English football association kept in the dark but want to know why two of their players need to self isolate..

green sprig

Well-known member
Stevie Clark was 100% correct last week when he said,the John Fleck situation is not the same as the Celtic in Dubai situation,
and the reason he is 100% right because Celtic told the truth about the situation in Dubai and were rewarded with players having to self isolate
and miss games,Scotland have lost only one player and on each occasion the player in question proved positive,it makes you wonder if Dubai was a massive bonus to sevco from the SFA who in their wildest dreams could never have thought possible and more importantly not made to look bad in the eyes of football fans.
So what we are left with from both statements from the SFA and the EFA is that all 3 players in self isolation made no contact whatsoever with any other member of the playing staff,coaching staff,medical and physio staff and kit men,,no,no,no,Stevie has already explained why he hugged,Grant Hanley,Billy Gilmour,Stephen O,Donnell,John McGinn,etc,etc Stevie will be thinking maybe he needs to self isolate now,not at all Stevie who would put out the statements from the SFA..
Dont worry Stevie I am sure the hugging bit is fine pal,if your not sure ask the SFA they will tell you what to tell us..
It does make you wonder just how close Christopher Julian was to the players in Dubai,or Stewart Armstrong to Christie and McGregor in the Scotland Squad,I dont suppose it really matters now, we have Stevies word on it,what more could we ask for..?????

Part of the headline reads,,rules are absolutely stinking..
IMO it,s the peepul who made the rules who are stinking..
Maybe now the honest people in this game will sit up and take notice of the corruption in
Scottish Football,created by the same people who run Scottish Football.

It's all to do with distance and time. Within one metre it's something like 5 mins contact. At two metres you are allowed 10mins.
Apparently Gilmour, Mount and Chillwell spent 25mins together with no social distancing. It all sounds insane.
Guy on the bbc this morning called them out for the instagram pics of Robertson and Mcginn playing table tennis and also Gilmour on the bus surrounded by players

don't think the EFA will be as easily fobbed off
Stevie Clark was 100% correct last week when he said,the John Fleck situation is not the same as the Celtic in Dubai situation,
and the reason he is 100% right because Celtic told the truth about the situation in Dubai and were rewarded with players having to self isolate
and miss games,Scotland have lost only one player and on each occasion the player in question proved positive,it makes you wonder if Dubai was a massive bonus to sevco from the SFA who in their wildest dreams could never have thought possible and more importantly not made to look bad in the eyes of football fans.
So what we are left with from both statements from the SFA and the EFA is that all 3 players in self isolation made no contact whatsoever with any other member of the playing staff,coaching staff,medical and physio staff and kit men,,no,no,no,Stevie has already explained why he hugged,Grant Hanley,Billy Gilmour,Stephen O,Donnell,John McGinn,etc,etc Stevie will be thinking maybe he needs to self isolate now,not at all Stevie who would put out the statements from the SFA..
Dont worry Stevie I am sure the hugging bit is fine pal,if your not sure ask the SFA they will tell you what to tell us..
It does make you wonder just how close Christopher Julian was to the players in Dubai,or Stewart Armstrong to Christie and McGregor in the Scotland Squad,I dont suppose it really matters now, we have Stevies word on it,what more could we ask for..?????

Whole thing disnae add up Gilmour was up close to all the players on both sides but only him n 2 English boys to isolate??? The whole things a lot of shite our government were overly careful wen it was us but wen its Scotland oh we might qualify here we canny isolate everycunt from day one av never agreed with all this shit far too overly cautios about a virus that itself doesn't kill anybody it's a step above influenza ffs now apparently nobody dies of the flu anymore its all covids fault load a pish
Whole thing disnae add up Gilmour was up close to all the players on both sides but only him n 2 English boys to isolate??? The whole things a lot of shite our government were overly careful wen it was us but wen its Scotland oh we might qualify here we canny isolate everycunt from day one av never agreed with all this shit far too overly cautios about a virus that itself doesn't kill anybody it's a step above influenza ffs now apparently nobody dies of the flu anymore its all covids fault load a pish
A virus that doesnt kill anybody??
Whole thing disnae add up Gilmour was up close to all the players on both sides but only him n 2 English boys to isolate??? The whole things a lot of shite our government were overly careful wen it was us but wen its Scotland oh we might qualify here we canny isolate everycunt from day one av never agreed with all this shit far too overly cautios about a virus that itself doesn't kill anybody it's a step above influenza ffs now apparently nobody dies of the flu anymore its all covids fault load a pish
Really no one died of Covid19 so the whole Worlds making it up.
Ive lost Someone with it

