Celtic captain George Paterson, a Biased, probably Drunk Referee and the SFA's Response

Well, that may be, Hoopy, but when you look at the history of the many attempts to put the club down and then you look at the club's record of cups in spite of it, it's not half-bad . . . .

As for Patterson himself, he took the high ground and it seems despite this game he had a great career at Celtic.
i remember a story about 50 years ago a man i worked beside told me as a teenager that he was looking forward to a game against the huns this would have been around the late 1940s and his father told him your team has no chance tomorrow but being young he said to his father i that will be right what gives you that idea and his father said because i work with tomorrows referee and he was taking bets on rangers at lunchtime this is what we have been up against and still are
This problem of biased referees is so endemic in Scotland that we either accept it or we don't. What is the solution? It has been happening for decades in favour of the Ibrox team. Why does it not change? Why is it still acceptable? England has solved the problem, by having referees sign a document declaring their allegiances. This protects the referee from any unfair charge of bias. The problem in Scotland is that the SFA deem it appropriate for a person to be Mason or a member of the Orange Lodge and yet claim to be impartial. How ridiculous. The Compliance Officer has not made a ruling about Tom Boyd's comments that were made on the 17th August. I suspect is will be deemed too hot a potato to bring to the surface. Never start a disciplinary hearing without knowing how it will end up. This however is a suppurating boil that needs to be finally lanced. Tom has has over two weeks to prepare his defence and his evidence that is for all to see by watching the video Anyone but Celtic.