Ange and Spurs

Having watched and listened to Ange today after the match I've no doubt in my mind he is at the very least considering any offer that may be on offer from Spurs.
I am not in the school of of thought of many on here who are accepting of the school of thought that we should thank him and wish him well no matter what he decides.
I am gonna be honest and say yes I am thankful for his contribution to date but I have to say any ship jump from him at this early stage reeks of self ambition and not the message he has sold us over the last few years re his connection to our club.
I should be on top of the world today and to an extent I am but Ange has deflated that somewhat with his lack of commitment I'm afraid.
Enjoy your hols Ange but please don't fuck with us .....disrespectful imo.
Having watched and listened to Ange today after the match I've no doubt in my mind he is at the very least considering any offer that may be on offer from Spurs.
I am not in the school of of thought of many on here who are accepting of the school of thought that we should thank him and wish him well no matter what he decides.
I am gonna be honest and say yes I am thankful for his contribution to date but I have to say any ship jump from him at this early stage reeks of self ambition and not the message he has sold us over the last few years re his connection to our club.
I should be on top of the world today and to an extent I am but Ange has deflated that somewhat with his lack of commitment I'm afraid.
Enjoy your hols Ange but please don't fuck with us .....disrespectful imo.
Love the guy to bits didn’t leave us or put us in doubt when titles and trophy’s had still to be won so total respect. if he thinks thfc money is more important than really building something special then good luck to him cause he
Will need it at that club.
At the end of it if he decides to go I hope he knows NOBODY is bigger or better than the GLASGOW CELTIC
Having watched and listened to Ange today after the match I've no doubt in my mind he is at the very least considering any offer that may be on offer from Spurs.
I am not in the school of of thought of many on here who are accepting of the school of thought that we should thank him and wish him well no matter what he decides.
I am gonna be honest and say yes I am thankful for his contribution to date but I have to say any ship jump from him at this early stage reeks of self ambition and not the message he has sold us over the last few years re his connection to our club.
I should be on top of the world today and to an extent I am but Ange has deflated that somewhat with his lack of commitment I'm afraid.
Enjoy your hols Ange but please don't fuck with us .....disrespectful imo.
We’ve all seen this movie before. Ange is someone who I think genuinely has a great affection for everything Celtic.
We are one of the true giant football clubs in the world but the fact remains we are a massive club in a piss poor second/third rate league.
I spent a small fortune to take my old bhoy to see roger waters tonight but he spent most of it checking his phone for any fecking quote from the manager.
All this has the old yin on edge.
So I had to give him a shake.

Celtic will still be here tomorrow with or without Ange. We follow a football team but we know if your a Celtic supporter it’s much more than just a team. It’s a club which has a history and an identity to be proud of.
What make us ain’t a manager or a player, as long as there’s air to breathe, these guys will come and go. We are the sum of our parts and the parts are the supporters and none of us are going anywhere.
So what is there to fear?
The fucking freebie huns.

