For me the noise is an escape , somewhere I can Show my true feelings without having to watch my P’s and qs , like minded people who have differing opinions which makes it what it is , we are different but we are the same , in many ways

unlike the hun sites we are not bitter or sectarian , well I am sometimes , but we do not spew the constant hatred that they do every day , enjoy the posts , sometimes comment sometimes don’t
But watch every day
Being a relative newbie on The Noise I didn't get to know MD. I know from the warmth of the comments on here that I've missed out on getting to know someone very special. Probably difficult for you good folk to believe, but I'm not much into the social media thing, apart from a couple of wildlife and photography sites on FB, I don't get involved with it. The Noise ? It's like a wee oasis of sheer pleasure in what for me is a fecked up cyber world. That pleasure is thanks to you good folk. Truly wonderful to be allowed to share your company.
Everyone on here made the noise a strange mixture of keyboard strangers for what it is, we may not always agree we may have a different opinions but we also have the laughs ,the memories and we all felt the loss of a fella we never met but in a way knew him so well ,his gift to little liliana melted alot of hearts and brought a few tears of joy to even us grumpy fekrs ,,,

mon the beau also sadly missed
I was doing 'ok' until I read this
Kelly ya F@kr (in the good way) that got me 'right in the feels'
Michael and I were the same age, and had been through and experienced, a lot of the same things
We clicked right from the start, and what a laugh we'd have with the stories, as his nighttime, was my daytime
I sent Michael a Christmas card a couple of years ago, and put in a photo of our Beau, he sent me a message saying how much he treasured our big goofy dug's photo
Then he asked me for our address, to 'send a Christmas card'...crafty auld bugger...a few weeks later on, package arrives and it's addressed to my Granddaughter...I called my daughter, they came over (I had no idea what it could be)
I admit, a few tears flowed when Liliana opened it and she was over the moon with glee
I was truly gobsmacked, what a gesture from a 'stranger' who wasn't a stranger
A measure of the man, for sure
I felt that my family, was his family in a sense, and we would regale each other with tales from our teenage years in Scotland
If ever, anyone embodied the spirit of the noise, it was oor Michael, and we are fortunate, to have known oor Michael
We will meet again and him & I, will walk Beau together
For those who are curious as to who Beau was...here's our Bhoy, as Stevie nicknamed him, the noise mascot ;-)
And here's our girl, loving her Celtic strip
I'm glad I found the noise and have got know most if not all of you
We won't always agree, but we are united in our love of Glasgow Celtic FC
And if anyone has a problem with that...well...DILLIGAF ? ;)

BEAU .jpgBeau Bear 1.jpgChristmas 2020 a kiss for Beau.jpgLiliana Celtic Ghirl 2.jpgLiliana Celtic Ghirl 1.jpg
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Being a relative newbie on The Noise I didn't get to know MD. I know from the warmth of the comments on here that I've missed out on getting to know someone very special. Probably difficult for you good folk to believe, but I'm not much into the social media thing, apart from a couple of wildlife and photography sites on FB, I don't get involved with it. The Noise ? It's like a wee oasis of sheer pleasure in what for me is a fecked up cyber world. That pleasure is thanks to you good folk. Truly wonderful to be allowed to share your company.
Frank , I enjoy your posts . We do not agree on everything , you are a passionate SNP man I am not , but that’s what this forum is about , everyone , anyone ,
I get my coat
Been very taken back with all the truly wonderful comments that fellow noisers have posted on this thread so far, really puts into perspective just how fantastic this forum really is.
The nights still remain that little bit lonelier since the passing of "The father MD" but thankfully his spirit remains strong though all the fellow noisers who make this place so special.
On a personal level, I really don't know how I would have coped in life if I hadn't found the friendship that the noise has bought into my life.
The craic can be mighty with the joy and laughter bought by the wonderful members.
The education and knowledge of the members is a real eye opener and the support on offer with the difficulties that life can bring is truly amazing.
This forum has become a huge part of my life now and hope that never changes as many I would class as true friends nowadays, and yet never actually met anyone of you.
How is that possible?
I don't really know, but the power of the Celtic family can never be underestimated, and no family is as powerful as the celtic family and the members within it, and the celtic noise highlights that more so than I've ever experienced.
Thank you to everyone within the celtic noise none more so than the wonderful people who makes this place so special
I wakened at 4.20am this morning and as I often do when I waken at these ungodly hours I come on to the Noise to see what’s been happ’n.
And there is this thread headed 3000 so curious to see what on Earth that could be about so I opened it up and since that I have been overwhelmed is to put it mildly.
it was in the wee small hours I was never alone on here as MD was always on the night shift. Miss him terribly even although I never met him and he is with Pat in Celtic heaven I’m sure.

