A line in the sand for Celtic. SFA cite Broony for ‘not acting in the best interests of Association football’

If WE don't stand up for our captain Broony, then what does that say about us.

Fire a letter in to the Hampden HQ of the Scottish Flutists and let them know how ridiculous they look in the eyes of the world.

Banned for smiling after a win !!!! Playing a sport !!!!!!!!

I ask you!

I've NEVER heard of anything so ridiculously dumb and shocking in my entire life!!

I was at a Cresema (Italian christening) in Treviglio, Italy, 3 summers ago where there also was Roberto Donadoni, (world cup finalist 1990 and Italian manager) Franco Baresi, Cinto Facchetti who died in 2006 after watching Italy winning the world cup (though his family were there), (Italian captain and European Cup finalist and Inter Milan captain against Celtic 1967), Bruno Conte, Roberto Mancini, are all neighbours and close friends of my family in Tuscany (Italy) ....and I'll let them know just how embarrassing it is to be a football fan in Scotland... and the crass ass-licking SFA.

Banned for smiling after a win !!!! Playing a sport !!!!!!!!
Is this how they stop 9iar by banning Brown and Celtic from competing under the guide of not acting in the best interests of association football
I always thought the best interest of football was served best and this was achieved by not bringing it into direpute by taking, bribes, corruption and illegalities , and this would be achieved by vetting the game and its stakeholders and ensuring clubs conform to the ethos by not cheating, and basically not seeking to gain sporting advantages by unfair means. Maybe I am reading the wrong rule book.
If celtic don't back our captain sack him because that would be as much an injustice as what the sfa are doing.its simple he was asaulted 3 times on sunday he is the victim here the feelings from the fans on celtic noise are clear back scott brown back celtic don't fuck this one up as well.
I always thought the best interest of football was served best and this was achieved by not bringing it into direpute by taking, bribes, corruption and illegalities , and this would be achieved by vetting the game and its stakeholders and ensuring clubs conform to the ethos by not cheating, and basically not seeking to gain sporting advantages by unfair means. Maybe I am reading the wrong rule book.

Some years ago I wrote a poem, several verses long and got to read it out in the Club Celtic Hospitality a year ago at the Celtic v Motherwell final.
I was given a standing ovation afterwards Boab, and your last line reminds me of one of the verse endings I wrote then......
(This verse was pertaining to the goings on in the SFA)

....But we know who you are, you disgust us,
and your names, should be brought to book,
so live out your lives, with the disgrace and the shame,
for the 'rangers' rulebook you still cook.
I think if a spokesperson has already said they will fight these charges vigorously then I believe Celtic FC will do just that.

This is Celtic’s reputation on the line here and I don’t see them just lying down and letting the SFA bring us into disrepute.

As for Citing Scott Brown I believe he has the full backing of Celtic FC as every employer has responsibility for the wellbeing of their employees and Scott was assaulted on the pitch that day twice by Sevco players.
They have to , simply have to, none of this protest shit and nothing changes this is a game changer and it should be our club who changes the game HH
The SFA know this is a lot of shite they are been targetted by morons who cannot accept they are shite and they have not come up with the goods.
1. We are going for 55. Bang not happening.
2. SG will be seen as the saviour title and a trophy.Bang not happening.
3. Dave King has paid all the bills.Bang not happening.
4. We have improved .Bang not happening.
5. SG has a better record than all previous managers. Bang not happening.
6. 29th of December a hollow victory and level with Celtic as the Huns experience the burden of Europe that Celtic have had all the seasons points dropped to smaller teams, but false security oush the boat out davies and defoe and lafferty to compete for the title.Bang not happening.
7. Moreloss twent mill.Bang not happening.
8. Investors putting in legal honest money to King. Bang not happening.
9. Blame it all on Broony and Celtic. Bang not happening.
10. Ten in a row.Bang its happening fucking live with it.

Bang ! Bang ! Bang ! Bang ! ..... I thought we had agreed , no more pyrotechnics !!!

This could be a cracking Own goal if Celtic play it right.that statement leaves them wide open. Fucking go for the throat. 10yrs of fucking pandering and accommodation to a convicted criminal and flyby nights before him and they are going to lecture Our captain
On the "best interests of the association" Fucking couldn't make it up!! HH ☘☘
I'm not sure about this.

I'm musing that PL's clever corporate fingerprints may be all over it.

I half expected a citing of Broon today for last night's 'stamp' furore.

I'm wondering here if we have a smokescreen citing, appeasing the hordes' bloodlust and a cert not to carry at the hearing, because it's basically ridiculous (not to your average Hun, though) - so Broon gets away, the Paisley 'stamp' is forgotten and there can be no arguments about bias or regulation of conduct?

If the above carries any credence, then Celtic's power is working. If not, Celtic better start flexing some muscle and bringing these uppity wee bitter masonic ragamuffins to task.

I think you're right in the fact that Broony has been cited to appease the frothing Sevvie hordes Sandman, not so sure about the rest though.

The SFA are so craven when it comes to the Ibrox mob that they will only feel comfortable dishing out the proper punishment to the Sevvie players if they can throw a Celtic player under the bus at the same time as they know, when it comes to the hordes and the churnos, that'll take some of the heat off.

The SFA is so packed full of cowardly Sevco appeasers that there's a shiver that endlessly roams the Hampden corridors looking for a spine to run up!

I think if a spokesperson has already said they will fight these charges vigorously then I believe Celtic FC will do just that.

This is Celtic’s reputation on the line here and I don’t see them just lying down and letting the SFA bring us into disrepute.

As for Citing Scott Brown I believe he has the full backing of Celtic FC as every employer has responsibility for the wellbeing of their employees and Scott was assaulted on the pitch that day twice by Sevco players.

I really hope you are right CelticRose.

It better not be another one of those occasions where the Celtic board release the old 'we are surprised at the decision of the SFA' statements after Broony gets a ban. Let that clique at the SFA know if they charge Broony then we'll take it all the way to CAS.

I really hope you are right CelticRose.

It better not be another one of those occasions where the Celtic board release the old 'we are surprised at the decision of the SFA' statements after Broony gets a ban. Let that clique at the SFA know if they charge Broony then we'll take it all the way to CAS.


Is there a place for the Player's Union in this instance, anyone?