Will Celtic Give A Guard of Honour To The Sevco Hun Cheats, Thieves And Liars ? I Sincerely Hope Not.

the great jc

Well-known member
Paying respect to teams of integrity, and honour is completely different to respecting THEM who deserve nothing.

Referees help them with every decision whenever they can, and then laugh at us, refusing us decisions we do deserve.

SFA Interference who are proven ingrained Sevco apologists.

.......No penalties against them!

.......Not one man sent off yet....even with the Columbian thug in the team!

.......Sevco fans who behave disgracefully all over Europe and then demand their entitlement!

.......No. 55?. my backside. Aw Please,......they don't deserve their first.

.......They're only 9 years old... the bams........

.......Respect Must be earned.

.......The rangers earned nothing.

Cheating bastards.
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i would consider a guard of honour if our players got to wear the last 9 seasons medals

anyhow that lot refused last year
Thats correct, I can remember that.......but they may demand that we do...and then we must let the world know that neither the SFA nor referees Ass, cared to enforce it during all 9 of our titles, NO-ONE made a cheep on our behalf back then and its why WE WON'T be doing it for them.
I'd make them!!! All of them and lennon should be made to. Bow their heads and applaud. Let that be a lasting image for lennon. Standing applauding the huns. That should be their punishment for this clusterfuck of a season....that should be lennons punishment for staying on and not doing what's best for celtic.
I'd make them!!! All of them and lennon should be made to. Bow their heads and applaud. Let that be a lasting image for lennon. Standing applauding the huns. That should be their punishment for this clusterfuck of a season....that should be lennons punishment for staying on and not doing what's best for celtic.
Fuck huv we no been given every team a guard of honour this season ffs especially at set peices 🙈🙈🙈 think we huv a lot more tae worry about than fuckin guards of honour
I'd make them!!! All of them and lennon should be made to. Bow their heads and applaud. Let that be a lasting image for lennon. Standing applauding the huns. That should be their punishment for this clusterfuck of a season....that should be lennons punishment for staying on and not doing what's best for celtic.
Only if the PA announces congratulations on their historic first ever major title win since birth 2012.
I'd make them!!! All of them and lennon should be made to. Bow their heads and applaud. Let that be a lasting image for lennon. Standing applauding the huns. That should be their punishment for this clusterfuck of a season....that should be lennons punishment for staying on and not doing what's best for celtic.
I’d agree with that Lubo if I thought they would be at all embarrassed by it. But I don’t think they would - just like the rest of the season they would just go through the motions and pick up their pay cheques. The sooner some of them piss off out the door the better - led by Lennon and Kennedy. 🤬
I'd make them!!! All of them and lennon should be made to. Bow their heads and applaud. Let that be a lasting image for lennon. Standing applauding the huns. That should be their punishment for this clusterfuck of a season....that should be lennons punishment for staying on and not doing what's best for celtic.
Good shout Lubo I would have said as they refused last year we should reciprocate but yer right make them stand and applaud the huns, and a round of applause also for the men in black who did so much to help, them Celtic have been dreadful we made it easy for them although I don’t know if a guard of honour would bother any of them I think it’s just a job for most of them
I’d agree with that Lubo if I thought they would be at all embarrassed by it. But I don’t think they would - just like the rest of the season they would just go through the motions and pick up their pay cheques. The sooner some of them piss off out the door the better - led by Lennon and Kennedy. 🤬
Think there’s mare chance a sevco giving Lennon a fuckin guard of honour 🙈🙈🙈 surely he’s got a fuckin garden he could be fuckin about with
"guard of honour" ? Who comes up with this pish?
Get it tae fuck!
What's next? Asking the players to give each other a blowy?
Guard of honour ma bawz.... regardless of how shite we have been and how disappointing the season has been, we should never acknowledge that shower of bigoted , inbred, cheating, manky , subservient, pavement dwelling shower of orange bastards
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