JJ blog


Well-known member
Just started reading JJ blog on Celtic news, couldn't finish reading the pish he was writing, now I didn't want NL as manager but as he has now been offered the position I will support him, but fuck JJ is tearing him & our club apart. As he said what away to spend treble treble day. If he can't get behind us then fuck off. We are Celtic, always will be Celtic, through the ups & downs. Now is the time to celebrate & we all l must get behind the team & see what else we can achieve. HH
Just started reading JJ blog on Celtic news, couldn't finish reading the pish he was writing, now I didn't want NL as manager but as he has now been offered the position I will support him, but fuck JJ is tearing him & our club apart. As he said what away to spend treble treble day. If he can't get behind us then fuck off. We are Celtic, always will be Celtic, through the ups & downs. Now is the time to celebrate & we all l must get behind the team & see what else we can achieve. HH

I like the articles of his that i have read before although i havent read what your describing today.
Just started reading JJ blog on Celtic news, couldn't finish reading the pish he was writing, now I didn't want NL as manager but as he has now been offered the position I will support him, but fuck JJ is tearing him & our club apart. As he said what away to spend treble treble day. If he can't get behind us then fuck off. We are Celtic, always will be Celtic, through the ups & downs. Now is the time to celebrate & we all l must get behind the team & see what else we can achieve. HH
Well said Colbhoy fuck the negative pricks ,seen a few belters on here changing their tune aswell HH
Just started reading JJ blog on Celtic news, couldn't finish reading the pish he was writing, now I didn't want NL as manager but as he has now been offered the position I will support him, but fuck JJ is tearing him & our club apart. As he said what away to spend treble treble day. If he can't get behind us then fuck off. We are Celtic, always will be Celtic, through the ups & downs. Now is the time to celebrate & we all l must get behind the team & see what else we can achieve. HH
Sorry it was James Forrest's blog not JJ
Me too. Belters everywhere. Not as much changing their tune as downright two faced cants liking people they have bad mouthed to some tune. Liar liar pants on fire kinda belters ???
James Forrest the blogger is coming across as being full of his own self importance.....not a nice trait

At least he was open and honest, Imatim. Unlike J.J. who loaded his reply box full of sychophantic pish from ''supporters'' of his site.

James has said what many people felt and said he'll back Lenny because he's the boss anyway.
We're all entitled to an opinion but he went more than overboard about Lenny.

Maybe self-importance is a prerequisite characteristic to be a blogger.
Tbh Col, i rarely read his stuff now, he’s a dictator ??.

But i believe our MD said he absolutely trashed NFL.

Wonder if his perks are being revoked at CP?

He has certainly been ripping in to NFL and the Board.

It’s coming across as he thinks he has the pulse of the Support and is trying to stir things up and maximise the number of hits he gets on line.

He’s on a reputed £40,000 a year from click bait according to John James and these guys apparently hate each other.

It’s soap opera material
At least he was open and honest, Imatim. Unlike J.J. who loaded his reply box full of sychophantic pish from ''supporters'' of his site.

James has said what many people felt and said he'll back Lenny because he's the boss anyway.
We're all entitled to an opinion but he went more than overboard about Lenny.

Maybe self-importance is a prerequisite characteristic to be a blogger.

Honest or playing to the crowd? I’m not so sure it’s honesty.

His criticism of Neil Lennon imo has been way over the top.

Some of us remember what Lenny has gone through for the Celtic cause.

He may not be the greatest manager going but he bleeds Celtic.

Let the Board back him in the transfer market and let’s see what happens.

That’s the time to judge him in my view.
Just started reading JJ blog on Celtic news, couldn't finish reading the pish he was writing, now I didn't want NL as manager but as he has now been offered the position I will support him, but fuck JJ is tearing him & our club apart. As he said what away to spend treble treble day. If he can't get behind us then fuck off. We are Celtic, always will be Celtic, through the ups & downs. Now is the time to celebrate & we all l must get behind the team & see what else we can achieve. HH
No you're 100% right everyone and their dug had a preferred choice and opinion but now the managers been named (I wasn't for lenny) it's our duty to get behind him. Lenny once brought back the noise now it's our turn to return the favour HH
Too many of these bloggers are so far up themselves that they should be seeing a proctologist asap !

They are , almost to a man , clickbait specialists whose 'sources' are as accurate as the Radio Snyde 'pundits' who constantly predict that Sevco are about to win ... something !

When not pleading for money they are ridiculing each other's predictions or running down their articles . If , as they claim , they wouldn't pish on each other if they were on fire , they spend an awful lot of time talking about people they claim to despise .
F*ck them all !

Too many of these bloggers are so far up themselves that they should be seeing a proctologist asap !

They are , almost to a man , clickbait specialists whose 'sources' are as accurate as the Radio Snyde 'pundits' who constantly predict that Sevco are about to win ... something !

When not pleading for money they are ridiculing each other's predictions or running down their articles . If , as they claim , they wouldn't pish on each other if they were on fire , they spend an awful lot of time talking about people they claim to despise .
F*ck them all !


You put your 'finger' on it there, Millsy. (y)
He's an utter scumbag of the highest order. He's a pathetic figure. He had a scoop that Moyes was definitely going to be manager, as in 100%, he literally wrote it as a statement of fact. He'd be made manager after the Scottish Cup whether NL won or not. When that didn't happen, John James deleted that post. When he got called out on it, he then said he'd resign from blogging. Unfortunately, he didn't resign :( He then wrote a horrible blog post claiming that Neil Lennon was almost paralytic drunk at the Sports Writer Player of the Year Awards this year and was crying (literally, he says 'tears streaming down his cheeks') and telling anyone who would listen that he wasn't going to get the Celtic job. John James wrote this utter pish AFTER Lennon had been appointed manager. If I was Neil Lennon, I'd make an example out of the shithead and sue him for libel.
All of these bloggers, whether it's Phil Mac Giolla Bhain or James Forrest or John James, have hilarious over-inflated egos and an almost comical sense of self-importance. But John James is particularly horrible. Homophobic and generally malicious. I get the impression he's deranged. Forrest occasionally writes sensible posts. He was mad butthurt over NL getting the job, but he's calmed down now. Probably because Phil MGB is very much supportive of NL.
IMO, The Celtic Star is very good. It has none of this weird intra-blog rivalry and keeps the hysteria to a minimum. Also doesn't pounce on every rumour as some kind of Pulitzer-winning scoop. Those other bloggers behave like weans. They occasionally start listing all their achievements and it's like some kind of weird bollock-measuring competition. 'I broke the story on the blah, blah, blah'. Sad as fuck.
I think J.J might have been in cahoots with the bookies, so adamant was he that Moyes had the job.

Noticed he didn't publish any posts that called him out as a prize prick.

I was one of those critics whom he didn't publish when I questioned his integrity ( pause for laughter ! ) when he reneged on his promise to allow donors access to his 'Protected' articles .
But he wrote to me privately claiming that if only I had taken out a Direct Debit on top of any donation previously given then I would have been given access to these articles .
This guy is seriously uptight about money !
More and more his 'articles' turn into rants about his 'enemies ' . Poor , sad f*ck !


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