I'm staying thread

I've decided to go out with a bang.
Yous are all a shower a miserable whinging crying cunts who can all go and fuck yourselves. I'm fuckin outta here.
Up the ra and fuck big lugs I don't care who I've offended. I'm fuckin off now......

Fuck it it yous have all talked me into staying.
As for what I've written above.........
Fuck the lot a yis!!!
Right now, I don't know whether I'm comin' or goin'. Due to most of my day being taken up by my ( unpaid ) carer duties, I am reduced to the odd sneaky peek on The Noise.
Lookin' forward to resuming my daily dose of being entertained by you lot of wonderful, knowledgeable, humorous, irritating, addictive, lovable.....crackpots.
Long Live The Noise !!
Ma names Jammy but I do love ya
That’s me yi describeded

HH 👀😱😂
I've decided to go out with a bang.
Yous are all a shower a miserable whinging crying cunts who can all go and fuck yourselves. I'm fuckin outta here.
Up the ra and fuck big lugs I don't care who I've offended. I'm fuckin off now......

Fuck it it yous have all talked me into staying.
As for what I've written above.........
Fuck the lot a yis!!!
That offends me...where's that fiucking dollhouse I'm going to jump off ?

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