Breakaway European 'Super League'!

Say it happens and they're in a closed league who's to say that's gonny keep fans interested long term??I think the novelty wid wear off pretty quick and the fans wid fall away asking fans to pay top dollar for tickets after a while real fans of they clubs will get bored elite clubs or not constantly playing same teams all the time will fail in Europe that system works in US cause they done it from day one it works for them over there its no coincidence its mostly American owners pushing for this hope it gets blocked greedy shortsighted bastards
Picture EPL without top six and the player it would soon not be able to attract, would become a shitty English league and TV revenue would dry up instantly if the focus is on the elite league and the money it could offer top players. Would not be long before Bayern and PSG etc etc would be forced to joining, this is the test and the change will probably happen, money will dictate with shareholders in the game and those who run it.
Picture EPL without top six and the player it would soon not be able to attract, would become a shitty English league and TV revenue would dry up instantly if the focus is on the elite league and the money it could offer top players. Would not be long before Bayern and PSG etc etc would be forced to joining, this is the test and the change will probably happen, money will dictate with shareholders in the game and those who run it.
Disagree boab, where the coaching has improved now to a degree there are far more better players around these days as the so called lesser clubs have been able to benefit from.
Take ajer for example, he can't do much more in Scotland and is still possibly the best player currently in the country are yet so young. Saying that he wouldn't be considered for the big boys in England yet, not unless he made an impression at a lesser club, so having to follow a career path the same as VVD.
There are so many of them players around waiting on been given that opportunity and where we can still look an attractive proposition for a younger ambitious player if we can get the better coaching in place.
We also see so many players when they get to play for these so called elite clubs there opportunities also become very limited, progba been a great example, man u want rid but no one wants to take such a gamble on a waster and certainly won't pay him the money he demands not unless there is money in marketing his name.
Football is no longer the game I grew up on and that's certainly not for the better imo
If this does go ahead, then the whole face of European football will be changed and we will get caught up in the whole change of the structure no doubt, but where is another matter?
The reality is that where ever we end up John, we will not be at the top table. We will still be scrambling for their crumbs. For me, the good thing is that it will open the door to get out of the sectarian racist shithole, that is Scottish football. But whether our gutless board would have the courage to get out is another question.
The reality is that where ever we end up John, we will not be at the top table. We will still be scrambling for their crumbs. For me, the good thing is that it will open the door to get out of the sectarian racist shithole, that is Scottish football. But whether our gutless board would have the courage to get out is another question.
The board would be all for it imo and possibly have to take the scum with us and then drop the bastards with the first opportunity.
We still have a huge marketing value especially with our roots and history unlike the scum, and still believe we may just using the scum for our own advantage on the bigger scale of things imo.
Don't believe we could have remained so bad all season if there wasn't something much bigger at stake.
Picture EPL without top six and the player it would soon not be able to attract, would become a shitty English league and TV revenue would dry up instantly if the focus is on the elite league and the money it could offer top players. Would not be long before Bayern and PSG etc etc would be forced to joining, this is the test and the change will probably happen, money will dictate with shareholders in the game and those who run it.
I think they would still expect to play in the EPL but instead of playing in UEFA competitions they would play in their closed league
UEFA is pissed off about it... obviously because it loses money from such a deal. Is UEFA not to blame because it let non-champions into the Champions' League and the guest pass clubs got greedy or would it have happened anyway?
It's the end of the world as we know it. The end of all fair play that is.
It's the total end of any sense of competition. A non starter I hope. Champions Leagues without Champions are not Champions Leagues. They still need UEFA consent to get cash. So it's the same threat as before. It's the "little" leagues that need to get together.
Financially this makes absolute sense. And I think it'll become so big with so much traction we'll see PSG, Bayern, and others FOMO in (Fear Of Missing Out).

It's tailored for the American and Asian markets who'll lap it up as the structure carries the incessant glamour of NFL/NBA/MLB - virtually every game holds interest to the casual/neutral observer/'soccer fan'.

These 'mega-clubs' are already making serious moves to globalising their brands (every day I see their involvement with crypto NFTs - non-fungible tokens - which open up new billion-dollar fanbase digitised collectible markets; Juventus even have their own tradable cryptocurrency token on major exchanges.)

I don't think this is posturing or negotiation - the benefits of this will have been spelled out in big numbers to them and covid restrictions on income will have scared them witless. Expect deals to be done and UEFA/FIFA kow-tow to the only thing they can ever agree on - dollars.

