A Day In The Life.........

Spherical Planet

Well-known member
Woke up at the back of four. Don't know if it was the bladder or the frequently occurring football nightmare that forced me to wake up from my luxurious camp-bed in my salubrious shed, but wake up I did.

Fed the cat, poured myself a cold glass of drowned sorrows and watched GB pat themselves on the back for being British.

After 4-hours of total auntie drivel and pish, I decided to take a Sunday morning stroll to clear the head and to try and make some sense of the madness all around.

Is wee Tony the answer to our striking problems? Does Eddy have long Covid? Can Pat Mac provide some psychological therapy to instill some confidence into David Turnbull? Do bears shit in the woods/their mooths/their sistermaws white lightning?

After a relatively long walk into the wilderness of my forsaken mind, I thought it best to replenish my well of drowned sorrows and enter into the boulevard of broken dreams where I am currently drinking Stella in tribute to my very good friend.

I have a thousand questions that I have no answer to. I have a heavy heart to match my heavy bladder. I have a multitude of things which cause me concern.........

Then I remembered.........I'm a Tim and I have fellow Tims who are good friends and I have a Tim Cat, a Tim Niece, a Tim nephew-in-law, a Tiny Tim nephew-in-law and the rugged good looks of an alcoholic, semi-continent George Clooney/Philip Schofield better-lookin', sexier, straight brother and realised that my day could be much, much worse.

Tim then, Tim now, Tim always...........I don't give a monkey's fuck what the animals say. I am what I am and I can easily live within the skin I'm in.

If we never ever win another game of football, then I'll still be happy knowing that I'm a tiny part of something that might lose on the pitch, but will always win in life.

Thank you all, fuck the lot o' them and pour me another..........God Bless my friends and loved ones and especially those who I really want to share these moments with right now.

It's great to be a Tim!!!
Woke up at the back of four. Don't know if it was the bladder or the frequently occurring football nightmare that forced me to wake up from my luxurious camp-bed in my salubrious shed, but wake up I did.

Fed the cat, poured myself a cold glass of drowned sorrows and watched GB pat themselves on the back for being British.

After 4-hours of total auntie drivel and pish, I decided to take a Sunday morning stroll to clear the head and to try and make some sense of the madness all around.

Is wee Tony the answer to our striking problems? Does Eddy have long Covid? Can Pat Mac provide some psychological therapy to instill some confidence into David Turnbull? Do bears shit in the woods/their mooths/their sistermaws white lightning?

After a relatively long walk into the wilderness of my forsaken mind, I thought it best to replenish my well of drowned sorrows and enter into the boulevard of broken dreams where I am currently drinking Stella in tribute to my very good friend.

I have a thousand questions that I have no answer to. I have a heavy heart to match my heavy bladder. I have a multitude of things which cause me concern.........

Then I remembered.........I'm a Tim and I have fellow Tims who are good friends and I have a Tim Cat, a Tim Niece, a Tim nephew-in-law, a Tiny Tim nephew-in-law and the rugged good looks of an alcoholic, semi-continent George Clooney/Philip Schofield better-lookin', sexier, straight brother and realised that my day could be much, much worse.

Tim then, Tim now, Tim always...........I don't give a monkey's fuck what the animals say. I am what I am and I can easily live within the skin I'm in.

If we never ever win another game of football, then I'll still be happy knowing that I'm a tiny part of something that might lose on the pitch, but will always win in life.

Thank you all, fuck the lot o' them and pour me another..........God Bless my friends and loved ones and especially those who I really want to share these moments with right now.

It's great to be a Tim!!!
Woke up, fell out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
And looking up, I noticed I was late
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke
And somebody spoke and I went into a dream......
Woke up at the back of four. Don't know if it was the bladder or the frequently occurring football nightmare that forced me to wake up from my luxurious camp-bed in my salubrious shed, but wake up I did.

Fed the cat, poured myself a cold glass of drowned sorrows and watched GB pat themselves on the back for being British.

After 4-hours of total auntie drivel and pish, I decided to take a Sunday morning stroll to clear the head and to try and make some sense of the madness all around.

Is wee Tony the answer to our striking problems? Does Eddy have long Covid? Can Pat Mac provide some psychological therapy to instill some confidence into David Turnbull? Do bears shit in the woods/their mooths/their sistermaws white lightning?

After a relatively long walk into the wilderness of my forsaken mind, I thought it best to replenish my well of drowned sorrows and enter into the boulevard of broken dreams where I am currently drinking Stella in tribute to my very good friend.

I have a thousand questions that I have no answer to. I have a heavy heart to match my heavy bladder. I have a multitude of things which cause me concern.........

Then I remembered.........I'm a Tim and I have fellow Tims who are good friends and I have a Tim Cat, a Tim Niece, a Tim nephew-in-law, a Tiny Tim nephew-in-law and the rugged good looks of an alcoholic, semi-continent George Clooney/Philip Schofield better-lookin', sexier, straight brother and realised that my day could be much, much worse.

