Celtic v Dundee, Wed 28th Feb, 7.45pm

Like a few of us looking forward to going tomorrow as I haven’t been able to go for a while.
Youngest bhoy between jobs down south coming as well so fully expect a rampant performance from the team.
Like a previous poster would like to see a couple of early goals to put them under a bit of pressure at Kilmarnock
Quite pumped and going for 4 0
His sprinting down the line days are well and truly gone!!!but he’s got bags of experience,and last time he played he scored which is something we can’t say about some??still much rather have him instead of khun….
I hope that Kuhn turns things round but I honestly can’t see it (looks like another waste of cash)if we have good lead a would give him second half to give him another chance….wouldnt be upset either tho if James started
I hope that Kuhn turns things round but I honestly can’t see it (looks like another waste of cash)if we have good lead a would give him second half to give him another chance….wouldnt be upset either tho if James started
Like yourself mate a want the boy to do well,but the signs aren’t good,,so far,?plus he just came in a month ago so maby am being a bit harsh…….no like me🤷‍♂️🤣
Naw he’s a durty orange b———d…..
a can’t stand that Simon Jordan but somehow I listen to his shit along with Jim white when I’m walking the dog he uses always these big words just to make you think he’s intelligent (English league has lost its soul and has done for years) old Trafford and anfield are full of tourist and glory hunters the average working local man can’t get a ticket …Simon keeps saying Man City won’t be as big as Man Utd like it’s some big deal who cares if Man Utd sell more tops (not a fan of Liverpool or Man Utd)
To be honest a don’t watch many English premiership games,,most bore the hole off me,,,am a big Italian football fan…
Don’t watch it much tbh but I hope Bologna keep it up and get top 4 …went to san siro years ago on a bus from Govan we stayed in Bern in Switzerland and I’m sure we had breakfast in Liechtenstein at service station before we finally arrived in Milan (remember an older gentleman came on the bus with no passport before we left Govan and also remember we stopped at Celtic pub in Coventry and 2 guys went home grabbed passports never told there wife’s and they came along too😂)
Don’t watch it much tbh but I hope Bologna keep it up and get top 4 …went to san siro years ago on a bus from Govan we stayed in Bern in Switzerland and I’m sure we had breakfast in Liechtenstein at service station before we finally arrived in Milan (remember an older gentleman came on the bus with no passport before we left Govan and also remember we stopped at Celtic pub in Coventry and 2 guys went home grabbed passports never told there wife’s and they came along too😂)
Lewis Ferguson is the captain,,a thot we missed a trick when he was up for grabs from Aberdeen ..a lotta fans got a hair across there arse coz his da and uncle are Huns.wouldnt have bothered one bit think he’s solid…??be calling me a hun next??🤣
Lewis Ferguson is the captain,,a thot we missed a trick when he was up for grabs from Aberdeen ..a lotta fans got a hair across there arse coz his da and uncle are Huns.wouldnt have bothered one bit think he’s solid…??be calling me a hun next??🤣
Don't worry, I was slagged rotten for suggesting we buy Lewis Ferguson when he was at Aberdeen too. So many of our fans just refuse to accept that players at Scottish clubs can ever be good enough for us.
Noticed the stark difference with McInnes talking about the game against the imposters tomorrow night in comparison to when they faced us ....waxing lyrical about how he enjoys the way the huns play and what a great team they are.
We simply cant rely on any favours from anybody its gonna be about what we do game by game starting against Dundee.
Noticed the stark difference with McInnes talking about the game against the imposters tomorrow night in comparison to when they faced us ....waxing lyrical about how he enjoys the way the huns play and what a great team they are.
We simply cant rely on any favours from anybody it’s gonna be about what we do game by game starting against Dundee.
hopefully they beat them for a second time this season fingers crossed 🤞