What would you rather?

Feel free to add some more....
Would you rather skelp the huns every game in a season but lose the league or win the league but lose all games to the huns???

Would you rather have Larsson in his prime in our current squad or Billy McNeill in his prime in our current squad???

Just a bit of fun Bhoys and Ghirls to fill the boring out of season days ????
10iar first. Then have a have a hump-the-huns-a-thon and no give your who wins the league. As long as it's no them.
Larsson in his prime, cause we got the players to set up the chances for him.
Feel free to add some more....
Would you rather skelp the huns every game in a season but lose the league or win the league but lose all games to the huns???

Would you rather have Larsson in his prime in our current squad or Billy McNeill in his prime in our current squad???

Just a bit of fun Bhoys and Ghirls to fill the boring out of season days ????
Id take the title every time so what if we lost 4 derbys ? Still taking the title would show them how irrelevant they are. Also I'd take Larsson in his prime I'm a bit young (really) to remember Billy in his prime but Larsson was a special type of animal on the field who struck fear into the opposition no matter who they were. The fact he went to Barcelona then man Utd at the end of his career says it all for me. Good post HH
Sorry Lubo, but I'm a greedy bastard and I want it ALL........All I tells ya!!!

I'm still working on my genetic cloning device in order to create the greatest Celtic team of all!

I've mastered cloning a hun by rubbing two dods of shite together and perfectly recreating andy halliday!!!

Could be a Nobel Peace Prize heading my way soon
Belter SP?
Not allowed to be greedy. You have to chose one or the other!!! Its my game, ok!!!! ?????

Aye, well I'm going say this only, Nae Celtic fan would except loosing tae they cheating inbred DOB'S. Now pic another game eh,

I did see Bobby Murdoch play, he was simply sublime, his range of passing, his ability to read the game, also he had a mean streak especially if Jinky, got targeted by an opposition player. The cvnt would know all about it, when Big Bobby gave him a guid clatteHail Hail ?OK

Footenote- I've seen us take 3,4,5 goal dooins of the DOB's it fvukin hurts
Sorry Lubo, but I'm a greedy bastard and I want it ALL........All I tells ya!!!

I'm still working on my genetic cloning device in order to create the greatest Celtic team of all!

I've mastered cloning a hun by rubbing two dods of shite together and perfectly recreating andy halliday!!!

Could be a Nobel Peace Prize heading my way soon
SP couldn't have said that better myself, excellent I couldn't agree more
it would have include League win number 10 for me to accept getting thumped by HUNs but me heart says beat the HUNs but my mind says take number 10 I hate picking a fav player wish you Bhoys woudn't do that I pick one then I think oh !! what about him and him too !! just to hard for me but must say King Billy is at the top
PS I'm a new Bhoy on block thanks for likes etc just like to say Hi
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