For those of you, who are not of a certain 'vintage' this is a screw tap and was the tipple of the day back when Adam wiz a Bhoy
It came in handy once you had slaked your thirst, as the empty bottle could then be used to 'discourage miscreants' from giving you any 'aggro' as was their want, back in the days of Bovver boys, Levi Stayprest, and Wrangler jeans
Jaysus rose if you're lookin info on football then you've come to the wrong place. The fuckin gobshites on here know nothin about football. Now if you're lookin for a shower of eejits talkin shite about football then you're in the right place!
Aye the king Gobbie is on now 😂😂 👆
And what’s wrang with 383 formation Deadner 😂😂

HH 😂
For those of you, who are not of a certain 'vintage' this is a screw tap and was the tipple of the day back when Adam wiz a Bhoy
It came in handy once you had slaked your thirst, as the empty bottle could then be used to 'discourage miscreants' from giving you any 'aggro' as was their want, back in the days of Bovver boys, Levi Stayprest, and Wrangler jeans
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your forgettin the white skinners
your forgettin the white skinners
Or the comfiest shoes ever produced, Oxfords, we called them Terry's, but in Johnstone, they were called Coasters, as my mate was from there and that's what he called them
They were leather and they had a leather sole, brilliant shoes
Light as a feather too
And the best shirts were Ben Sherman Oxford shirts
And a Crombie coat,
We had some style back then
You'll pay upwards of $250 here, for a pair of DM's
I bought my first pair when I was 13, Oxblood, for fifteen quid
Memories ;-)
I am on Facebook but don't post very much. I posted a few times on the comments on a few Celtic blogs and realised later that many of the good posts were from people who moved onto here. I joined the Noise after seeing a link on the fairly new Celtix Star. As I lurked for a wee while before getting really involved I never showed up as a newbie so was lucky enough to avoid the interrogation from Maria the forum bouncer!

I was very hesitant but MD (man I miss the auld fella) encouraged me to join in. That is why I try to welcome new posters. I got pished one Friday and got into a discussion with SP about Dundee and I never looked back.

One of the highlights for me was when another true Noise hero Steviebhoy organised a boax for a couple of deserving folk on here (but not Lubo sadly). But how funny was it when he tried to organise that prize draw and made an arse of it? (sorry Stevie - but it was hilarious 😉).

For anyone looking in, please join in. You will bring something new to this wonderful forum. Not everyone will agree with you, and you may/will be questioned if you come in all guns blazing with a controversial viewpoint, but as long as you debate/argue like an adult then I look forward to reading your posts.
Prize draws are a nightmare🤣🤣🤣