Tim then, Tim now, Tim always...........I don't give a monkey's fuck what the animals say. I am what I am and I can easily live within the skin I'm in.

If we never ever win another game of football, then I'll still be happy knowing that I'm a tiny part of something that might lose on the pitch, but will always win in life.

Thank you all, fuck the lot o' them and pour me another..........God Bless my friends and loved ones and especially those who I really want to share these moments with right now.

It's great to be a Tim!!!
Aye but you weren’t typing that when you got oot your bed
Couple of beers in you and it’s good to be a Tim all of a sudden 🤣
Must try that sometime that erm Stella stuff
Heard good things about it

it’s always great to be a Tim,
but like being married some days are better than others
Aye but you weren’t typing that when you got oot your bed
Couple of beers in you and it’s good to be a Tim all of a sudden 🤣
Must try that sometime that erm Stella stuff
Heard good things about it

it’s always great to be a Tim,
but like being married some days are better than others
What are ye gonna dae, S?

Sometimes ye just have to roll wie the punches and take them on the defined, sculptured and well-chiselled chin.

Still rather be me than ane o' they fuckwits any day o' the week!


Glad to hae ye back
What are ye gonna dae, S?

Sometimes ye just have to roll wie the punches and take them on the defined, sculptured and well-chiselled chin.

Still rather be me than ane o' they fuckwits any day o' the week!


Glad to hae ye back
Aye i'd rather than yours right now than mines.
But, the weans go back shortly so.......

Thanks, was a mini pre-season as MAG7 i think put it
I need an output for all the nonsense in my noggin
It's too much for one Tim to bear.

Happy Stella
Aye i'd rather than yours right now than mines.
But, the weans go back shortly so.......

Thanks, was a mini pre-season as MAG7 i think put it
I need an output for all the nonsense in my noggin
It's too much for one Tim to bear.

Happy Stella
You're correct STG, an outlet for our emotions and thoughts. Our shared passion for The Hoops sometimes means we have to seek the company of our fellow Celtic supporters. The Noise is just the place to do that. We don't always agree, we probably never will. But for sure we all crave the same thing. Supremacy over the forces of darkness. I think I've more than bored my fellow Noisers with my own views on the many subjects we post on. Expectation for the season ahead. The size of the rebuild needed. The board etc. Sometime I take a step back after a bad result. I always try as much as I can to be measured in my comments. Probably an age thing. But at the same time I love to read the comments made by my fellow Noisers, even when they are in full meltdown mode. Being part of The Celtic family is something I treasure. Good times or bad, that's something that will never change. HH
Woke up at the back of four. Don't know if it was the bladder or the frequently occurring football nightmare that forced me to wake up from my luxurious camp-bed in my salubrious shed, but wake up I did.

Fed the cat, poured myself a cold glass of drowned sorrows and watched GB pat themselves on the back for being British.

After 4-hours of total auntie drivel and pish, I decided to take a Sunday morning stroll to clear the head and to try and make some sense of the madness all around.

Is wee Tony the answer to our striking problems? Does Eddy have long Covid? Can Pat Mac provide some psychological therapy to instill some confidence into David Turnbull? Do bears shit in the woods/their mooths/their sistermaws white lightning?

After a relatively long walk into the wilderness of my forsaken mind, I thought it best to replenish my well of drowned sorrows and enter into the boulevard of broken dreams where I am currently drinking Stella in tribute to my very good friend.

I have a thousand questions that I have no answer to. I have a heavy heart to match my heavy bladder. I have a multitude of things which cause me concern.........

Then I remembered.........I'm a Tim and I have fellow Tims who are good friends and I have a Tim Cat, a Tim Niece, a Tim nephew-in-law, a Tiny Tim nephew-in-law and the rugged good looks of an alcoholic, semi-continent George Clooney/Philip Schofield better-lookin', sexier, straight brother and realised that my day could be much, much worse.

Tim then, Tim now, Tim always...........I don't give a monkey's fuck what the animals say. I am what I am and I can easily live within the skin I'm in.

If we never ever win another game of football, then I'll still be happy knowing that I'm a tiny part of something that might lose on the pitch, but will always win in life.

Thank you all, fuck the lot o' them and pour me another..........God Bless my friends and loved ones and especially those who I really want to share these moments with right now.

It's great to be a Tim!!!
What's the unanswerable questions bigman? I'll do my best to answer them for ye!
You're correct STG, an outlet for our emotions and thoughts. Our shared passion for The Hoops sometimes means we have to seek the company of our fellow Celtic supporters. The Noise is just the place to do that. We don't always agree, we probably never will. But for sure we all crave the same thing. Supremacy over the forces of darkness. I think I've more than bored my fellow Noisers with my own views on the many subjects we post on. Expectation for the season ahead. The size of the rebuild needed. The board etc. Sometime I take a step back after a bad result. I always try as much as I can to be measured in my comments. Probably an age thing. But at the same time I love to read the comments made by my fellow Noisers, even when they are in full meltdown mode. Being part of The Celtic family is something I treasure. Good times or bad, that's something that will never change. HH
Your spot on again Frank.
I don't mind talking fitba with the huns when we're winning.
I'm an excellent winner, the winning is enough, that quiet satisfaction does me
But i have to be honest and say i'm an extremely shit loser and when there are circumstances such as those we witnessed yesterday with ref's and the culmination of the boards amateur hour antics, then it's meltdown mode, A scottish werewolve in the hoose
At least i can have my meltdowns in the relative safety of here
unless our good friend TET's around to disagree with you

