We can all use a laugh

Hardly censoring it just commenting.
Not a very good joke and pretty bad taste hence hun behaviour comment
To accuse somebody of 'hun behaviour' is a despicable accusation and by going so low so early it would appear you have little else to offer by way of argument. Religion doesn't get an exemption from ridicule and this is a joke thread. If you wish to disapprove of something I post kindly do so in a civil manner.
To accuse somebody of 'hun behaviour' is a despicable accusation and by going so low so early it would appear you have little else to offer by way of argument. Religion doesn't get an exemption from ridicule and this is a joke thread. If you wish to disapprove of something I post kindly do so in a civil manner.
Despicable behaviour!! PMSL now that’s quite funny.
I apologise in advance if I’ve got this wrong but earlier in the thread did you not post a picture of a priest with a child with a caption?
Could have; wouldn't remember a fraction of what I've posted. Your point is?
Having a laugh at child abuse like the huns do now that’s despicable!!
Just have to agree to disagree what we find funny in life we obviously have differences
Having a laugh at child abuse like the huns do now that’s despicable!!
Just have to agree to disagree what we find funny in life we obviously have differences
See that's about ridiculing the Catholic church and indeed all churches for what they have done and needs no mention. You're offended by the image whereas I'm offended by the act itself. Bit like huns when you mention Sevco isn't Rangers funnily enough.
See that's about ridiculing the Catholic church and indeed all churches for what they have done and needs no mention. You're offended by the image whereas I'm offended by the act itself. Bit like huns when you mention Sevco isn't Rangers funnily enough.
Talking pish mate.
As you know I’m having a go at you making a joke at the crime no matter who is involved. Why put something like that up thinking it would be laughed at no matter who it was aimed at? Listen mate your not putting yourself in a good light here so I think we should just leave it there and as I say what you find funny I have found pretty offensive on both occasions for different reasons not just because of what I believe in faith wise. Just like the huns they can’t mention child abuse without mentioning CBC when it’s a horrible thing that is widespread in the hole of society and happened at their old club but make out that it’s our problem.
When it comes to this subject I certainly will not in any form stick up or try to defend anything or anyone.
I was not offended by the image just the caption after it, having a priest in the image was just a cheap shot.
Talking pish mate.
As you know I’m having a go at you making a joke at the crime no matter who is involved. Why put something like that up thinking it would be laughed at no matter who it was aimed at? Listen mate your not putting yourself in a good light here so I think we should just leave it there and as I say what you find funny I have found pretty offensive on both occasions for different reasons not just because of what I believe in faith wise. Just like the huns they can’t mention child abuse without mentioning CBC when it’s a horrible thing that is widespread in the hole of society and happened at their old club but make out that it’s our problem.
When it comes to this subject I certainly will not in any form stick up or try to defend anything or anyone.
I was not offended by the image just the caption after it, having a priest in the image was just a cheap shot.
Dont take the bait..