Bring Forward The Winter Shutdown

Professional football needs fans and fans need football. The Omicron variant of Covid does not care about that. An R rate of 4 means 100 cases becomes 400 becomes 1600 becomes 6400 becomes 25,600 becomes over 100,000 then nearly half a million then 2 million and so on.This is not the covid we have endured for two years. So far it is looking as if it will be less deadly and will spread rapidly. The season might never resume. The next variant will be different again.The winter break will slow transmission but if it ends up infecting almost everyone life as we know it might include the end of sport.
Glad to see your looking on the bright side 👍
Aye,maybe should have brought Xmas forward Eldest Son & Daughter-in-law PCR results back yesterday Son was at a works do, in Glasgow 10 days ago, both boostered & had covid last year so 2 less for Crimbo dinner, so I'll have tae deliver it, also will have tae get the Grandweans pressies up here, later on. FFS, was planning on getting everything done early today & parking the car up till Monday. Ach well the Stella & Glenfiddich on hold till tomorrow 🎅🎅🎅🎅