Funny phone numbers,


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Just received a call from 0161 870 5936,Manchester number ,’ This is officer Rachel Scott from inland revenue, you must return this call and ask to be put through to my dept’!!!!! American accent ,what gets me ,how come these scammers are allowed to get a UK land line number, have blocked this number ,as have done with a stack of other 0161 numbers,and same message ,have a block list as long as my arm,just beware ,but am sure all on here are wise to this crap ,hh
These scheisters manage to buy bulk telephone numbers and personal data, even those numbers which are under the opt-out, unlisted, ex-directory (can't remember what the proper name is for that ) this is what happens to people's data when it goes "missing" from companies like BA and Sony PlayStation etc. The details are stolen, sold on to the highest bidder who then pester the hell out of people, scamming them. I'm aware of that only because I once worked casual gig for a bunch of crooks Solar Energy Savings. They had plenty of ex-directory numbers that they shouldn't have had. A computer just rings the next number automatically. That company (I left when I realised that I was helping to scam people) got caught and ended up front page of the Sunday mail. The idea was to convince folk that solar is the way to go but your house /roof must be facing South to get max solar input. That didn't matter to them even if you're home faced north we were told "it's ok set up an interview with the client who will try to get a sale on your lead" at the time the govt were offering a great return for anyone who installed these panels which can cost up to 12grand and more. Then the electricity and gas companies weren't happy at all with this obviously, lobbied the govt and the tax free tariff was cut to practically nothing. Even if by then you'd bought the panels , had them installed etc you still would not recieve the "govt guaranteed tax free tariff " disgraceful. At first I believed in it and if you have the money (a lot of it) it will save you money in the long term. I just couldn't live with myself after finding out the number data base was stolen and I was convincing pensioners , homeowners etc that this was the best thing since sliced bread. Not for any amount of cash in hand scum of the earth. Same with the PPI claims scam where you dont need any company to do that for you , you can do it all by yourself on line without paying fees to companies for doing it for you. If it sounds too good to be true then it is , is the old addage that still stands true today. Beware people on telephones offering the world for no more than your life savings. Honestly makes me sick to my stomach that it took me 6 moon to work out it was a scam. I needed the money at the time but before I left (a friend of mine(ahem) photographed many numbers waiting on house visits from the company , phoned them back and told them it was a scam cut and run.
I'd like to think that we're all too aware nowadays about scamming phone calls and don't listen to them for 2 seconds before hanging up but obviously some folk do pay attention to them or the scammers wouldn't carry on doing it.

I'm on the Telephone Preference opt-out scheme but it doesn't make a blind bit of difference to the amount of unsolicited calls I receive but it does allow me to ask them the name of their company and warn them that they may be fined for contacting me.
I'd like to think that we're all too aware nowadays about scamming phone calls and don't listen to them for 2 seconds before hanging up but obviously some folk do pay attention to them or the scammers wouldn't carry on doing it.

I'm on the Telephone Preference opt-out scheme but it doesn't make a blind bit of difference to the amount of unsolicited calls I receive but it does allow me to ask them the name of their company and warn them that they may be fined for contacting me.
I disconnected my land line ,had preference service also, waste of time ,now only use mobile ,but getting these calls ,as I say ,have blocked the number,but they just get another,keep blocking ,hh
Just received a call from 0161 870 5936,Manchester number ,’ This is officer Rachel Scott from inland revenue, you must return this call and ask to be put through to my dept’!!!!! American accent ,what gets me ,how come these scammers are allowed to get a UK land line number, have blocked this number ,as have done with a stack of other 0161 numbers,and same message ,have a block list as long as my arm,just beware ,but am sure all on here are wise to this crap ,hh

Maybe they had the wrong number ...were really trying to contact Mr King at Sevco !
Just received a call from 0161 870 5936,Manchester number ,’ This is officer Rachel Scott from inland revenue, you must return this call and ask to be put through to my dept’!!!!! American accent ,what gets me ,how come these scammers are allowed to get a UK land line number, have blocked this number ,as have done with a stack of other 0161 numbers,and same message ,have a block list as long as my arm,just beware ,but am sure all on here are wise to this crap ,hh

So how do they contact clients who do not have phones or emails, no wonder the inland revenue cannot catch Dave King he has no phone or email account.:sneaky: Bring back the postal service
I don't care if they're live or not, I still enjoy a good rant at them. ?
Thats what i do it's very therapeutic, live ones from india /talk talk are the best ,see who cracks first :LOL:

twice i've been told to GFM by some wee indian call guy wantin access to my computer

The double glazin mob i just mock them for the pishy job they've got and tell them the guy in the blue shirt in the next row says yer a wanker , it caught one person out

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