I came on here and this forum has kept me connected to Pat (my husband who passed away with early onset Alzheimer’s disease) who loved the Glasgow Celtic. So to every one of you on here thank you for your understanding, love, caring and kindness.

I came on here without a clue about 433’s or centre backs or right backs all I knew was that I supported Celtic and now thanks to all of you i have learned so much more. 💚

I tried to upload the photo of MD’s paving stone I took from a few weeks ago when I visited Celtic Park but it’s telling me the file is too big so I will see if I can do it another way but don’t hold your breath lol. 💚
Frank , I enjoy your posts . We do not agree on everything , you are a passionate SNP man I am not , but that’s what this forum is about , everyone , anyone ,
I get my coat
Thanks for your kind comments TT. Not trying to be pedantic, but my membership of SNP doesn't necessarily equate to being passionate about them. I see them as a vehicle for change and so toss my grain of sand on the scales along with them and hope to tip the balance. My membership may very well prove to be transient when and if that change is achieved.

My passion lies with the yes movement as a whole. Nae need tae get yer coat !
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Some great posts, I like some, joined late and don’t know anything of the people you speak, but that fact you speak of them at all says everything about the noise and its members.
Im not a prolific poster, but if something catches my imagination, I like to give my tuppence-worth, been on a couple of the other blogs and no idea how I never noticed this one in the past but happy to be here.👍🏻
Thanks for your kind comments TT. Not trying to be pedantic, but my membership of SNP doesn't necessarily equate to being passionate about them. I see them as a vehicle for change and so toss my grain of sand on the scales along with them and hope to tip the balance. My membership may very well prove to be transient when and if that change is achieved.

My passion lies with the yes movement as a whole. Nae need tae get yer coat !
I used to read cqn a lot. I still look in occasionally. It was a good site. Untill the referendum. From then on it's been a nightmare with certain posters arguing the toss backwards and forwards, adamant they will have the last word. It's still happening to this day. If the owner just updated his format to one like this where you have different threads it would be much better. They say just scroll on by and I do, but a good site ruined if you ask me.
Some great posts, I like some, joined late and don’t know anything of the people you speak, but that fact you speak of them at all says everything about the noise and its members.
Im not a prolific poster, but if something catches my imagination, I like to give my tuppence-worth, been on a couple of the other blogs and no idea how I never noticed this one in the past but happy to be here.👍🏻
Check your mail mate
(Wee envelope at the top right hand corner)
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I wakened at 4.20am this morning and as I often do when I waken at these ungodly hours I come on to the Noise to see what’s been happ’n.
And there is this thread headed 3000 so curious to see what on Earth that could be about so I opened it up and since that I have been overwhelmed is to put it mildly.
it was in the wee small hours I was never alone on here as MD was always on the night shift. Miss him terribly even although I never met him and he is with Pat in Celtic heaven I’m sure.

I came on here and this forum has kept me connected to Pat (my husband who passed away with early onset Alzheimer’s disease) who loved the Glasgow Celtic. So to every one of you on here thank you for your understanding, love, caring and kindness.

I came on here without a clue about 433’s or centre backs or right backs all I knew was that I supported Celtic and now thanks to all of you i have learned so much more. 💚

I tried to upload the photo of MD’s paving stone I took from a few weeks ago when I visited Celtic Park but it’s telling me the file is too big so I will see if I can do it another way but don’t hold your breath lol. 💚
Jaysus rose if you're lookin info on football then you've come to the wrong place. The fuckin gobshites on here know nothin about football. Now if you're lookin for a shower of eejits talkin shite about football then you're in the right place!