Manager/Chief exec’s first SMSM conference

The first person up did ask a question and said " Ange , welcome and congratulations. How would you describe your role and what you will bring to Celtic " that's a valid question no? Or what are you meaning khenny?
Apologies khenny I hadnt seen nor knew there was 2 separate pressers. I would say that the ' not really a question' statement is still valid. You have Celtic fans there telling him the truth and it was the truth nothing fabricated. A warning not to fall into the traps past managers have. I'm 100% confident that Ange knows this fine well of the SMSM. Yes it wasnt a question but it did at least give him a flavour of what we have had to put up with and that if he doesnt stand up to that things are going to be a lot tougher for him. HH
Apologies khenny I hadnt seen nor knew there was 2 separate pressers. I would say that the ' not really a question' statement is still valid. You have Celtic fans there telling him the truth and it was the truth nothing fabricated. A warning not to fall into the traps past managers have. I'm 100% confident that Ange knows this fine well of the SMSM. Yes it wasnt a question but it did at least give him a flavour of what we have had to put up with and that if he doesnt stand up to that things are going to be a lot tougher for him. HH
I’m with you winter. Out of the 200 questions he got yesterday, I bet his biggest take out of them all was right there.
Suppose he could have asked him if the earth was flat or where he was in the marmite debate
I'm claiming an assist. One from the training ground! The thing is until now Celtic personnel could only answer the questions the MSM would put forward and there was never a pro-Celtic agenda, there is now. Do you believe in coincidence?
Message delivered loud and clear. A few folk on Twitter seem to have missed that though. Oh well, no sleep lost.
:oops: Making the headlines all over the place (y)
The first person up did ask a question and said " Ange , welcome and congratulations. How would you describe your role and what you will bring to Celtic " that's a valid question no? Or what are you meaning khenny?
Watch the video Brimcbhoy posted specifically for you. HH
Apologies khenny I hadnt seen nor knew there was 2 separate pressers. I would say that the ' not really a question' statement is still valid. You have Celtic fans there telling him the truth and it was the truth nothing fabricated. A warning not to fall into the traps past managers have. I'm 100% confident that Ange knows this fine well of the SMSM. Yes it wasnt a question but it did at least give him a flavour of what we have had to put up with and that if he doesnt stand up to that things are going to be a lot tougher for him. HH
Just saw this m8
The main thing khenny is that Ange understands it and since it came up more than once I'm pretty sure he wont be forgetting it in a hurry especially when he does interact with the red rag top trash more often HH
He's not on social media so I doubt very much whether he pays a blind not of attention to the actual media.

I'm buzzing for next season! ⚽😁🇳🇬
He's not on social media so I doubt very much whether he pays a blind not of attention to the actual media.

I'm buzzing for next season! ⚽😁🇳🇬
Aye for the first time in a fair while we appear to mean business. Not just in the words we heard but I get the impression that everyone will know exactly what's expected from them and if they fail to live up to those expectations and the standards of Ange then hook and sling comes to mind HH ☘
The one downside to this good news is our first competitive game is a champions league play off. Ridiculous ☘
Not even that winter, only a 2nd round match, would still have to get through another 2 rounds after that to make the CL.
Huge ask imo, with still such a shortage of players in positions required
Not even that winter, only a 2nd round match, would still have to get through another 2 rounds after that to make the CL.
Huge ask imo, with still such a shortage of players in positions required
Without that champions route it's always going to be a big ask at any time let's see how the cheats do against clubs with full stadium of partisan supporters and not 3rd best sides etc
Without that champions route it's always going to be a big ask at any time let's see how the cheats do against clubs with full stadium of partisan supporters and not 3rd best sides etc
It was what Ange meant about the urgency of getting players in for that tie.
At present we could be looking at
Ralston, Welsh, Bitton, Taylor
As a potential back line.
Would hardly fill you with confidence, so hopefully some deals can be done very quickly
I have to say I'm impressed by what I've seen from both men. I think either McKay is one of the smoothest bullshitters I've ever come across in my life or he means business. Hopefully the latter.
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” Orwell, Animal Farm.

I listened to three podcasts over the weekend where a presenter took umbrage with WC's opening gambit on Friday. It seems hypocritical to me to decry the SMSM for their sleekitness and bias while criticising a fellow fan-media representative for daring to be open and direct. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I don't see the problem with WC's candour. Which part does anyone disagree with?

I think the standard of Celtic fan media is really high and I'm a regular consumer of a lot of the output. I know some podcasters do it for nothing but their love of Celtic; some others do it to generate advertising income from supporters who click; some others still, I suspect, would bend over and part their cheeks for half a toffee apple and the sniff of a mainstream media job.
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” Orwell, Animal Farm.

I listened to three podcasts over the weekend where a presenter took umbrage with WC's opening gambit on Friday. It seems hypocritical to me to decry the SMSM for their sleekitness and bias while criticising a fellow fan-media representative for daring to be open and direct. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I don't see the problem with WC's candour. Which part does anyone disagree with?

I think the standard of Celtic fan media is really high and I'm a regular consumer of a lot of the output. I know some podcasters do it for nothing but their love of Celtic; some others do it to generate advertising income from supporters who click; some others still, I suspect, would bend over and part their cheeks for half a toffee apple and the sniff of a mainstream media job.
Everyone an their dug knows I was very sceptical about the appointment of AP. I even put a poll up to get everyone's views on the matter.
I left the poll open for people to change their mind and reverse their vote.
That's exactly what happened. At the beginning it was mostly votes against the appointment but as the days passed more and more changed their minds as we began to find out more about the guy.
It ended up a very close thing with the sceptics just shaving it (I'll have to check).
For myself I can only say I am now fully on board, especially after the pressers last week. Dom McKay impressed me also.
I was never keen on Eddie Howe as I thought the move away from his beloved South coast and the pressures of life in the mean streets of Glasgow would prove too much for him.
This proved to be correct as the events of the past few months scared the shite out of him and he backed out of any verbal agreements he had previously made before a ball had been kicked.
His stock has taken a tumble in footballing management circles as a result and I think many now look on him as a bit of a bottler who's flight instinct is far stronger than his fight.
JF posted the other day he is also on board the Ange and Dom bandwagon
and the way things developed may well be a blessing in disguise. I agree and feel the appointment of Ange has Doms fingerprints all over it, with the added bonus of its nothing to do with PL.
They say everything happens for a reason an as ma granny used to say, what's for you won't go past you.
It remains to be seen, but there certainly is more of a feel good factor in the air these days. HH.

Update: Just went back to my poll and changed my own vote, so it finished,
49.3% for
50.7% against.
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