Bigger Mess than we Thought

Desmond is far enough from us that he doesn’t feel the embarrassment or humiliation that we do but only when his ego is bruised or the mocking Is directed at him and close proximity does he reacte as it was at Hampden after the cup defeat, he is far enough away to be unaffected by the situation so he won’t be even bothered.
This board has been sitting since February- should have been September- looking for a new manager.
From April we were told it was Eddie Howe.
One of the reasons EH is not coming is that he’s not happy with transfer targets.
So this new man must be ok with the players that we’re interested in.
It seems there is a connection with the new DOF.
So we’ll have another Yes man.
With probably Kennedy as his number 2.
So the Huns have Slippy.
We’re stuck with Skippy.😡
What worries me is that if lawwell is gone but its the same old shit at the club, by the sounds of it Howe wasn't happy with transfer targets, which means he didn't have much of a say.......that means the new guy in charge (you know the egg chaser guy) is the man deciding what players we bring in!!!! Someone better tell him the rules of football or we are going to end up signing a team full of goal keepers!!!
C’mon guys who is really surprised about this? Months of trumpet blowing by the media about EH accompanied by complete silence from the board. Then the ‘deal’ suddenly collapses at the last minute. Over transfer targets?
Sound familiar? This board are a bunch of lying imbeciles. I for one am not buying their bullshit anymore. Not another penny if this Ange guy shows up with Kennedy as no. 2.
Just get Paidwell tae Fuck NOW!!! Then we can start looking under the carpet to all the F*ck ups he’s done that we don’t know about. If we thought last season was a nightmare I’m starting to think we’re not even half way through it yet! Who is Postecoglou!? New Favourite 😡 If that’s all we can come up with John Hughes would be a less of a shambles.....Just!
Yogi for me - said it before and will say it again - if just to drag us to the title next year. His teams play good stuff, excellent coach, good with media, he knows the Scottish football scene and is hard as nails - look out French Eddie. All these foreign managers suggested - guys we have never heard of - just like all these loan players we get - mixed abilities and no future in them. Get a Scottish coach and Scottish players - McCann, Ferguson, Nisbet, McCart/Kerr, Doig, Rooney etc
get this board tae fuck...a smell a rat wae lawwells fire anaw...said in the paper that his gran weans were in the room above the garage...every cunt wiz in their bed..well the picture a saw that room wiz burnt tae a crisp
get this board tae fuck...a smell a rat wae lawwells fire anaw...said in the paper that his gran weans were in the room above the garage...every cunt wiz in their bed..well the picture a saw that room wiz burnt tae a crisp
I think you need to have a lie down m8
The only rat involved in lawwells fire was the Cnut that started it
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Yogi for me - said it before and will say it again - if just to drag us to the title next year. His teams play good stuff, excellent coach, good with media, he knows the Scottish football scene and is hard as nails - look out French Eddie. All these foreign managers suggested - guys we have never heard of - just like all these loan players we get - mixed abilities and no future in them. Get a Scottish coach and Scottish players - McCann, Ferguson, Nisbet, McCart/Kerr, Doig, Rooney etc
Nice joke BigMaz ,but am no laughin
I'm now under the impression that our club is being run as a marketing tool more so than as a proper football club.
This latest gimmick about this Australian fella with Asian connections is this just a ploy to enhance the celtic name and brand even further afield than ones based on footballing matters?
I strongly believe now this board are more interested into widening the celtic name in the effort to reach out to a bigger fan base and all the while taking the loyal ST holders for granted.
They need to better start understanding that we won't continue to be taken for mugs, as the footballing issues will always be our main priority.
I see this board now just using the club to line there own pockets with greed for themselves which goes against all of what our great club was formed and built on.
For the past 3 seasons we have been in decline to where we could have been, yet masked very well by still managing to continue domestic dominance.
That era has finished now and yet the decline in getting proper footballing men in continues.
I want our club back to operating as a proper football club and a stop to this nonsense of using the club as a marketing tool.
Is it possible E.H. took the hump because Richard Hughes would have had to work with Fergal Harkin as joint football developers,IMO if we get F.H. then we have won a watch.
I think this guy can do more for Celtic than Eddy Howe and his backroom team could dream of.
Harkin is the man they call The Transfer Guru,he also oversees Man Ciyt,s loan operation..
Last season he loaned a Belgian second division outfit six Man City boys I think this is the same team who asked him last week to come to Belgium and work for them..He respectfully declined their offer hopefully with a team from the East End in mind.

Is it possible E.H. took the hump because Richard Hughes would have had to work with Fergal Harkin as joint football developers,IMO if we get F.H. then we have won a watch.
I think this guy can do more for Celtic than Eddy Howe and his backroom team could dream of.
Harkin is the man they call The Transfer Guru,he also oversees Man Ciyt,s loan operation..
Last season he loaned a Belgian second division outfit six Man City boys I think this is the same team who asked him last week to come to Belgium and work for them..He respectfully declined their offer hopefully with a team from the East End in mind.

Fergal Harkin isn't an official appointment yet as far as I know but yet already been named as the man behind getting aussie guy in.
So are we now looking to enhance our name in an Australian and Asian Market by making such an appointment as manager with far more income from celtic TV?
Are we still to continue with the policy of trying to attract players from an Asian and Australian market to help boost income by trying to increase the fan base and yet could also be done on the cheap with big rewards if we can get a successful player?
Not my version of how our club needs to be run
Scottish football is dead and it will take us with it, that's clear now. How can we have a coherent plan to leave, when we can't even appoint a new manager without making it a circus?

