"Blame Celtic" - The Hearts 'Wrongly Relegation' Myth is Nonsense just like "Same Club" lie and "Going for 55" fantasy

I just don't understand why all of a sudden the people who wanted lennon gone are now wrong. Why? Because we have won 2 matches in a row? And not by management genius but by him making changes he's refused to make all season and that includes dropping brown. The team that beat Lille and Killie should be the team that takes the park on Sunday. Give Brown some time in the 2nd half....IF we are able to.
If it's anything like my family and friends you could have five Celtic fans in a room and get seven different opinions on Lenny, Broony, the board etc etc. Blogs are just supporters willing to put their opinions out there, an extended Noise. No-one tells anyone what to think (perhaps with the odd exception) only what we think at that time. Opinions of course are like arseholes, we have the opinions Follow Follow has the arseholes

Absolutely. It makes for great debate. And if Lenny turns it round and we go on to win the league then the guys and girls arguing for lennon and brown will be able to say they told us so. But at the moment, 2 wins hasn't turned the guy into Pep. So having wee digs at all the fans "who wanted him gone" doesn't really fly.
2 wins a season doesn’t make I for one would be delighted if we won the League and NFL got us there. But sadly don’t think that happens IMO we’ve made too many mistakes and we’re likely to keep making them. We’re stuck with the manager till at least the 2nd of January then we see.
we bought players then sat them on the Bench till he had to make changes now we’re talking of going back to the players who have let the fans down and themselves
When you start winning you stick with a winning team.
the Team that started the last 2 games are and should be the starting 11. If they struggle then you make changes not before the game starts. Out of Sentiment to a great Celtic Captain you win the Trophy. Again IMO

HH 🍀
I just don't understand why all of a sudden the people who wanted lennon gone are now wrong. Why? Because we have won 2 matches in a row? And not by management genius but by him making changes he's refused to make all season and that includes dropping brown. The team that beat Lille and Killie should be the team that takes the park on Sunday. Give Brown some time in the 2nd half....IF we are able to.
Absolutely. It makes for great debate. And if Lenny turns it round and we go on to win the league then the guys and girls arguing for lennon and brown will be able to say they told us so. But at the moment, 2 wins hasn't turned the guy into Pep. So having wee digs at all the fans "who wanted him gone" doesn't really fly.

Some have always supported Lenny, some always wanted him out, some have changed their minds, others are hoping given his status and the importance of the season that he can get a tune and we don't need any further upheaval. For some folks that may be about 'I told you so' but for most it isn't. I supported Lenny's appointment, I would like him to move on, I don't want Brown to start tomorrow, though I'm struggling with even that. Topsy turvy season makes for fluid opinions- I'd love, no hope to be proven wrong. I'm not sure it;s about a dig at fans just a head full of conflicting opinions, changing week to week, refelecting what all of us are turning over in our minds every day.
"And when you read that, take a minute to reflect on the demands for the manager to be sacked over recent weeks and also the calls for the captain to be dropped for tomorrow’s final. The alternative view on that one is that to give us the best possible chance of getting this history making win over the line the leadership of Scott Brown on the park is going to be absolutely crucial"

The article is great. And it highlights the points regarding sevco and hearts well. And maybe im reading it wrong and if so I apologise. But the paragraph above, to me, seemed like a dig at the fans who have asked for lennons sacking and brown to be dropped. It speaks about the quad treble and what lennys put up with and somehow that should be enough for him to be manager. And it should be enough for brown to start. Its my opinion that sentiment shouldn't come into it. Lennon is manager. I accept that. I am 100% behind him, I have no choice as I support celtic and want them to win. That doesn't mean that I'm wrong, that he shouldn't have walked or been sacked after the terrible start we've made to the season. The same goes for brown. He is a club legend. That will never change. But he's been poor and no one deserves to be dropped for him.
"And when you read that, take a minute to reflect on the demands for the manager to be sacked over recent weeks and also the calls for the captain to be dropped for tomorrow’s final. The alternative view on that one is that to give us the best possible chance of getting this history making win over the line the leadership of Scott Brown on the park is going to be absolutely crucial"

