Bankier to retire

Between now and 1st January, he will hardly grow the set of male testicular appendages, that he has been missing for all his invisible tenure, and highlight the rotten state of Scottish football. Naw.
About as much chance as as there is of Boris Johnston developing a conscience. It's interesting Bankier is 'retiring' at 70. Desmond is responsible for such a creature being in any way associated with Celtic FC.

Griffin, Lawwell or a bitta both?
Inability to protect Celtic's best interests.
5WA, Res 12, insulting supporters, Lawell's lapdog, refereeing obfuscation, failure to stand up to unwarranted media attacks, etc. For me, he presided over a litany of failure, together with a load of deadwood on the board. Time for most of them to go as well. We need a board that is forward looking and relevant to the modern game. One that understands the size, prestige and potential of our club. Not those interested in an easy sinecure, director box perks and basking in the prestige of being associated with the club.
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Wouldn't be surprised; nobody who has a close relationship with the truth ever ascended to the higher levels of the tories.

"IAN Bankier, the Celtic chairman, has condemned the “criminally racist abuse” of Lord Livingston, the non-executive director, during heated exchanges at the Glasgow club’s AGM." From the herald...

"This personal campaign against Lord Livingston is criminally racist. He has been subjected to a torrent of base personal abuse in social media." Bankiers actual words....

"I have not branded our supporters racist and it is outrageous to suggest that I would ever do that. I was only referring to a small number of specific comments which have been made on social media, which I believe are unacceptable, and I know Celtic supporters would agree with me.".....Bankiers reply to fans outrage at being branded racist.

This is a fucking guy who has never uttered a word against Sevco or Rangers. Who has allowed our club legends, alive and dead to be mocked and slandered, weekly. Who has allowed the media to print lie after lie after lie against our club on a regular basis. He can fuck off. And once he gets there he can fuck off again!!!

And if memory serves me well. I'm sure he tried to buy shares on Rangers at one point...but that might be the drink on my head talking. He's still a cunt.
He was only replying to specific comments on social media....he must have missed the thousands upon thousands of racist comments aimed at our fans and players on social media, that him or the board didn't or don't feel the need to comment on then???
The answer Lubo, is that all Celtic supporters are not Lord's of the realm. And thank God for that. But for me, it shows exactly his priorities and where his allegiances lie. He only finds his voice when it impacts on his ilk and cronies. 🐍
Wonder if he's a member of the same lodge as red card Ross.
The Torie MIB obviously has his backing.
Unfortunately, we will never find the extent of the wheels within wheels machinations of these type of entities or the those that make up their membership. At best, we can keep our guard up against their conniving. And our club should be doing the same. It should be mandatory for every Celtic director to declare interest or membership in every organisation, he or she is or was a member of before appointment.
Unfortunately, we will never find the extent of the wheels within wheels machinations of these type of entities or the those that make up their membership. At best, we can keep our guard up against their conniving. And our club should be doing the same. It should be mandatory for every Celtic director to declare interest or membership in every organisation, he or she is or was a member of before appointment.

You should start a count down until he goes 😁😁