
We’ll get what we deserve from the Mibs
Sometimes wish some of the Noisers on here could speak up for the Team. Because we would give these cheatinbarstewards what fir 🌲.
But that’s the job of The Board and they couldnygiveafuck.
Love or hate Craig Latrine he spoke up and gave the SFA the middle finger while everyone else hid in the bushes. That was the time for changes Then we had the Strike when those pesky Johnny foreigners
Came in and fuckmepink they gave out correct calls that had to stop and now it’s Kickatim year again and the Silence from our Board is the Disgrace it’s always been
Remove the flag NO, Cadette sack a Fanny Farry (Fergus) Yes. For everything else
There’s oor Chairman Wankier (not spell check fact ). Speak up Ange you know it makes sense. You too Dom if you don’t employ more Physiotherapist’s

HH 🍀
Check out the body language of Beaton the Hun...

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Same with well known goat raper Andrew Dallas. The way he acted with Ajeti who was looking for a foul was appalling. His face was contorted with rage when dealing with Ajeti. Then contrast his attitude with Devante Cole who had tried to amputate Wee Frimpongs leg. Hand on the shoulder apologising for booking him. Should have been 5 straight reds for Coles challenge.
The ref in the road thing, I've noticed that since the rule change ie stop play and a uncontested drop ball if it hits the ref, they get in the road a lot more.

Not that I'm paranoid or anything, but its almost like another midfielder to get round with some of them.
And it's not by coincidence either
The MIB's block more passes than the opposition
See how many times 'advantage' is given to us when we are on the attack
'Judgement calls' by the ref, cannot be questioned, no matter how obvious they are
It's how it's always been in Scotland