NFL returns to management

Not so johnno hes basically swapped the frying pan for the chip pan their fans are as nuts as we are and I'm sure NFL will feel right at home 😂

And there was me thinking Cyprus was a nice little holiday island and football would hardly be high on the agenda.
Well with your info now winter, I think lennys decision could be nuts again 🥴
And there was me thinking Cyprus was a nice little holiday island and football would hardly be high on the agenda.
Well with your info now winter, I think lennys decision could be nuts again 🥴
And the country is split in two , North and South Cyprus. The North is Turkish the south Greek separated by a United Nations buffer zone
Aye just seen that , thought mibbess was in for the St Mirren job but probably wants as far away from Glasgow as possible and they're a decent side with good punching above their weight results in Europe.
Really really hope he does well he deserves it.
Mightve left on poor terms ( politely speaking) but he did deliver us some unforgettable experiences as both player and manager.
He will find the fans are just as white hot passionate over there something hes got good experience for.
Good luck NFL HH
he left as most managers do following a poor run of results
he was in post first time around following a period of malaise, against a backdrop of under investment and budget cuts. he brought the thunder back and some pride
second time he arrived at a fortunate time to win 5 trophies, he gets the dinosaur tag, but i remember he was clever enough to change the formation following the winter break just after the huns won the half season tile on the 27th December. We went on a 13 game winning streak.
He led that dressing room to that treble and they followed him.

We all saw the years of complacency, malaise, entitlement and ignorance at board level, in particular the DOF's door. NL wasn't blameless, but the man at the helm of a sinking ship (professionally & personally it seems) and he took the fury and paid the price correctly with his job.

But when we say think back to where Ange's starting point was, that shows how far the club had regressed in that time, that wasnt really on NL.

IMO that was on board interference and lack of ambition in the transfer market culminating in losing a snake that had delivered every domestic trophy his team entered and was 'born into Celtic'. Most boardrooms/CEO's would have pushed the boat out a little given the finance said snake had delivered to them with CL funds and domestically unparralleled success, if only to pacify that manager. They refused to back him with a fraction of the funds he and the invincibles had earned them. Although his signing swere awful.

Instead we had the McGinn fiasco, losing a player who would have been a mainstay for a decade then signing a winger over the managers head.

That led to the Lenny appointment and the fiasco in the showers. There were better out there than Lenny, but they chose him and despite delivering the treble that year, he was grateful for the second chance and played their game and did what he was told. The first time round, he took on the role with fire in his belly, second time around, he played puppy to PL buying players and accepted it. Ultimately non-football people were running the football department and it ultimately cost them their jobs

Very true STG, I was looking upon lennys decision based solely on a football angle and couldn't make any sense in it whatsoever.
I think it would be fair to say his behaviour and decision making has been erratic to say the least, over the past couple of years, raising concerns about the issues you mentioned.
With that in mind now, could well be one of his best decisions of removing himself from the spotlight of football in the UK, and beginning a new life in a less demanding football entertainment and potentially a better environment for himself and family to move on with there lives.
I hope the man finds peace with himself and football Johnno.
He was a success at Celtic twice and at Hibs
If i was on the outside looking in, i'd be amazed he didn't get a job here given his stats
that leads me to believe 2 things
1) Theres things we can only speculate on with his personal life
2) There are enough bigoted hun cunts on boards that wont entertain him
Not far off it very complex history involving Greece Turkey and was part of the British Empire as late as 60s I think .
Tbh I'd have to google, was taught at school canny mind noo and enough with Ukraine as it is to make me want to delve into Cyprus past haha
fuck i was under the impression you didnae got to school
its back to those paragraphs, you must have jist skipped english :whistle:
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Hardly done himself any favours in a coaching role with the sheep this season docco.
So would be very surprised to see broony back with us for some time yet imo
I agree John. I think Broony has to put a bit of distance (in geographical terms and time-wise) between himself and Celtic.
He will want to enhance his reputation in management so that when/if he returns he can demand loyalty and support from whichever future board members are at the helm.
Good luck Lenny. Think a lot of fans, myself included, got trapped in the media's net of hatred. Instead of standing by one of our own, we used his own mental health and personal problems against him....aided by well placed, sneaky media stories and the releasing of shitty iPhone videos...and let's remember, a lot of lennys personal problems can be traced back to the shit he recieved on a daily basis while fighting for the cause of our club. He was a club legend as a player and gave us great memories as a manager. I hope he does well and finds a bit of joy in football again.
And the country is split in two , North and South Cyprus. The North is Turkish the south Greek separated by a United Nations buffer zone
Turkey is the only country to recognise this as Turkish land. The UN view it as Northern Cyprus under occupation. Hence the reluctance to let Turkey join the EU. Been to Cyprus a few times, a troubled and sad history, I refuse to holiday in the "north"

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