway, enough of this. Best to keep it about The Hoops. Am away tae dream about Broadway and hotdogs......and..???
Just before you go, i was in Cornwall with Rick Stein today literally, and he mentioned was it the Christian church splitting/seperating. He inferred it was because one of the Kings wanted to divorce his wife and the current church 'law' at the time wouldn't allow it ? So he split from them and started another type.
Sounds like a descendent of Sevco, fuck the rules, we'll just make our own
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Hi TET, I find your post particularly interesting as reading history is one of my favourite pastimes. Anyone who studies Scottish social history in particular, can't come to any other conclusion than the Catholic population in Scotland has been treated as if they were some kind of alien species. Indeed, The Church of Scotland even used that very word from the pulpit to describe Irish Catholics. In the interest of being absolutely fair, I have to put on record that They have TWICE apologised publicly for the use of such language.

Some of you may wonder what the hell this has to do with football, and, in a fair and equal world, you would be right to wonder. However, those attitudes spilled over into every aspect of Scottish society and psyche, whether it was the workplace, or your choice of watering hole. ( What school did you go to ? ) Some places even had notices saying No Dogs, No Blacks, No irish ( meaning Catholics ). So, really, for me, it's anything but difficult to believe that kind of pernicious mindset sadly still exists to some extent. In the eyes of many, Celtic FC is seen as a continuation of every they hate.

Sorry if this is off-topic folks.
Particularly rife in the West of Scotland
In the 70's it was still ongoing (when I left school)
The local shipyards were known for sectarianism in hiring
If you went to a Catholic school, you went into one yard, if a Protestant school, you went into the other
Pubs, same thing, you knew where not to go
Hoping for change, was a waste of time, as it's their 'kulture' and that's just how they like it
It's learned behaviour through generations, and it's taught in the house, as their 'traditions'
We're now in the 21 century, and some PEEPO are living in 1690, It encompasses everyday life for some, it's embarrassing, and most of the world, when they are told of it, simply can't understand why there's so much hatred and bile, between two sports teams
Particularly rife in the West of Scotland
In the 70's it was still ongoing (when I left school)
The local shipyards were known for sectarianism in hiring
If you went to a Catholic school, you went into one yard, if a Protestant school, you went into the other
Pubs, same thing, you knew where not to go
Hoping for change, was a waste of time, as it's their 'kulture' and that's just how they like it
It's learned behaviour through generations, and it's taught in the house, as their 'traditions'
We're now in the 21 century, and some PEEPO are living in 1690, It encompasses everyday life for some, it's embarrassing, and most of the world, when they are told of it, simply can't understand why there's so much hatred and bile, between two sports teams
Wouldn't happen to have been Kincaids ?
They were notorious for it by all accounts
Just before you go, i was in Cornwall with Rick Stein today literally, and he mentioned was it the Christian church splitting/seperating. He inferred it was because one of the Kings wanted to divorce his wife and the current church 'law' at the time wouldn't allow it ? So he split from them and started another type.
Sounds like a descendent of Sevco, fuck the rules, we'll just make our own
You were in Cornwall today??

I'm phoning the polis immediately, covid rule breaking bastard!


(I like Cornwall we used to go there quite often when we were down south)

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