Bankier to retire

Unfortunately, we will never find the extent of the wheels within wheels machinations of these type of entities or the those that make up their membership. At best, we can keep our guard up against their conniving. And our club should be doing the same. It should be mandatory for every Celtic director to declare interest or membership in every organisation, he or she is or was a member of before appointment.
I think it is a given that most people in most boards are tories. These days that will include Celtic. Personally I don't understand working and middle classes voting for them, but do get greedy bassas who want to be even richer wanting a party that only cares about thier needs being in charge.
"IAN Bankier, the Celtic chairman, has condemned the “criminally racist abuse” of Lord Livingston, the non-executive director, during heated exchanges at the Glasgow club’s AGM." From the herald...

"This personal campaign against Lord Livingston is criminally racist. He has been subjected to a torrent of base personal abuse in social media." Bankiers actual words....

"I have not branded our supporters racist and it is outrageous to suggest that I would ever do that. I was only referring to a small number of specific comments which have been made on social media, which I believe are unacceptable, and I know Celtic supporters would agree with me.".....Bankiers reply to fans outrage at being branded racist.

This is a fucking guy who has never uttered a word against Sevco or Rangers. Who has allowed our club legends, alive and dead to be mocked and slandered, weekly. Who has allowed the media to print lie after lie after lie against our club on a regular basis. He can fuck off. And once he gets there he can fuck off again!!!

And if memory serves me well. I'm sure he tried to buy shares on Rangers at one point...but that might be the drink on my head talking. He's still a cunt.
He's not just a cunt, he's a cunts cunt. Used to take business partners to ibrox where his company paid for a box.
Knowing this boards penchant for Tories, it wouldn't surprise me if they asked Boris if he wants the job
Bankier to retire in Jan?. Why wait go now , greedy cnut waiting till then. New chairman has a huge job on his hands trying to win back a support whom Bankier insulted and wouldn't call out sectarianism in Scottish football. Can't wait to see the back of him and others who I believe should be outed.
I see the bandwagon has started rolling to set the groundwork for Lawell's return as chairman. Get us prepared early and we will accept it as the inevitable. Should this happen it will set us back massively. A retrograde step of massive proportions. This man should have no role whatsoever at Celtic.
The other name I've seen linked with this upcoming vacancy is Sharon Brown. It appears she has been with us since 2016 but like the rest of the invisible board members she never raises her head above the parapet or publicly stands up for the club. But personally I'd rather have her running things than give Lawwell a position of power again!

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