Tom Collins: Time Orange Order distanced itself from slaver king Billy

When a united Ireland comes in the not too distant future, these sectarian morons will have to abide by Irish law.

This anti social, sectarian and divisive behaviour simply won’t be tolerated and will ultimately see them having to choose between staying and abiding by the rule of law or taking their despicable culture to another place.

The sooner the better…

They will end up in Glasgow and other parts of Scotland unfortunately. Where they will be allowed to continue their marches of hate, and freely spit on priests.....

Welcome to Glasgow....probably the only City in the world with a massive connection to Irish immigration where the city council will not allow for St Patrick's day celebrations but WILL allow racist, bigoted, sectarian walks to march through the streets...lovely!!
Quick question??

Why did the stupid fuks start the bonfire from the top???? 🤔

Is it another one of they "Traditions" that they love 😱😱
Er, because if they started it from the bottom it would probably topple over before the top got alight.
Just a guess, never been or want to see something so pointless and stupid.
Dont even like the English equivalent, Bonfire night.

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