HH 😷
On its own it doesn't kill there needs to be an uderlying issues like flu kills way underlying issues
Its killed all age groups people with underlying conditions and healthy people
Fact. Who information , CDC not Q Anon and other Fanny websites.
Get your facts correct it’s nothing even close to the Flu.
at best it’s Flu like symptoms not drowning in your own fluids the destruction of Organs
Flu doesn’t cause long term illnesses also the Indian variant now causes Murr where your Organs turn to a black mess.

Stevie Clark was 100% correct last week when he said,the John Fleck situation is not the same as the Celtic in Dubai situation,
and the reason he is 100% right because Celtic told the truth about the situation in Dubai and were rewarded with players having to self isolate
and miss games,Scotland have lost only one player and on each occasion the player in question proved positive,it makes you wonder if Dubai was a massive bonus to sevco from the SFA who in their wildest dreams could never have thought possible and more importantly not made to look bad in the eyes of football fans.
So what we are left with from both statements from the SFA and the EFA is that all 3 players in self isolation made no contact whatsoever with any other member of the playing staff,coaching staff,medical and physio staff and kit men,,no,no,no,Stevie has already explained why he hugged,Grant Hanley,Billy Gilmour,Stephen O,Donnell,John McGinn,etc,etc Stevie will be thinking maybe he needs to self isolate now,not at all Stevie who would put out the statements from the SFA..
Dont worry Stevie I am sure the hugging bit is fine pal,if your not sure ask the SFA they will tell you what to tell us..
It does make you wonder just how close Christopher Julian was to the players in Dubai,or Stewart Armstrong to Christie and McGregor in the Scotland Squad,I dont suppose it really matters now, we have Stevies word on it,what more could we ask for..?????

Julian must of been baw deep in half of our squad & coaching staff.
The rest of the team must of been happy be was injured

Its killed all age groups people with underlying conditions and healthy people
Fact. Who information , CDC not Q Anon and other Fanny websites.
Get your facts correct it’s nothing even close to the Flu.
at best it’s Flu like symptoms not drowning in your own fluids the destruction of Organs
Flu doesn’t cause long term illnesses also the Indian variant now causes Murr where your Organs turn to a black mess.

For a third of people who get covid, they show no symptoms. Of the other 2 thirds, 95% only have minor "flu" like symptoms.
So unless you have underlying health conditions you would have to be pretty unlucky to get seriously ill with covid.
I wouldn't like to be one of the unlucky ones. Hopefully the vaccine will stop organs turning to a black mess, fuck that
Wit I meant is football players are in less danger than most cause they're fit they've no got underlying conditions I used flue cause I seen fauci compare it to it he made it....am no trying to upset people I know people died but young people are less at risk if that's changed I'm sorry but as for I know it disnae effect the young as much if at all?as it does to us older ones who have issues yet we still isolate them even with a jab I don't agree with how it's been handled if any of you have been affected im sorry 🙏we need to learn to live with it like any other virus though

Its killed all age groups people with underlying conditions and healthy people
Fact. Who information , CDC not Q Anon and other Fanny websites.
Get your facts correct it’s nothing even close to the Flu.
at best it’s Flu like symptoms not drowning in your own fluids the destruction of Organs
Flu doesn’t cause long term illnesses also the Indian variant now causes Murr where your Organs turn to a black mess.

How many football players have died?? MY point was players shouldn't have to isolate especially after the jag...and it's a viral infection yes it can kill but I'm your in general good health if u get it u will come thru it