Not a social media person was checking out various Celtic sites liked a few Phil joe McHugh The Celtic blog James Forrest mentioned fans should try the noise
So I did, haven’t looked back where else could you start a 🧵 mention a 433 system and then start talking about cats and Dugs only for Kelly and his fekin tractor 🚜 to kill the dugs (Cats actually sad man) to then meet the Faither of the noise. A Total gent who shared his lifetimes with us. I’ve laughed till it hurt, Cried real tears when a man I never met passed away. This Forum is a joy it has some really fantastic posters
From Spherical, Boab, Lubo(Sore loser) Boax Bhoy, Winter Tictastastic ,Kelly Shadow ,Shammy 🏑 Bridie Bhoy and Celtic rose oor 50 Shades and Tony, Docco and a big thanks to Steviebhoy raiser of money Supremo (charity) shite at raffles apparently
And you’ve lived until you see an Imatim 🧵
There’s so many John no, Christ aye he’s here too. It’s a brilliant place to escape
We even have Superfans but we’re not worthy of the Clay.
Great post Jinky 👏
Love this forum, if your new Michael Duffy is the Faither we lost him and I miss him.
He resides with the Lions and Big Jock
Mon the Noise
Mon the Hoops


And the winner is 👏👏👏👏
This now not so wee community is superb for everything from a laugh to a serious chat to a verbal boot in the baws but I can honestly say it's helped me at times and losing MD was first time I realised how much u can get attached to some of yous loonies🥳widnae change it this is only forum I use its the best fuck ur KDS😎🤣🤣🤣
It is indeed a wonderful forum and that's because we are all part of the Celtic family. The ties that bind us are all around us and even in times of disagreement we come together because we know we are family.

I took the loss of oor Michael badly and I couldn't quite understand how I could be so upset about someone I had never met. Nothing like that had ever happened before. I miss his music, his history and his fun. He was always up for a wee natter during the night and his friendship meant a great deal to me. He was always more concerned about me than himself and I've chatted to him since his first post on the Celtic Blog and he was a true friend, just one that I never met.

The forum is a great distraction from the stresses of life and work. You'll sometimes see me posting late at night because I work shifts and it's nice to come on here and blether while I'm winding down.

Yes we have our disagreements but that happens in every family. We know how to come together again when it matters and I believe that everyone on here could be a friend in the outside world.

We are Celtic United. Long live the Noisers.
It is indeed a wonderful forum and that's because we are all part of the Celtic family. The ties that bind us are all around us and even in times of disagreement we come together because we know we are family.

I took the loss of oor Michael badly and I couldn't quite understand how I could be so upset about someone I had never met. Nothing like that had ever happened before. I miss his music, his history and his fun. He was always up for a wee natter during the night and his friendship meant a great deal to me. He was always more concerned about me than himself and I've chatted to him since his first post on the Celtic Blog and he was a true friend, just one that I never met.

The forum is a great distraction from the stresses of life and work. You'll sometimes see me posting late at night because I work shifts and it's nice to come on here and blether while I'm winding down.

Yes we have our disagreements but that happens in every family. We know how to come together again when it matters and I believe that everyone on here could be a friend in the outside world.

We are Celtic United. Long live the Noisers.
Thanks Lubo but this is the Winner for me

HH Shammy
Everyone on here made the noise a strange mixture of keyboard strangers for what it is, we may not always agree we may have a different opinions but we also have the laughs ,the memories and we all felt the loss of a fella we never met but in a way knew him so well ,his gift to little liliana melted alot of hearts and brought a few tears of joy to even us grumpy fekrs ,,,

mon the beau also sadly missed
I am on Facebook but don't post very much. I posted a few times on the comments on a few Celtic blogs and realised later that many of the good posts were from people who moved onto here. I joined the Noise after seeing a link on the fairly new Celtix Star. As I lurked for a wee while before getting really involved I never showed up as a newbie so was lucky enough to avoid the interrogation from Maria the forum bouncer!

I was very hesitant but MD (man I miss the auld fella) encouraged me to join in. That is why I try to welcome new posters. I got pished one Friday and got into a discussion with SP about Dundee and I never looked back.

One of the highlights for me was when another true Noise hero Steviebhoy organised a boax for a couple of deserving folk on here (but not Lubo sadly). But how funny was it when he tried to organise that prize draw and made an arse of it? (sorry Stevie - but it was hilarious 😉).

For anyone looking in, please join in. You will bring something new to this wonderful forum. Not everyone will agree with you, and you may/will be questioned if you come in all guns blazing with a controversial viewpoint, but as long as you debate/argue like an adult then I look forward to reading your posts.
I am on Facebook but don't post very much. I posted a few times on the comments on a few Celtic blogs and realised later that many of the good posts were from people who moved onto here. I joined the Noise after seeing a link on the fairly new Celtix Star. As I lurked for a wee while before getting really involved I never showed up as a newbie so was lucky enough to avoid the interrogation from Maria the forum bouncer!

I was very hesitant but MD (man I miss the auld fella) encouraged me to join in. That is why I try to welcome new posters. I got pished one Friday and got into a discussion with SP about Dundee and I never looked back.

One of the highlights for me was when another true Noise hero Steviebhoy organised a boax for a couple of deserving folk on here (but not Lubo sadly). But how funny was it when he tried to organise that prize draw and made an arse of it? (sorry Stevie - but it was hilarious 😉).

For anyone looking in, please join in. You will bring something new to this wonderful forum. Not everyone will agree with you, and you may/will be questioned if you come in all guns blazing with a controversial viewpoint, but as long as you debate/argue like an adult then I look forward to reading your posts.
Nearly 3,000 members but there are lots of Noisers out there who have never contributed a post. That's fine but think how much better it would be if you joined in with the mayhem, give us your opinions and became part of the family.

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