The article is great. And it highlights the points regarding sevco and hearts well. And maybe im reading it wrong and if so I apologise. But the paragraph above, to me, seemed like a dig at the fans who have asked for lennons sacking and brown to be dropped. It speaks about the quad treble and what lennys put up with and somehow that should be enough for him to be manager. And it should be enough for brown to start. Its my opinion that sentiment shouldn't come into it. Lennon is manager. I accept that. I am 100% him. That doesn't mean that I'm wrong, that he shouldn't have walked or been sacked after the terrible start we've made to the season. The same goes for brown. He is a club legend. That will never change. But he's been poor and no one deserves to be dropped for him.
I stand by that paragraph 100%. Hearts are in the Championship because they under-performed last season and got the rug pulled from under their feet before they got to the split, where they could easily have saved themselves ( in their minds), they blame Celtic for this. They have also added Craig Gordon who will want to give a GIRUY to the Celtic Board who gave him such a poor offer that St Mirren were able to benefit. The Celtic manager's job is to pick the best team for the final - we know Broony will NOT freeze - my opinion therefore is that he is vital. I'd play Broony for an hour or so and then bring Soro on. Winning is all that matters in finals.

I stand by that paragraph 100%. Hearts are in the Championship because they under-performed last season and got the rug pulled from under their feet before they got to the split, where they could easily have saved themselves ( in their minds), they blame Celtic for this. They have also added Craig Gordon who will want to give a GIRUY to the Celtic Board who gave him such a poor offer that St Mirren were able to benefit. The Celtic manager's job is to pick the best team for the final - we know Broony will NOT freeze - my opinion therefore is that he is vital. I'd play Broony for an hour or so and then bring Soro on. Winning is all that matters in finals.

I know I'm going all "entitled" here but Celtic beating a lower league team in a cup final shouldn't be an issue. The fact that there is a bit of worry in some fans is down to the piss poor management of Neil Lennon, IMO. We shouldn't be worrying about which team is going to take the field because we, the biggest, richest club in scotland should be beating a championship club all the time.
Lennon is our manager. That's facts. Do I think he should still be our manager....not at all. Do I think he should play brown out of sentiment, because if he does that will be the reason. It certainly won't be on form....no i don't. Play our best team. Get the job done early then get brown on last 20 to 30 minutes to lift the trophy.
My first final was against Partick Thistle in 1971 -we were 4-0 down at half time, still thought we'd win though. Never under-estimate anyone in a final. Celtic running round Hampden the year before doing a semi-final lap of honour because they won a final before a final. And what was going on in the background then - not the stuff ON THE RECORD - but what was really going on (horse's mouth csc) has echos of Celtic this season.
My first final was against Partick Thistle in 1971 -we were 4-0 down at half time, still thought we'd win though. Never under-estimate anyone in a final. Celtic running round Hampden the year before doing a semi-final lap of honour because they won a final before a final. And what was going on in the background then - not the stuff ON THE RECORD - but what was really going on (horse's mouth csc) has echos of Celtic this season.