it's a pleasure and a curse at times but we are Celtic and we always will be Celtic
Your spot on again Frank.
I don't mind talking fitba with the huns when we're winning.
I'm an excellent winner, the winning is enough, that quiet satisfaction does me
But i have to be honest and say i'm an extremely shit loser and when there are circumstances such as those we witnessed yesterday with ref's and the culmination of the boards amateur hour antics, then it's meltdown mode, A scottish werewolve in the hoose
At least i can have my meltdowns in the relative safety of here
unless our good friend TET's around to disagree with you

it's a pleasure and a curse at times but we are Celtic and we always will be Celtic
Agreed, well, mostly.......never been a curse for me. Never been a good loser, but I always maintain at least a degree of dignity. I always leave their " company" with my head held high. They friggin' hate that.
Woke up at the back of four. Don't know if it was the bladder or the frequently occurring football nightmare that forced me to wake up from my luxurious camp-bed in my salubrious shed, but wake up I did.

Fed the cat, poured myself a cold glass of drowned sorrows and watched GB pat themselves on the back for being British.

After 4-hours of total auntie drivel and pish, I decided to take a Sunday morning stroll to clear the head and to try and make some sense of the madness all around.

Is wee Tony the answer to our striking problems? Does Eddy have long Covid? Can Pat Mac provide some psychological therapy to instill some confidence into David Turnbull? Do bears shit in the woods/their mooths/their sistermaws white lightning?

After a relatively long walk into the wilderness of my forsaken mind, I thought it best to replenish my well of drowned sorrows and enter into the boulevard of broken dreams where I am currently drinking Stella in tribute to my very good friend.

I have a thousand questions that I have no answer to. I have a heavy heart to match my heavy bladder. I have a multitude of things which cause me concern.........

Then I remembered.........I'm a Tim and I have fellow Tims who are good friends and I have a Tim Cat, a Tim Niece, a Tim nephew-in-law, a Tiny Tim nephew-in-law and the rugged good looks of an alcoholic, semi-continent George Clooney/Philip Schofield better-lookin', sexier, straight brother and realised that my day could be much, much worse.

Tim then, Tim now, Tim always...........I don't give a monkey's fuck what the animals say. I am what I am and I can easily live within the skin I'm in.

If we never ever win another game of football, then I'll still be happy knowing that I'm a tiny part of something that might lose on the pitch, but will always win in life.

Thank you all, fuck the lot o' them and pour me another..........God Bless my friends and loved ones and especially those who I really want to share these moments with right now.

It's great to be a Tim!!!
When ever I’ve been doon along comes the Dundee McGonigle ( only you can write)
Young man I thank you 🙏 and applaud you. You always put a smile on this Tim’s Face. Cheers SP The Bard of the Noise
Up the Tim’s

HH 👏
Woke up at the back of four. Don't know if it was the bladder or the frequently occurring football nightmare that forced me to wake up from my luxurious camp-bed in my salubrious shed, but wake up I did.

Fed the cat, poured myself a cold glass of drowned sorrows and watched GB pat themselves on the back for being British.

After 4-hours of total auntie drivel and pish, I decided to take a Sunday morning stroll to clear the head and to try and make some sense of the madness all around.

Is wee Tony the answer to our striking problems? Does Eddy have long Covid? Can Pat Mac provide some psychological therapy to instill some confidence into David Turnbull? Do bears shit in the woods/their mooths/their sistermaws white lightning?

After a relatively long walk into the wilderness of my forsaken mind, I thought it best to replenish my well of drowned sorrows and enter into the boulevard of broken dreams where I am currently drinking Stella in tribute to my very good friend.

I have a thousand questions that I have no answer to. I have a heavy heart to match my heavy bladder. I have a multitude of things which cause me concern.........

Then I remembered.........I'm a Tim and I have fellow Tims who are good friends and I have a Tim Cat, a Tim Niece, a Tim nephew-in-law, a Tiny Tim nephew-in-law and the rugged good looks of an alcoholic, semi-continent George Clooney/Philip Schofield better-lookin', sexier, straight brother and realised that my day could be much, much worse.

Tim then, Tim now, Tim always...........I don't give a monkey's fuck what the animals say. I am what I am and I can easily live within the skin I'm in.

If we never ever win another game of football, then I'll still be happy knowing that I'm a tiny part of something that might lose on the pitch, but will always win in life.

Thank you all, fuck the lot o' them and pour me another..........God Bless my friends and loved ones and especially those who I really want to share these moments with right now.

It's great to be a Tim!!!
I'd rather be a TIM, and lose
Than a Hun, and win


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