Aberdeen v Celtic - Sunday 2nd October, kick off 12.00

Until Hibs themselves and all other teams call it out, nothing will change.
Squads prepare all week, train, tactics, turn up….play really well….only to be robbed by the MiB.
Doesnt matter your preparation, application and good play…the refs a homer and gonna fuck u up the arse anyway.
Your 10 men and 1-0 down before a baw is kicked.
Decisions like this cost teams places in the league and places in Europe, cold hard cash.
Its not just Celtic’s responsibility to call for change.
They also do what they can to help whoever is playing us if they are refereeing our matches. In England, there is more competition so referees don't have one opponent to discriminate against because there are several strong teams.
They are evaluated in England too. If they have a shit game there are consequences. Here if a ref has a really bad game they get the Cup Final if Celtic or Sevco are playing.
Sevco have to win the league to avoid liquidation. Its 2010 all over again. This is just the start its only gonna get worse.
They are evaluated in England too. If they have a shit game there are consequences. Here if a ref has a really bad game they get the Cup Final if Celtic or Sevco are playing.
Sevco have to win the league to avoid liquidation. Its 2010 all over again. This is just the start its only gonna get worse.
Starting date Richybhoy is October 30th when they have to pay their ex chairman Dodgy Dave a sum of £5m plus £400000 interest,,do you think he might have to take them to court or just bring the add ons into play..
And that mug slippy is asking for money to buy players,,he will put them into liquidation himself..

The longer it stays 1-0 the more likely the pen to level, if they level then the pen will come to seal the 3 points.
I cannot imagine the amount of cheating that went on before football was scrutinised by TV.
Guaranteed a few of the old clubs titles were courtesy of the MiB.
Orange really is the new black.