I'm not for a second underestimating hearts....infact this has been the least confident I've been in years about a final. The last few years I believed 100% that we would win. But we should be beating a championship team and we should be going in a lot more confident than we are. Fans shouldn't be worrying about which team is going to take to the field against a championship team.
I've just spent ovr two hours looking at Hearts and It's clear the midfield choices tomorrow are essential.
Bear with me, but they press from the front, hoping to see our central defenders play the ball forward early or to our full backs. on both options they have their real press, a second press ready.
They will nick the ball from full backs return the ball to the middle and hit diagonals to our back post areas. Or If Duffy or Jullien go straight they have Halliday and lee ready to pounce and simply bog the game down with cheap fouls.
Now i see an argument for Brown protecting a defensive partnership, but what if it goes wide? I'm afraid he's not covering ground or winning tackles, particuarly second balls.
Even in possession he drops deep. Whereby Soro doesn't allow the defence that option, he turns and asks for the ball in front to him to go on the front foot, he also is mobile enough to drop into the backline of full back areas, i'm not convinced Brown has the legs to cover both anymore.
In my opinion we need to use the expanse of Hampden to move a fairly immobile Hearts team around the park. Brown slows that down now.
It reminds me of Bitton when Rodgers first arrived or at the end of Deilas term. He slowed it down to the point the midfield became ineffective and the opposition had licence to engage our defence and soon he became a central defender.
It may well be it will make little diffrerence tomorrow, Hearts are still crap but a team with a shape and a plan. I've a horrible feeling playing Brown plays into their hands. Up the tempo and we can gain ground for calmac and Turnbull to go at the gap between the boxes they leave open with their first press.
I've just spent ovr two hours looking at Hearts and It's clear the midfield choices tomorrow are essential.
Bear with me, but they press from the front, hoping to see our central defenders play the ball forward early or to our full backs. on both options they have their real press, a second press ready.
They will nick the ball from full backs return the ball to the middle and hit diagonals to our back post areas. Or If Duffy or Jullien go straight they have Halliday and lee ready to pounce and simply bog the game down with cheap fouls.
Now i see an argument for Brown protecting a defensive partnership, but what if it goes wide? I'm afraid he's not covering ground or winning tackles, particuarly second balls.
Even in possession he drops deep. Whereby Soro doesn't allow the defence that option, he turns and asks for the ball in front to him to go on the front foot, he also is mobile enough to drop into the backline of full back areas, i'm not convinced Brown has the legs to cover both anymore.
In my opinion we need to use the expanse of Hampden to move a fairly immobile Hearts team around the park. Brown slows that down now.
It reminds me of Bitton when Rodgers first arrived or at the end of Deilas term. He slowed it down to the point the midfield became ineffective and the opposition had licence to engage our defence and soon he became a central defender.
It may well be it will make little diffrerence tomorrow, Hearts are still crap but a team with a shape and a plan. I've a horrible feeling playing Brown plays into their hands. Up the tempo and we can gain ground for calmac and Turnbull to go at the gap between the boxes they leave open with their first press.
Bottom line canny beat hearts the morra ffs I’m gonna make a fuckin banner 😂😂😂
Believe me lubo I am anything but entitled ave witnessed the pish of the late 70s late 80s watched pish stood with 9000 diks like me watching dross got dug up way a big copper for huvin a plastic bottle a water , said to officer whit that aw about , he said I might hit somebody with it 😂😂 I fuckin said who there wiz nae cunt within 200 feet ah me ffs stadium was that fukin empty . ENTITLED you fuckin bet I’m entitled mate 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🏆🏆🏆x4 ENTITLED ohhh yess four x full price season tickets tae watch in the wan house 3 or four times a year paying fur there hospitality Michelin star naw mere like Dunlop star your fuckin right I’m ENTITLED
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If Lennon picks a player then he is the right choice as far as I'm concerned. He sees them in training and I don't. He knows their stats and I don't. I will cheer for the Bhoys that he picks and for those who are subs.
Editor is me, Winning Captains on here, happy to post under my own name but as editor I often post articles on behalf of various contributors- whether I agree personally with what they are saying or otherwise. Make no secret of who I am - it would take less than a minute to find out on Google or you could just email me at editor@thecelticstar.co.uk
In fairness, i wouldn't put my name to articles considering the tactics adopted by the zombies in the past. Though you say it would take less than a minute to find on google, therein lies your safety net, for a zombie to have an intelligent thought is a stretch to say the least, but to hold that thought for nearly 60 seconds .........

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