Question is, where do Celtic fit in? We should propose Scotland's big two playing a part somewhere; Great chance for us and Aberdeen to move away from this masonic fix.
Sandman, some good points. Here are my views.

Money has always been in football and it's always made a sporting advantage. Now the money generated isn't neccessary for the sporting advantage... it's to pay the debt!!

Have a look at the 12 breakaway clubs - all seriously in debt, big debt.

Going back to the start - The European Cup. A very sustainable model. If you gambled on winning it than you really were not right in the head because it was knock out all the way. If you did gamble ala Rangers and failed you turned in a Sevco. The great thing about it was their was only a few stupid clubs.

The European big hitters then wanted to generate more money and have a guarenteed European income. This income would then give them the sporting advantage over their domestic rivals.

Champions League was born.

The European teams then became dependent on this money and needed it guarenteed each year. They then got more spaces for the Champions League domestically.

Greed then took over - they borrowed money guarenteed from the Champions League. Which they will never, never pay back - the american model.

The debt means they don't care about about the fans, the league, the football pyramid they only care where the next $ is coming from.

Let them ROT in hell. Let the 12 go. Let them have their way. Let them have their closed shop. Chuck these 'bigger than everyone' clubs out of their domestic leagues. Let them play each other as much as they want. Let them have the English, Spanish Italian quazi league. Fans will be bored out their head in no time with it!!

And let us all go back to the European cup set up. We'll see who comes crawling back first.

I'm more angry about this than I'm about losing to Sevco yesterday.
I am actually more gutted about this than yesterday's game tbh...not that I have any time for any of the team's's just that this is now the end for football as we know it....yes it has been coming due to the champions League shitshow but football in Europe will now become some sort structured franchise based closed shop like the NFL is with the same teams playing each other all the time...trades, drafting, free agency etc will be brought in.owners will get richer, fans will be fleeced even more....teams will become franchises with the possibility of them moving city at the drop of a hat...
Past achievements like our European cup win will now be diluted and almost forgotten about as the only show now will be the big show......a move like this consigns us to the lowest levels and never again will we be the footballing world powerhouse we are meant to be
Thing is the fan backlash is huge fans are still the lifeblood of clubs if no fans go to games then TV money etc diminishes so they wid be in a closed league with I think fans leaving them in they're droves big TV companies aren't gonny keep paying for something with no fans I canny see it goin ahead and wit happens to the sky deals all thru Europe??
I say let them breakaway and see how many of the worlds best players still want to sign for them knowing that they will never be able to play in the Euros or the champions league , possibly the world cup as well. I could see the older players sign up for that, those whove been there done that etc but the younger players? They will want to represent their countries and the threat of that privilege being removed from them might make them think twice. Financially doped clubs esp the overly doped are so far in front they wouldnt be a loss and it would create more opportunities for the likes of clubs like Celtic and Ajax etc let them go and good riddance
Financially this makes absolute sense. And I think it'll become so big with so much traction we'll see PSG, Bayern, and others FOMO in (Fear Of Missing Out).

It's tailored for the American and Asian markets who'll lap it up as the structure carries the incessant glamour of NFL/NBA/MLB - virtually every game holds interest to the casual/neutral observer/'soccer fan'.

These 'mega-clubs' are already making serious moves to globalising their brands (every day I see their involvement with crypto NFTs - non-fungible tokens - which open up new billion-dollar fanbase digitised collectible markets; Juventus even have their own tradable cryptocurrency token on major exchanges.)

I don't think this is posturing or negotiation - the benefits of this will have been spelled out in big numbers to them and covid restrictions on income will have scared them witless. Expect deals to be done and UEFA/FIFA kow-tow to the only thing they can ever agree on - dollars.

Question is, where do Celtic fit in? We should propose Scotland's big two playing a part somewhere; Great chance for us and Aberdeen to move away from this masonic fix.
Makes sense to who?
So the teams that finish 7th - 10th in the Premiership will qualify for the champions league.
It's a fucking joke. If they teams want to start their own league, let them.
But they then have to be kicked out of their FA & UEFA competitions .
It will not happen, it’s just those clubs sabre rattling in order to get a bigger slice of the pie, although I’d lob them out their respective leagues let them get on with their super (boring) league