My take in it all is this…..
This guy ain’t the snake.
It’s well documented that he grew up watching English football with his dad and their team was Liverpool.
His ambition will always have been to get to the EPL.
if this was a shite English team like palace/Southampton then I don’t think this would be an issue.
We can all call Spurs whatever we want but the facts are, outside the top4/5 they offer him the best path to a top job. He ain’t going to the top teams straight from Scotland no matter what he does up here.
Spurs have possibly the best stadium and facilities in the world.
One if the worst atmospheres too.
I think this is one of the few jobs that will make him have a serious think.
He’s won 5 trophies out of 6 here and he has the CL if he wants another crack at it. But 6 games sandwiched in between plastic pitches and a weekly staple of facing up to anti football teams. Sure, there’s a load of dross in EPL but it’s the place to be.
All things considered, an ambitious and driven manger will likely take the next step in his career if it’s presented on favourable terms.
As for Anges antics over the last few days, I think the guys just giving us supporters respect by not saying something which doesn’t ring true. If Spurs are interested then he may have talks and he has a decision to make.
He’ll only be missed if the next appointment is shite.
He’s given us a team to be proud of and a raft of ‘assets’. If he does go, he leaves us in good shape.
But we will go on and who knows, the next guy may be a step up again.
Only time will tell ..
There were a few hints yesterday that Ange was going.
So now we get a new man in.
Well for a start-
And this time-
I don’t like seeing really good managers leave on the cheap. Just imagine how much we would have got for Ange, if he had been under contract and that he had made his mind up to leave. Spurs getting a great manager for nothing.😡
For what I've heard from Ange's interviews and my take on it is that he still hasn't spoken with Spurs. The dialogue will happen next week and is why he's non committal.
Personally I think he should be allowed to take a look. And if he wants to leave then he has my best wishes. If he talks with Spurs and doesn't think it's the right move and doesn't want to leave again I will super pleased with his choice.
If the big man decides to go then so be it!!my worry is who follows?they pair a cheapskate cunts lawell and dermot sitting up the stand yesterday way there sour faces,wouldn’t a thot we just created history”again”,,,naw their brains are planning the next rollercoaster ride for us,,,season ticket money already in the satchel,they might feel they can gamble a bit…a no it’s just coincidence but when that cunt lawell reappeared like bobby Ewing ma nerves went into a say maybe just coincidence 🤨
Agree totally way your post,for some reason a get the impression ange will be here for the long haul,,based on what we have seen and heard from ange!!! I expect ange to use Saturdays title party with the uk media spotlight on us to put the rumours to bed once and for all..give us the boost we have been looking for heading into the final🇮🇪
He definitely did NOT put any rumours to bed after the game, I really think he is gone now
He hasn't been offered the job yet but his agents must have been working in the background for spurs to leak the stories that they were interested ,thing is what if he dosen't get the job or worse still spurs don't offer an interview ?

Where does that leave him ,,,,not commited enough to us to put the rumours to bed ,,,,no long term contract signed ,,,off at the next flash of the epl drawers

Yesterdays take on it in one interview he stated some players in the dressing room celebrating won't be here next year which i found quite a bizzare statement to make straight after a cup final

yet 10 days of questions to him and he couldn't state his own future even after the final whistle ,when all was done and dusted

A wish him well Scotlands been an eye opener for him ,lanarkshire refs ,,var ,,a media hell bent on driving a successful manager out the country instead of applauding him he was great for Celtic ,,,,,,but Celtic was great for him

other managers may look at Celtic being a stepping stone into the epl

The picture at full time of Lawwell and Desmond dosen't bode well for the future , with sevco looking down the back of the couch ,,,,(sofa if you live in engerland ) will we downsize again .

The leagues over the cups done ,we now need a definative answer on the manager and not let this drag out any longer
What puzzles me is ...a 12 month rolling contract ? Sure , when appointing Ange initially , not knowing if he would be a success , that is good business sense .
BUT ...after last season's immense success why did the Board not throw the chequebook at Ange and offer him as long a contract ( with bonuses etc...) as he wanted ?
Or did it not occur to the Board that a successful stint at a high profile club like Celtic might attract suitors from the money-tainted league to the south ?
Or was an offer of long term employment made and knocked back ?
Puzzlement all round !

What puzzles me is ...a 12 month rolling contract ? Sure , when appointing Ange initially , not knowing if he would be a success , that is good business sense .
BUT ...after last season's immense success why did the Board not throw the chequebook at Ange and offer him as long a contract ( with bonuses etc...) as he wanted ?
Or did it not occur to the Board that a successful stint at a high profile club like Celtic might attract suitors from the money-tainted league to the south ?
Or was an offer of long term employment made and knocked back ?
Puzzlement all round !

Well if the look on lawell and Desmond’s faces at the final whistle were anything to go by they looked like two poker players that bluffed their hand and got called out??wouldn’t be the first for them tight arsed cunts…

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