Liverpool or Tottenham

Don't think I can remember watching a worse Champions League final than that garbage last night. Awful standard of fitba from these so called 'elite' teams, could barely string a handful of passes together between them ffs. If you are a Liverpool fan today you don't care how you won it but watching as a neutral it hardly felt like watching the 'creme de la creme' of Europe did it.

The competition in it's current form is a busted flush, the semi-finals aside it's been pretty dire overall and the fact that 2 clubs who aren't Champions of anything are Champions League finalists just makes a complete mockery of the entire competition imo.

The only good thing about last night's game was seeing Virgil and Robertson get their hands on the big cup other than that it was entirely forgetful and looked like the death throws of a competition being strangled by it's own elitism.
Don't think I can remember watching a worse Champions League final than that garbage last night. Awful standard of fitba from these so called 'elite' teams, could barely string a handful of passes together between them ffs. If you are a Liverpool fan today you don't care how you won it but watching as a neutral it hardly felt like watching the 'creme de la creme' of Europe did it.

The competition in it's current form is a busted flush, the semi-finals aside it's been pretty dire overall and the fact that 2 clubs who aren't Champions of anything are Champions League finalists just makes a complete mockery of the entire competition imo.

The only good thing about last night's game was seeing Virgil and Robertson get their hands on the big cup other than that it was entirely forgetful and looked like the death throws of a competition being strangled by it's own elitism.
UEFA bowed down to the big 4 leagues and in one fell swoop killed competitive European football.

SKY played their part too, but distasteful as it is, they are interested only in profit margins and share dividends.

UEFA have a duty and responsibility to ensure that football is a game for all and not just for the financial elites.

The popularity of football was built upon teams like Celtic facing overwhelming odds and prevailing. The same can be said for Feyenoord, Ajax, even Forest and Villa.

That game was dire last night, but it still wasn't the worst. That dishonour goes to Steua and Barcelona, but at least Steua faced the same overwhelming odds and won it with a team of Romanians.

It goes beyond just the Champions League monopoly. These "elite" clubs are now artificially creating a further wealth gap by circulating the same dirty money between them at grossly inflated fees. It's the footballing equivalent of money laundering and pushes genuine giants like Celtic further and further away from the top table.

The standard of football in Scotland doesn't help, but the same applies to the other leagues outwith the big 4 also.

At some point or other, the second-tier clubs will have to galvanise themselves and look towards creating a competitive 5th big league. The scope for it is there, but this current format is not only killing football, it is killing hope too.
UEFA bowed down to the big 4 leagues and in one fell swoop killed competitive European football.

SKY played their part too, but distasteful as it is, they are interested only in profit margins and share dividends.

UEFA have a duty and responsibility to ensure that football is a game for all and not just for the financial elites.

The popularity of football was built upon teams like Celtic facing overwhelming odds and prevailing. The same can be said for Feyenoord, Ajax, even Forest and Villa.

That game was dire last night, but it still wasn't the worst. That dishonour goes to Steua and Barcelona, but at least Steua faced the same overwhelming odds and won it with a team of Romanians.

It goes beyond just the Champions League monopoly. These "elite" clubs are now artificially creating a further wealth gap by circulating the same dirty money between them at grossly inflated fees. It's the footballing equivalent of money laundering and pushes genuine giants like Celtic further and further away from the top table.

The standard of football in Scotland doesn't help, but the same applies to the other leagues outwith the big 4 also.

At some point or other, the second-tier clubs will have to galvanise themselves and look towards creating a competitive 5th big league. The scope for it is there, but this current format is not only killing football, it is killing hope too.

Too young to remember the Steaua/Barca final SP (at that time I was a Celtic obsessed wean who's football world didn't go beyond the hoops) so I'll bow to your superior knowledge and years on that one mate ;):D

Pretty much agree with everything you've said there, the only thing I would say SP is I don't think it's necessarily just the 'elite' clubs that are the whole problem it's also the other clubs that inhabit these big leagues. Most of those leagues are made up of glorified fodder who's only real purpose these days is to sustain the dominance of these elite clubs.

Clubs outwith the top 4/5 in these leagues are really just there to provide a staple diet of false competition to these clubs and the fodder have been conned into believing that the 'trickle down economics' (the type of economics that have caused such inequality elsewhere in society) of it all is somehow good for them.

The fodder buy into the 'big leagues' and 'EPL is the best league in the world' type bullshit because they think it makes them 'part of' the elite when really they're just the chumps who gifted their power away for a bag of cash that will never improve their lot in the only competition most of them are ever likely to take part in outside their domestic cup competitions. Aye they might be able to outspend the likes of us and some of them will have the odd adventure in the Europa League now and again but they'll never be able to outspend the top clubs in their own leagues so their existence is basically to ensure the continued dominance of those above them.

UEFA and these fodder type clubs are as big a part of the problem as the elites are because they allow the tail to wag the dug instead of coming together and reigning the elites in. Maybe if these clubs who make up the majority could see past their own greed and the false 'elite' status they think they have then the game would level out and become a bit fairer all round.

HH SP (y)

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