European football

I must admit its funny reading this thread from my point of view, I binned Trump ages ago so fortunately I miss all his garbage, and just reading the replies he gets makes me laugh 😂 😂 😂..

Think it was Matt Busby 😂 who said "never wrestle with a pig as you'll only get mucky with him and then he's in his comfort zone"..
And I think it was Gandhi who said "Try not to be a cunt"
Please be careful. The guy is going through hard times. We need and appreciate his input. 👋
Cheers Lubo I thought so too mate but TET doesn't think so and you know what that means....I MUST be wrang cos TET knows fucking everything about everything right? :ROFLMAO:(y)

Blah blah blah abusive blah blah blah vitriolic blah blah blah....same shite every time. Ignore everything anyone says. Write a whole lot of nothing and as soon as anyone doesn't agree with you out comes the same stuff.
I'll speak with my bank manager tomorrow and tell him TET said my financial solution for Celtic is unsound......oh, wait a minute, thats right...I didn't come up with a financial solution for Celtic...I asked a fucking question and shared an opinion on a Celtic forum!! Ya headcase!! My god mate. Get yourself healthy and get out for some fresh air!!
Please be carefully how we respond to others. TET is just an example. He and I'm certain others are going through bad times just now. Their opinions are as valid and welcome.
Otherwise we'd nothing to respond to.
Just my opinion.
And no. I'm not the Polis 🤣
Please be careful. The guy is going through hard times. We need and appreciate his input. 👋

Please be carefully how we respond to others. TET is just an example. He and I'm certain others are going through bad times just now. Their opinions are as valid and welcome.
Otherwise we'd nothing to respond to.
Just my opinion.
And no, I'm not The Noise Police🤣
I re watched Martin Compston in TRACES the other night, filmed in Dundee, we get most of the UK dramas and we watched it a couple of years ago, and as I have never visited that fair city, the scenery was lovely, the view from the hill overlooking the city and the river beyond was beautiful, I think I'll visit Dundee next time I'm home, although it'll be a coffee shop, rather than a local hostelry and you're buying Bride Bhoy ;-) HH
I am rarely in Dundee these days. I've lived in Aberdeen city & shire for over 30 years now. Dundee gets a bad press but there are some really nice areas. Go up the Law Hill and down to the riverfront. I'm not much of a drinker these days so would happily buy you a coffee.
If you don't agree then why join in th
Please be careful. The guy is going through hard times. We need and appreciate his input. 👋

Please be carefully how we respond to others. TET is just an example. He and I'm certain others are going through bad times just now. Their opinions are as valid and welcome.
Otherwise we'd nothing to respond to.
Just my opinion.
Best post so far
Please be careful. The guy is going thWellrough hard times. We need and appreciate his input. 👋

Please be carefully how we respond to others. TET is just an example. He and I'm crtain others are going through bad times just now. Their opinions are as valid and welcome.
Otherwise we'd nothing to respond to.
Just my opinion.
Had similar thought myself Steviebhoy.
Cyberspace denies us the chance to actually see the face of those we engage with. No mannerisms, eye contact, or facial expressions to help us gauge our response when replying to their posts.

Only words. So very easy to get things wrong.
I am rarely in Dundee these days. I've lived in Aberdeen city & shire for over 30 years now. Dundee gets a bad press but there are some really nice areas. Go up the Law Hill and down to the riverfront. I'm not much of a drinker these days so would happily buy you a coffee.
You're on Bridie, Law Hill, that's where it was, we watch most UK dramas, especially if the wee man is in there, the scenery on some of the shows is fantastic, not to mention the great acting HH
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So, as far as European football is concerned, I think the CL is out of our reach, as far as going further, we do well to get into the group stages, but that's where we are found out, so if we drop down into the Europa, then more European football to come after Christmas, if not, it's the league again, and so it goes, when you're a Tim enjoy the CL theme at Celtic Park and if we play the way we can, we'll be happy, but I don't expect us to advance HH
A think they’ve got the victim mixed up Lubo??this guy baits ””his””victims??hes fuckin consistent,,,I’m hardly ever on but as soon as I put my tupence worth in…wham!!he’s on me….this is a trend on here this guy goes for days on end spouting shite to the point the place is deserted,then all of a sudden he’s a victim!!!…in the words of the late jimmy greaves it’s a funny old game..think I’ll just sit in the shadows from here on in👋👋
A think they’ve got the victim mixed up Lubo??this guy baits ””his””victims??hes fuckin consistent,,,I’m hardly ever on but as soon as I put my tupence worth in…wham!!he’s on me….this is a trend on here this guy goes for days on end spouting shite to the point the place is deserted,then all of a sudden he’s a victim!!!…in the words of the late jimmy greaves it’s a funny old game..think I’ll just sit in the shadows from here on in👋👋
Greavesie, what a player, and a great pundit too HH
A think they’ve got the victim mixed up Lubo??this guy baits ””his””victims??hes fuckin consistent,,,I’m hardly ever on but as soon as I put my tupence worth in…wham!!he’s on me….this is a trend on here this guy goes for days on end spouting shite to the point the place is deserted,then all of a sudden he’s a victim!!!…in the words of the late jimmy greaves it’s a funny old game..think I’ll just sit in the shadows from here on in👋👋
I wouldn't leave for his crap mate.... Hit the ignore button on him, I done it ages ago as have a few others, works a treat...