The mismanagement of the last year has sped up our demise; the mismanagement of the last fifteen years made it inevitable. We're hurtling towards the centre of the spiral, every harsh turn brings lower expectations, not even those are met.

All I feel now is grief and anger. I love this football club and it has been taken away from me, first in inches, then in yards, leaving me stranded on the far side of a chasm, uncrossable.
I'm now under the impression that our club is being run as a marketing tool more so than as a proper football club.
This latest gimmick about this Australian fella with Asian connections is this just a ploy to enhance the celtic name and brand even further afield than ones based on footballing matters?
I strongly believe now this board are more interested into widening the celtic name in the effort to reach out to a bigger fan base and all the while taking the loyal ST holders for granted.
They need to better start understanding that we won't continue to be taken for mugs, as the footballing issues will always be our main priority.
I see this board now just using the club to line there own pockets with greed for themselves which goes against all of what our great club was formed and built on.
For the past 3 seasons we have been in decline to where we could have been, yet masked very well by still managing to continue domestic dominance.
That era has finished now and yet the decline in getting proper footballing men in continues.
I want our club back to operating as a proper football club and a stop to this nonsense of using the club as a marketing tool.
Jn I get where you coming from and fully understand what your saying but that is giving this board far too much credit/foresight than they deserve. This is just a complete shit show by our “professional board”. This is a sacking or resignation scenario Right now!
Like the res12 question about the 5WA at the share holders meeting when Liewell said he or the board hadn’t seen “IF” that where to be the case then that’s beyond amateur that’s letting share holders/fans (to say the least) down and an instant sacking/resignation.
To now allow a guy believed to be 3 months to string a club the size of ours along without signing anything and now leaving us high and dry with weeks to go for pre season training and get rid of the nae users and bring in the bargain basement signings then everyone of the members of the board should be running down the celtic way and straight into a taxi and GTF!! Whether Chris Moyles look a like turns out to be Great or not doesn’t matter the way we are being run by these clowns is Junior football level!
Jn I get where you coming from and fully understand what your saying but that is giving this board far too much credit/foresight than they deserve. This is just a complete shit show by our “professional board”. This is a sacking or resignation scenario Right now!
Like the res12 question about the 5WA at the share holders meeting when Liewell said he or the board hadn’t seen “IF” that where to be the case then that’s beyond amateur that’s letting share holders/fans (to say the least) down and an instant sacking/resignation.
To now allow a guy believed to be 3 months to string a club the size of ours along without signing anything and now leaving us high and dry with weeks to go for pre season training and get rid of the nae users and bring in the bargain basement signings then everyone of the members of the board should be running down the celtic way and straight into a taxi and GTF!! Whether Chris Moyles look a like turns out to be Great or not doesn’t matter the way we are being run by these clowns is Junior football level!
On the issue of Liewell and the 5WA for Lieing to us about never seeing it we all know is complete pish and he’s a Liar he should have been forced to resign.
Bigger mess than we thought ? Short answer is yes, absolutely. The following is a summary of my own thoughts and is in no way aimed at having a go at anyone who sees it different.

I've stated several times on The Noise that I felt taking the title back in one season was going to be a monumental task. Even with the arrival of EH I would still have been of that opinion . Some of you were/are of the opinion that it wouldn't be too difficult to achieve such a target. I absolutely respect that. It's just for the life of me I can't find any grounds for such optimism.

In the season just ended, we finished a country mile behind a sevco team which didn't lose a game in the league. For me, therein lies our benchmark. Forget the talk of MIBS etc, we simply were not good enough.

So, back to the title of this thread. Right now we have no manager, no leadership, no direction. Players leaving. I would suggest those who want out are, for the most part, our better players. Those players obviously have to be replaced. Our track record in the transfer market in recent times doesn't fill me with confidence. Can we reasonably expect all of the incoming players to be a success ?... Bigger mess than we thought ?... Inarguably yes !

If I can corrupt an oft' heard quote....Never in the field sevco spanking, have so few destroyed the hopes of so many. Our power brokers have much to answer for. HH
Bigger mess than we thought ? Short answer is yes, absolutely. The following is a summary of my own thoughts and is in no way aimed at having a go at anyone who sees it different.

I've stated several times on The Noise that I felt taking the title back in one season was going to be a monumental task. Even with the arrival of EH I would still have been of that opinion . Some of you were/are of the opinion that it wouldn't be too difficult to achieve such a target. I absolutely respect that. It's just for the life of me I can't find any grounds for such optimism.

In the season just ended, we finished a country mile behind a sevco team which didn't lose a game in the league. For me, therein lies our benchmark. Forget the talk of MIBS etc, we simply were not good enough.

So, back to the title of this thread. Right now we have no manager, no leadership, no direction. Players leaving. I would suggest those who want out are, for the most part, our better players. Those players obviously have to be replaced. Our track record in the transfer market in recent times doesn't fill me with confidence. Can we reasonably expect all of the incoming players to be a success ?... Bigger mess than we thought ?... Inarguably yes !

If I can corrupt an oft' heard quote....Never in the field sevco spanking, have so few destroyed the hopes of so many. Our power brokers have much to answer for. HH
Spot on Frank. If we're going to win we're going to have to work bloody hard. There's a lot of rebuilding to do. Hey, even if we had won the league we would still have the same rebuilding job. The wantaways still wantaway. Broony would still go. We need to spend AND keep hold of the few decent players we have. That won't be for Aussie Ange, unless he can bring the next Naka with him. We need to sort out the defence and goalie and we need a new Striker for a start. Then its a question of will the players take to a stern Aussie bellowing at them? If he goes too far there could be a revolt, they dont like being shouted at these days the poor wee lambs.